Monday 8 April 2013

G is for Growth

Growth is part of a process and we assume after a period of time  there should be some changes.  On Saturday I talked about being fruitful and part of producing fruit is a result of growth taking place, the quality of the fruit is something else!

As a mixed media Artist, I never assume that I know all there is to know about art, I am still a work in progress and appreciate that there are still many things to learn - new techniques and equipment that I have yet to try.  I therefore think it is vitally important to make an investment each year in my learning and development.  Along the way I also do a lot of reading and interacting with other artists, for with each encounter I want to learn something new, gain a new insight along the way which I can apply to my life and essentially grow.  Taking part in this challenge is always a learning experience and is something that has made me more confident to blog.  I celebrate my life today and I am thankful that learning is important to me.  I will continue to invest in my growth.  Can you identify areas of your life where growth has taken place?

Painting of the Day - 
Each day I share some of my newly completed work!
Mixed media 11"x8.5"

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter G, but a few of them for you to start with...


  1. Thank you for sharing my blog today! I love your artwork. And what a great G letter. I have grown in my writing over the past year, yet know I still have much to learn. That's the fun part!

  2. Hello, i'm stopping by from the A-Z challenge!

    I like your painting of the day, there's something very peaceful and reflective about it, though their gazes seem a little melancholy.
    And i just love the sparkly textures!

  3. Hey Talya thanks for stopping by, there is always something else to learn, that is the fun of it.

    Rosann, thank you for your comments

    Maia, hi there, thank you for coming over.

  4. Grow is my word for this year! :D
    I love this post and you sharing yourself~ We never should stop growing-especially as artists! There is so much to do, try and play!
    Wish you were here-we could have fun making a creative mess!

  5. Lovely, wonderful creativity.

  6. Hi Amanda, I'm so glad you found me 'cause now that I have you book marked I will be returning often. Your blog is highly motivating for me and I love your mixed media art. I'm trying to develop my creative side and produce more mixed media art but I'm afraid I lack confidence. I think blogging has at least helped me not to withdraw to much into myself. I constantly question myself, why do I blog, why do I paint, what is the purpose. Still looking hope to find my way one day and then maybe I will start to grow. Thanks for a beautiful blog.

  7. I've been at the hospital all day so I'm just now getting caught up on emails and the blog.

    I LOVE getting to see someone using their creative gifts...and finding a way to blog about it, too! You're making me itchy to get to create again!

    What an incredible partnership with working with those living with dementia, Parkinson's, etc.

    I look forward to sitting and reading more through your blog, seeing more of your work, and being even more inspired!

  8. Amanda the painting is beautiful
    it tells such a wonderful story of love, family, hope

    Growth is a part of life and boy can it be painful but necessary

    hugs for your day

  9. Ella, would love to spend time creating with you!

    Maui, many thanks

    Chris, it is lovely to have you here, I can encourage you enough, get those supplies out and just start, you have a lot of talent waiting to shine!

    Leese it has been a journey and a halr! looking forward to seeing your creative projects!

    Leslie, many thanks and the hugs are gratefully accepted!

  10. Hi Amanda .. it's great the blog-love you're sharing ..

    Growth .. finding someone in the family (or two) who is seriously ill and then dealing with the situation and diagnosis .. is a growing situation and a huge learning curve ..

    I know I've learnt through it all .. and still am ...

    You definitely are and you're teaching us so much by blogging about it .. and sharing your love of art ... cheers Hilary


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