Showing posts with label Blog love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog love. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 April 2013

P is for Passionate

I am passionate about my creativity, spending time experimenting, creating new things from old and new, capturing the essence of something with paints, pencils anything that can make a mark.  I am passionate about spending time on my blogs, it has become a way of life talking about what I am getting up to, sharing with an on line community my experiences.
I am also passionate about my family, spending time with them, caring and sharing the ups and downs, our relationships and the memories that we create together, my faith, relationship with God and my spiritual walk and taking the time to understand what my specific purpose in life is and that I get the time and the space to think on those things and leave a positive mark on the world.  I came across a great website called It Starts With Us. and they encourage you to make one small difference (15 minutes or less)  each week to the life of someone else,

Take a look at this video and their site for further information. What are you passionate about?

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's

 Art Journal Page

 Blog Love

I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter P, but a few of them for you to start with....

O is for Open

When growing up, I always told my son that he needed to be open to new experiences, to try something new, have a new experience and really live the life he had been given.  Of course I don't want him to be open to try those things that could actually bring him harm, and there has to be a balance.  

It is the living of your life that helps form your view of the world, to see the richness of your environment and learn about different cultures, see the whole of the world and not just the house and the surrounding streets that you were born, and the local shops that you visit.  I know people who are afraid to drive outside the area they live limiting themselves to seeing things in new ways.  Today I celebrate being open and adventurous and look forward to the many things I have yet to experience and see of this world.

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter O, but a few of them for you to start with....

Monday 15 April 2013

N is for News!

I wanted to share some great news and what better place to share it. 

A while ago I submitted two pieces of art for selection in an exhibition about art therapy, and they have both been accepted.

Here is a sneak peek at a section of the two paintings.

The exhibition is called Art and Healing and explores how art psychotherapy and creativity can have a positive effect on health and well-being.  There are a range of artists, art therapists and their clients who have use art in a therapeutic way.

Dates for your Diary
19th April - 5 June 2013 - Exhibition in both venues - Street Gallery and London Art Therapy Centre

Thursday 18th April 2013 - Private view - Street Gallery - It would be great if you could come!
Venue: University College London Hospital, 235 Euston Road, NW1 2BU if you would like to come to the private view email to request an invitation.

Saturday 4th May - The Satellite venue will also be having a special event/workshop on Saturday 4th May to request an invitation email

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter N, but a few of them for you to start with....

M is for Memory

We all have the occasional lapses in memory and think nothing of it.  There is an expectation that the older you get its only a matter of time where you will start forgetting.  But this is not the case there are remarkable men and women in their 70's and 80's and above whose memory is still as sharp as a button, (I think that is the saying!).

It is the memory of the moments in our lives that we will pass on to the next generation, those things that captured our hearts, and made us laugh.  We share experiences that made us think, had an impact and brought about change in our lives and we admire those individuals who made an impact on communities, countries, and who were not afraid to stand up for what they believed in.

It is in dealing with my mother who has dementia, that I see how important capturing the memories of my life will be for my son, his children and children to come.  That they will be able to look at photographs of me and say to each other I remember when (Mum, Nana Manda, Gran, Great gran) used to make us laugh and do those wonderful paintings of us (and lots of other wonderful things I hope to be remembered for!)  

I celebrate my life today knowing that I can continue to create and share memories with my son as he grows up.  What would you like to be remembered for?

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's..
 Journal Page - As Time Goes By
 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter M, but a few of them for you to start with.....

Saturday 13 April 2013

L is for Loving

Love is something that we all want to receive and to have a display of affection is nurturing.  There are also plenty of examples of the effects of lack of love and physical contact on mental health and well-being. We show others in our approach and by what we say, being patient and gentle demonstrates to them that we love and care for them.  

Some people really put themselves down calling themselves all the names you could think and some that you can’t, but we have to love ourselves and show that love in order to be able to love someone else. I celebrate the love I have in my heart for others and myself, and hope to treat others how I would like to be treated, with care.  What loving qualities do you see displayed in your life, how could you be more loving to yourself?

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's..
 More than tangled 18"x15"
  Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge,it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter L, but a few of them for you to start with.....

Friday 12 April 2013

K is for Keystone

the wedge shaped stone piece at the apex of an arch which is the final piece placed during construction and locks all the stones into position, allowing the arch to bear weight...
There are many situations over our life time where we are the only one that could have done/said/produced what was needed at the right time and place, and impact on a situation in the way no one else could have ever dreamed.  We underestimate our gifts and talents, selling ourselves short, without realising we are all part of the puzzle.

I feel that we are all called upon to be the key to a situation or circumstance at some point in our lives and provide that much needed support.  And that support can also come in many different forms, it can be the smile and hello you have for that elderly person who hasn’t spoken to anyone in weeks. The friend you listen to without judgement and really ‘hear’ them, the child whose work you praise and they go on to be the artist they were meant to be or that phone call or card in the post from you that came at just the right time when the recipient was feeling at their lowest point.  It is very easy to give someone support without even realising its impact, that could well be the thing they think about for the rest of their lives.  

