Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts

Sunday 26 October 2014

Word for the Week - 1 Corinthians 13:12

Word for the Week

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.  Now I know in part then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known...1 Corinthians 13:12

We are known in full....every thought before it leaves our mouth before we even thought we were thinking it, every flutter of the heart, to the tug at the soul, those feelings, imaginations, and longings...all are accounted for!

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 19 October 2014

Word for the Week - Romans 8:38-39

Word for the Week

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, not any powers, neither height not depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord...Romans 8:38-39

It says it all! but you need to hold on.  The ride won't be an easy one, your going to face some tough times, and even doubt yourself, and look challenges in the face, but you will get through!

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 12 October 2014

Word for the Week - Romans 8:31

What, then, shall we say in response to this?  If God is for us who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Don't listen to the naysayers, they don't walk in your shoes, neither have they walked the road you have walked to get to where you are now, fix your mind solely on what God has to says about you!

Word and image for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be.  

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands.  

What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 5 October 2014

Word for the Week - Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose...Romans 8:28

You have been called for a specific purpose, and have been called to be a blessing in the life of others, the way that will manifest is for you to seek, diving into his word and unraveling the mysteries of your purpose in him...

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 28 September 2014

Word for the Week - John 15:13

Greater Love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends...John 15:13

What is the biggest sacrifice that you have made, people make decisions concerning others every day and some do it out of selfish motivations.  Sometimes you have to make certain sacrifices to achieve your dreams and while you can't always see the end result, you have to have faith in the process...

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 21 September 2014

Word for the week - Isaiah 40:31

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint... Isaiah 40:31

   Through reading the word we should be renewed on a daily basis.  What is it that you need to let go of that is sapping your strength and preventing you from soaring as the eagle?

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 24 August 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 119:14

You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word...Psalm 119:114

The Word and image for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be.  

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands.  What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 17 August 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 118:14

The LORD is my strength and my song; 
he has become my salvation... 
 Psalm 118:14

The Lord is my strength, when all seems lost, he is my fortress, the one thing in my life that is constant.  He is my song each and every day.  What strengths lay within you that you hadn't even considered, take some time to think about them.

Have a blessed week and be a blessing.

Friday 1 August 2014

Friday Feeling....Out and about

Well hello, It has been a lovely day weather wise,  and I am really enjoying my time both in the studio, hot though it is at times, the sunny weather always seems to bring out an increase in ideas and techniques to try I will show you a few images later.  Equally I have been spending time enjoying the garden without having to dig up anything or weeding.

Honeysuckle plant

The colours are coming together in the garden, I went for pinks, purples, lilacs, 

The lavender not only gave a lovely scent when you touched them, but the colour was very pretty as well


My lavatera has grown into a tree, it has a tendency of growing a bit wild, but I made sure that after the last winter I cut it back a third, this helped it and the flowers are out in abundance, attracting bees and butterflies,  it is a shame that it doesn't have a scent as well

 The sweetpea come out year after year, and I haven't yet trained this plant to grow along the fence so they tumble down around the other plants.

 The giant daisy is another one that comes up each year and is spreading, I might have to dig some of the clumps up and plant in other parts of the garden to break up the purples and pinks
Bindweed - flowers are lovely
 Another plant that while is a nuisance, has some very pretty flowers, and this is the bindweed, it wraps it self around other plants and can be difficult to separate, but I like the trumpet shaped flowers that it produces
 ......and so I allow them to grow and then remove in places where I want to keep it free from the bindweed.

Plums are also something we get to enjoy from the garden, and the fruit are beginning to turn purple, so over the next few weeks they should be ripe to pick.  I will have to think about some recipes to make with the plums as well as hand some out to the neighbours.

I appreciate having the outdoor space that enables me to get away from it all and stop and think about the life that continues to happen without my input.  Things grow and die down, they change and adapt, and I allow myself to reflect on my life, my relationships that are so important.

We want like the blooms and the plums to be fruitful in our own lives, to be a blessing, and encouragement and support to someone else and we need to make sure that we invest in ourselves.  This could take the form of exercise, eating the right food and spending time being creative.  That said, I did a couple of new pieces, and will have more to share over the next few weeks.

I made a decision to get more work complete before I go onto the next idea.  It is always a joy to see the ideas grow, and what was a splodge on the paper, grows into something totally different.

