Showing posts with label drawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawing. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 February 2014

I Love you today because - Day 18 and 19

I Love you today because....

You have a thirst for wisdom and knowledge and you are following your dreams!

Our brains are more complex than any computer that has been created.  There is never a time that you will ever know enough, there is so much in this world to learn about, so much to experience and insights to gain.  There is something new every day that you can learn that will take you that step closer to your dreams - you are never too old.  It takes courage to step out and make a decision. When your feeling off course you will find ways to get yourself back.  Nurture and spend time on walking towards your dreams, you’ll get there – what are you waiting for, make a list and get to it! 

Show some love
Thing about 1 thing that you've always wanted to learn and take steps to realize that dream

Share some love
Become a mentor, pass on a skill and share your experience with others.

Sunday 16 February 2014

I love you today because - Day 17

I Love you today because....

You are a gift to this world

When you were born there as a celebration.  In your uniqueness you were formed and fashioned, every hair on your head accounted for.  Your life has a purpose and there is a plan, you were meant to be, not an accident, or mistake, but a gift!

Your a gift to this world - Pen and Ink sketch

Show some love
Recognize the gives you have yet to uncover within and take a step

Share some love

As you go about the day, try and see the gifts that dwell within others

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Saturday 15 February 2014

I love you today - Day 16

I love you today because
You deserve a hug

When my son was younger and I used to ask him for a hug, his little arms would wrap themselves around me and he would squeeze, we called it a squeezy hug.  Hugs are something we could all do with every now and again.  Hugs are an essential part of our emotional development.

You deserve a hug - Mixed media

Show some love
Cross your arms in front of you and reach each hand as if you are trying to touch your fingers behind your back and hold for 30 seconds.

Share some love

Give the first person you see today a hug

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

I Love you today because......Day 15

I Love you today because....

Your not afraid to cry

We cry for a number of reasons, we are happy, sad, frustrated, unhappy, tired, relieved, unsure, lost, proud, thankful, grateful, and inspired.  There can be so many other reasons why we cry and your not afraid to share that emotion.

Your not afraid to cry - Pen and Ink and Promarker pens

Share some love
The next time you feel the to shed a tear, let it flow.  It is a strength and a natural release.

Show some love

Show some care to others today, be extra receptive to their emotional state.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Wednesday 12 February 2014

I love you today because - You carried on

I Love you today because
You carried on!

There have been times in your life that really knocked you for six, you could have crumbled in dispair, you could have given up, but you faced these times with bravery and now you can look back at those times as you reflect and see the gives that have come out of the ashes.

Pen and Ink 

Show some Love
Recognise that things will happen that are not within your control, but there is always something no matter how small that you can do.

Share some Love
When we focus on helping others who are having a bad time
our problems take on a new perspective.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

I love you today because - Your Smile

I Love you today because......

You have a lovely smile

Your smile is infectious, warm and caring, you bring the sun out and make people feel at ease.  Your smile is a giving one and despite what you might go through you always have a smile for someone else making them feel at ease.

Self portrait image for the day:

I love you today because - you have a lovely smile - Pen and Ink

Show some love
The next time you look in the mirror, take some time to really look at yourself and smile!

Share some love
Make a point today to smile at the next person you meet, and brighten up their day!

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Friday 31 January 2014

I love you today because.....

I thought I would start February off with a challenge a way to make some small changes on a daily basis and one that you are welcome to join in with.   Valentines day is a couple of weeks away, and traditionally this is the month to show those that you love how much you love them. 

As we grow and share I thought we could also do with a reminder to care for ourselves and to treat ourselves with kindness remembering that before you can love someone else you need to be able to love yourself.  For me I will be just making simple statements that can sit and encourage me in those tough times as a reminder that I am still a work in progress. 

It is very easy to take ourselves for granted, and we have to have a back pack full of encouraging words and statements that you can draw upon every now and then.  What words of encouragement can you give yourself as a reminder?

Another thing that I will be doing during the week is a daily sketch using marker pens, I wanted to experiment a bit more with the following style, and do some self portraits - I have only ever done 2 self portraits in all my time as an artist.  
Image done in Gwenn Seemel Style - Soul Food
Doing quick self portraits allows us the time to really see ourselves, looking at the imperfections that we all have and being alright with them.  While doing Soul Food  course we had a session from Gwenn Seemel, and I really like the style of using marker pens, to make the marks and not worry about rubbing out and being committed to the marks you make.  

Each day I will be spending between 15 - 20 minutes doing a sketch and will post it later during the day, it will be an exercise in observation, each one might not be complete, but I want to be consistent and show up and spend the time. You can see the images that I did as part of the Soul Food class on my Mixed Media Art site.

So if you are up for it join me Monday through to Friday during the month of February and remind yourself why 'you love you' today and every other day, and maybe even try creating a few self portraits as well! Stay Blessed!

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