I celebrate my life today, that I can ponder on all those who have impacted on my life and who have led me down the path I currently find myself on.  But more importantly to God who is the foundation and the keystone of my life.  How can you be more mindful of your impact and actions today?

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's.. 

Art Journal Page - The Light Keepers daughter 

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge,it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter K, but a few of them for you to start with.....

Wednesday 10 April 2013

J is for Jewel

Sometimes we don't realise what we have sitting in our own back yard, those precious jewels that need dusting off or showing light. In our striving we overlook these jewels insisting that we need and want what is on the other side.

Jewels are precious and shine, they make us feel precious and valued, our lives need to reflect care and love that we want to receive so looking closely at the resources we have now in our very midst that may lead to the very jewels in our lives.

Today I celebrate all those jewels in my life and my ability to see the jewels that shine in others.  What have you overlooked in your life that needs dusting off and allowing to shine?

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's..
 Art Journal Page - She was a Treasure

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge,it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter J, but a few of them for you to start with.....

I is for Inspirational

I have read many books and heard many speakers talk that have been inspirational and have motivated me to want to do more with my life, to make a change and impact on others in a positive way.  Where people are inspired you see change, growth, innovation, improvements - new ways of doing things.  There are also many quotes that have inspired change that have come out of experiences and reflection.  

I think we are all born with the capacity to be more and do more, dig deeper.  I celebrate my life today for some of the things I've been inspired to do, that have encouraged others and I pray that I continue to step out.  What has inspired you?

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's..

  Mixed media on Watercolour paper - 11"x8.5"
 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge,it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter I, but a few of them for you to start with.....

In Which We Start Anew 
In Between  
Ink in the Book
Images by Bil
Is Anyone There

Tuesday 9 April 2013

H is for Hope

...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint Isaiah 40:31

This is one of my favourite scriptures that lifts me up regardless of what is going on around me.  If you do not have hope what reason would you have for getting out of bed, there wouldn't be any point to your existence.  

I feel that the contributions that you can make to life, environment and the world are important and the positive influence you could have on the lives of those around you mean something, you are here for a reason and a purpose   Do you hope that you will wake up the next day or take it for granted?  There are some around the world that hope for food to feed their families, and many in war torn areas hope for peace, for an end to whatever situation they are facing. 

Once you have hope a way can be made, be it in the hands of others to be convinced to take action or motivating people around the world and getting together to effect change.  This hope is what we spring board from and take the actions to be a blessing to others.

I celebrate my life today knowing that I have hope for many things in my life, that I will see a positive change in the world as more people gather together to take action for a better world for the generations to come.  What are you hoping for?

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's..
  Mixed Media - Journal Page
 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge,it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter H, but a few of them for you to start with....

Monday 8 April 2013

G is for Growth

Growth is part of a process and we assume after a period of time  there should be some changes.  On Saturday I talked about being fruitful and part of producing fruit is a result of growth taking place, the quality of the fruit is something else!

As a mixed media Artist, I never assume that I know all there is to know about art, I am still a work in progress and appreciate that there are still many things to learn - new techniques and equipment that I have yet to try.  I therefore think it is vitally important to make an investment each year in my learning and development.  Along the way I also do a lot of reading and interacting with other artists, for with each encounter I want to learn something new, gain a new insight along the way which I can apply to my life and essentially grow.  Taking part in this challenge is always a learning experience and is something that has made me more confident to blog.  I celebrate my life today and I am thankful that learning is important to me.  I will continue to invest in my growth.  Can you identify areas of your life where growth has taken place?

Painting of the Day - 
Each day I share some of my newly completed work!
Mixed media 11"x8.5"

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter G, but a few of them for you to start with...

Friday 5 April 2013

F is for Fruitful

The shall be known by their fruit....Matthew 7:16

When we think of fruit we understand that it is the end result of a period of growth for the plant, and we can grow to expect it, I know that come July the plum tree in my garden will bear fruit, but it is not ready to pick until around mid august.  Outside influences can have an effect on my fruit such as the weather, birds that get to them before they are picked, pests, or lack of nutrition.

The fruit go on to have a cycle, plum pie, jam and other tasty treats and the seeds tossed in the composting bin or replanted in pots, if they are eaten by the birds the seeds will be carried far and wide to either grow elsewhere or not if they fall on stony ground.  They can fall from the tree and try and grow on the grass, but will meet an unfortunate end when Alan mows the grass.  The best hope for the plum tree is that the seeds are taken to new environments and fall on good ground to begin their lifecycle again.

Each year I expect plums and I get plums!  The tree doesn’t surprise me one year and give oranges – though that would make a tasty change.  I celebrate today that I can work on my creativity, that I will be known by my fruit – the positive and encouraging words that I can share with others.  We can have an impact on the world in many ways; let our lives impact on generations to come in a positive way. With all that you are currently doing in your life, what does your fruit look like?

Painting of the Day - 
Each day I share some of my newly completed work!
Entangled 18"x15"

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter F, but a few of them for you to start with...

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