 In this painting, I was imagining myself on a boat, and the feeling you get as you know you are going forward, but you have your eyes closed and you can feel the sea breeze on your skin, and the feeling of freedom as you imagine yourself flying or spreading out your arms like Kate Winslet on the film Titanic

The hat was the first thing that was formed in this painting, and I was thinking about someone is a rice field, - then the staff appeared in the painting and it brought back memories of the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and there is a particular scene where they are chasing each other through the trees, it is beautifully shot, and I recommend it if you get a chance to see it.

Next Friday will see the return of Gratitude's and Celebration, and I will continue to use it as a reminder of all the things we should be thankful for, as I spend time creating a journal page.

Hope you have a great weekend.  Tomorrow I will be sharing a recycled project, so remember to pass on back this way.


Sunday 13 July 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 120

Word for the Week - Psalm

I call on the Lord in my distress and He answers me
Psalm 120:1

Sunday 8 June 2014

Word for the Week - Proverbs 18:10

Word for the Week

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe..Proverbs 18:10

Sunday 1 June 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 55:22

Word for the week

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.  He will never let the righteous fall..Psalm 55:22

Sunday 25 May 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 16:8

Word for the Week

I have set the Lord always before me, because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken..Psalm 16:8

Sunday 11 May 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 46:1

Word for the Week - Image - Amanda Trought, Realityarts

God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear...Psalm 46:1

Sunday 4 May 2014

Quote for the Week - Isaiah 41:10

Word for the Week - Images by Amanda - Realityarts

So do not fear for I am with you; Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Sunday 27 April 2014

Material Mondays - Altering Beenie Hat

Altering a Beanie Hat with flowers
My mum has a hat that she loves wearing, primarily because it keeps her head warm, there isn't anything spectacular in the way that the hat looks, but I guess it is one of those things that we all have that we wear for comfort - much to my sons dismay I too have something that he says I shouldn't be wearing for one reason or another, but having lived so many more years than he I think I will park his fashion point of view for another post.
The hat before
Here is the hat, nothing to write home about, but she liked it.  I decided to give it a make over..  so a while back armed with my crochet needles and wool I decided to make some embellishments for the hat, without changing its comfort factor for mum.

With a crochet needle and wool you can do wonders!
I ended up making a couple of flowers and a strip that would go round the hat for decoration.

Flowers and crocheted strip
  I sewed the flowers and the strip to the hat once they were complete.  Here is the finished hat, modeled by mum....
 You can pretty much attach flowers to most things and they will give some added oomph when needed.
 It gives her the comfort that she wants, yet gives it an updated look

I will have a look at some of her other hats and see what updates can be made.  If you want to update an something you don't have to add crochet, you can embroider, or add some beading - find some jewelry that you no longer wear and attach it to an item of clothing for that extra sparkle.

If you are considering learning how to crochet, or any other creative activity check out Craftsy online courses, at the moment they are doing a special offer on some of their classes, and they are offering some free mini courses.Click here.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Word for the Week - Proverbs 3:5-6

Word for the Week - image by Amanda - Realityarts
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight ...Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday 13 April 2014

Word for the Day - Peace I leave with you......John 14:27

Word for the day - Images by Amanda
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Sunday 22 September 2013

How does your Garden grow? - Creating in Faith

Cordyline Australis - Palm like tree!

For close to 16 years I have been working on my garden which turned it from just a patch of grass with a fence either side, to an established space that can whisk you (in your mind) to far off destinations – if you use your imagination.  My garden also reflects the amount of work that has been lovingly put into it over the years and is full of palm trees, scented flowers, evergreens and a plum tree.  I wouldn’t say that I am an expert, but over the years I have gained much knowledge in how to look after  plants to get the best out of them. My garden is about  40% brought  as small plants 20% from seeds and 10% as gifts from the birds and 30% grown from cuttings I have received from family and friends.
We need balance in our lives

We grew up in an apartment/flat as children and my mother had many houseplants dotted around the house that she would tend to.  I would see her lovingly water and clean the plants on a daily basis and this action promoted their growth and in turn she would then propagate the plants.  I was always amazed that from one plant many generations could flourish.  When I moved out of my parents and into my own flat mum would give me plants that she had been growing and I in turn developed a love for plants, and went out and got my own.   I was amazed at how the right conditions could make a big difference to a plant that grew and blossomed to one that failed to thrive and died.  Back in those days the houseplants of choice were the Swiss cheese plant, the Rubber plant and the Spider plant which are all easy enough to look after yet give some spectacular results.

