In support for those with Sickle Cell that affects mostly the Afro Caribbean community, Ahisha started a sponsorship page to give blood and more - (she is terrified of needles), and there needs to be more people coming forward to give blood, you never know when you might need it yourself. It is important that we all do our part regardless of our race, so step out today!
If you can't give blood, you can support Ahisha and sponsor her, read a bit about her story on 'Ahisha gives blood'.
Why Donate to this cause?
They will be using the donations to buy staple foods and health supplements to give directly to patients in Hammersmith Hospital hematology department.
They will receive things to help them deal with the long term effects of the medications they need to take; especially whilst in hospital on poor quality hospital meals.
Ok, so what you waiting for! hop along to Ahisha's page and donate so that others who are suffering can be helped, go along to your nearest hospital or blood drive and give blood yourself, you could be saving someones life.
Stay blessed as you are a blessing!