Showing posts with label Genesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genesis. Show all posts

Monday, 13 May 2013

Incomplete - Creating in Faith

We are made in the image of God, yet we do not walk in the fullness of this knowledge.  We are broken, with our faults, insecurities and fears and we walk as one that is incomplete instead of nurturing our gifts and talents and stepping into our blessings.  We end up chasing down the wrong path that leads into more pain and brokenness, trying to get off the merry go round but telling ourselves that we are just not good enough.  Very often we are our own biggest critic and we have to stop listening to that voice that says 'you can’t', or 'it won’t work' and 'no one wants what you have to give', for these are the voices of Dream Destroyers.  Just stop for a moment and think about those many products today went on to fulfil a purpose when all around thought they had failed – the Post it Note comes to mind designed by Dr Spencer Silver. 

I know a God who tells me that he will never leave or forsake me, who says I can do all things, not some, a few or maybe, but ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.  I need not fear life, but I need to make sure that I live it with passion and to the best of my abilities, leaning on God for my understanding.  He is the one who always makes a way out of no way, who loved me even before I was formed and continues to show grace and shine his light over my life. 
Bookmark and holder

There is always an opportunity to learn, to refresh and make new and you have to open your mind to learning something new every day, and working towards your dream one day at a time.  You have not reached your final destination, so why should everything line up, we are all a work in progress, and if you enjoy the experience of the process you will find more satisfaction. 

I know that I may not be able to do everything but I will have strategies for those times when the chattering of the doubters get too loud and fix my eyes and heart to that which I have been called to do, for when I am weak, God makes me strong, when I fall he picks me up and when I hurt he soothes, for his grace is sufficient. 

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe ..Proverbs 18:10

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Note: The posts for Creating in Faith are usually posted on Sundays, apologies to those who showed up and didn't see the post.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Creativity - Creating in Faith

What will you create to make the world more Awesome?  

We were all born to be creative in some form or fashion.  We were created for a purpose and in turn we have that inner drive to create.  However you choose to express it is entirely up to you.  When I was younger growing up there seemed to do two types of people.  Those who did 'proper jobs' where you could earn a living, like in a bank, office or school and the others who were 'Artists', who didn't seem to make any money and were typically shown as messy, spontaneous, reckless, and disordered.  My view of the world was that you became an adult and worked hard doing a job you didn't like and then had children and worked even harder to give them the things that you never had.  It's what my mum and dad did and they were my reference.

Deep inside though I knew I wanted to be different.  I wanted to be among those artists who did what they loved to do, shared their passion, inspire others and who also made a living.  I remember standing on my balcony of our flat as a child, and singing at the top of my lungs a song that I had made up, about the dispair of an eleven year old trying to make it in show business.

My singing sessions were tolerated by my parents and the neighbours, though my little brother always made fun of me.  As I grew up and went to college I started singing with a group of friends, and later went on to do musical theatre, and in my 20's started painting and drawing on a regular basis.  It still didn't seem like something that you could do full time and get paid, and I always kept them as hobbies, feeling the push to do more, express more.  I now try and immerse myself in creativity and whether or not you want to make a living at it there is something about taking part in a creative activity that impacts on your state of mind and  general health and well being.

By allowing yourself to be creative you are able to go on an adventure of the imagination, soaring to new heights of possibility.  We cannot leave it to chance either, there is no way that you could leave your materials on a blank canvas without doing anything come back and find they have created a masterpiece, you have to show up and that's where the miracles happens.   Creativity doesn't happen by accident and neither were we made by chance.  As you go about your day take time to think of one thing that you find really challenging and try and approach it in a more creative way and see how it turns out.  If you want some more encouragement, check out this young man called 'Kid President. You will also find some more really inspiring talks on TED about creativity.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him Colossians 1:1

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