Graduating to a Garden

When I started a family of my own I was faced with a 100 foot garden, Sekani who was then just 2 years and determined to be my helper and my houseplant experience to lean on.  I was overwhelmed at first with the size and the job at hand but knew that if I had a plan of what I wanted, read up about how to go about it, I could make the garden become what I wanted over time. Some of the main things I wanted in the garden was colour, scent, birds and trees and a way to provide privacy from the neighbours each side.  Once I knew what I wanted shaping the garden to how I wanted it to look became the adventure and I was always up for the challenge of trying something new. 

Tools for the job

Each year of tending to the garden brought different challenges and blessings.  My very first plants that I grew from seed were sunflowers.  These plants are the most gratifying and a very easy to grow. With their big heads of flowers I was able to grow 9 foot specimens, and provided much food in the winter months for the visiting birds. I experimented over the years with different plant combinations, learnt to understand the soil and what was necessary to promote growth.  I decided quite early on that I didn’t want to have one of those gardens where you had to bring plants in for the winter months or dig up bulbs, but that whatever the season with the right care the plants were able to handle themselves despite the elements.  
Scented roses at the back of the garden

I have shared in posts on my blog the many presents the birds have brought in the form of seeds that turned into a wide variety of flowering plants and trees, and I have either allowed them to grow where they have fallen or relocated them to a more suitable place within the garden

Putting your back into it!

I find being in the garden to be a really relaxing experience, but you have to work hard to get it to where you want it to be so that you can enjoy it.  I find maintaining  the garden an enjoyable experience,  many a time I come out it is to either relocate, plant or take a cutting, some much needed weeding and general tidying up, or just to sit with a book and enjoy the sound of the birds.  
Down side of the Cordyline  - it sheds its leaves

The weeds and fallen leaves are something that are always going to be there so you need to make sure you keep on top of them and put things in place to make it easier on yourself.  For me the weeds are a natural part of the cycle and there comes a time in our lives when we have to look at what we are doing that really doesn’t add anything to our lives, but instead like the weeds choke progress and development.  We have to work hard for our dreams, spending time on a regular basis to see them come to pass.  The soil also needs to be nourished and you have to take notice of those times when a plant needs that extra special boost.

plants now established

As I talk about my time spent in the garden, I realise that I have to remind myself to spend time ‘looking after’ myself. As the winter approaches we loose the sunlight and the much needed vitamin D production that would normally take place and so we need to ensure that our bodies are in tip top form and have all the nourishment that it needs.   In the same way that I would have a clear out of the garden, looking to see which weeds were trying to find a home amongst the plants I need to spend time in my own life seeing what activities I am involved with or practises that need to be stopped because they are not adding any benefits to my overall health and well being.   


Plum tree bearing fruit each year
We have to make sure we are doing those things that will enable us to be fruitful in all that we do.  The bible tells us that God is the vine and we are the branches and every now and then we have to prune that which is not being productive or bearing fruit.  We can all think of activities that are a waste our time and an ineffective use of our time, so what are you going to do about it?  Take time this week to think about not only what jobs need to be done in the garden, but what maintenance jobs you can do in your own life to get things ready for the autumn and winter months and stay blessed!

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  John 15:1

..He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things...Acts 17:25

Sunday 8 September 2013

Reflection - Thought for the Week - 52 Weeks of Colour and Inspiration

Who would have thought that a year would pass by so quickly - and it has, it does, and will continue to do so.  We have to remind ourselves that if we don't do anything time will pass without us, and so you might as well do something that can not only bless you, but others as well.

I have been blessed taking photographs and altering them digitally and have a year's worth of work to look back on, and possible do something else with.  Are there things that you started out last year and have come to the end of?  It is a lovely feeling to see how I have grown and developed, and I will now make plans to develop even further
Half way through the year I started doing the 'Thought for the week' which allowed me to really reflect on the words that I was using in the post.  It would be great to hear how some of the words have impacted on your life and what changes you will be bringing to your own routine.
If you missed any of the links before, come and join me and look back over the year of images, quotes and scriptures!  Click on a links below...
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