Friday 2 February 2024

Arts and Wellness Cafe - Words, Creativity and Art Events

Looking forward to having you join us in the Arts and Wellness Cafe.

I take you through the word of the week and look at ways in which we can use the inspiration around us in our work.  Who are your favorite artists and what influence do they have on your growth?  I share some of mine too.

The other things that we look at in this episode is:

  • Art journal process -  we look at how we can explore the different effects we can get with the supplies that we have including graphite, and water-soluble graphite tints.
  • Fabric Art projects and resist dyeing sneak peak!
  • Question and Tip for the week to encourage and motivate you - What would be your dream collaboration?
  • Arts and Artists spotlight, lots of things are happening in Barbados with the Artists Studio Tours happening over the weekend - 3rd and 4th of February.

Take a self-guided tour of the many artists' studios scattered throughout Barbados. Meet the talented artists, view their galleries, and bring home a beautiful piece of local art to cherish. In addition, this tour provides the bonus of experiencing the beauty of Barbados itself!  Hope you can join us in this adventure!

Before you go:

Check out my online course - Filling the Creative Well

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