Showing posts with label slow stitching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slow stitching. Show all posts

Monday 6 May 2024

Material Musings - Fabric Projects


Join us in the studio and come and see what new projects we are working on in Material Musings, some new projects using faces and figures and completing some of the smaller stitched projects.

Here are some ways in which you can make the most of your stitched projects:

  • Display Creatively: Showcase your finished projects in unique and creative ways. Frame them, hang them on a decorative embroidery hoop, or hang them on wooden dowels or branches for a natural effect.

  • Personalize Gifts: You can use your stitched projects to create personalized gifts for your loved ones. Whether it's a custom-designed piece of embroidery or a hand-stitched card, adding a personal touch makes the gift extra special.

  • Experiment with Techniques: Don't be afraid to try new stitching techniques and explore different styles. Mix and match colors, stitches, and patterns to create one-of-a-kind projects that reflect your creativity.

For More Ideas Click Here

Here are some of the pieces that I am working on

These piece use some of the digital art dolls that I have on my Etsy Store, you can check them out Here

Friday 3 May 2024

Journal Prompts and Slow Stitching in the Arts and Wellness Cafe (Fullness)


Welcome to the Arts and Wellness Cafe. Come and join me as we look at the topic 'Fullness', we have art journals to work in, processes, lots of creativity, looking at the food forest and medicinal plants, the effects of dementia and care and lots more to encourage and motivate you.

As we gather I invite you to explore your thoughts and emotions through the art journals and take a look at some of the art journaling questions around Fullness that can be found on the course platform HERE

We are also working with slow stitching is a way to relax and unwind, we share a stitched technique, and other creative projects.

Engage in the various creative processes and allow your imagination to soar.  It can be such a freeing feeling trying new activities and seeing where they take you.  We will visit the garden and see some of the plants that I use in my Herbal teas.

As a previous carer, I reflect on the effects of dementia, and looking after my mother.  I used a variety of creative activities which not only benefited her but also me while taking part. Through these conversations and experiences, may you find inspiration that ignites your spirit and motivates you on your personal journey towards wellness. 

Together, let us cultivate a sense of fullness in our hearts and minds, embracing the beauty of creativity, connection, and compassion.  Join me in the Arts and Wellness Cafe!

Before You Go - Check out the Art Resource Hub

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Material Musings - Fabric Reflections


Welcome to Material Musings, how have you been?  We look through several projects in this video and it is great to be able to reflect on some of the work that I have done.

Are there things that you wanted to change that having put them in place you have managed to get sorted?

Join us in the creative slow stitching fun!

Before You Go
Check out my website, you can click HERE or scan below!

Monday 1 April 2024

Material Musings - Finishing those Fabric projects


Welcome to Material Musings today, I am sharing one of my fabric projects with you.  I have a range of projects that are in a stage of nearing completion and I often work on small batches at a time to get a group of them complete, and move them on to their next stage.

The projects are made up of a variety of different materials, including some that have been wax resist dyed, painted and there is some slow stitching that brings it all together.

It is a lovely relaxing time to do some slow stitching while getting some of these pieces complete, and they are now ready to go on to the next stage of their journey and I will think about what additional embellishments would look good.

Have fun with your stitched projects.

Before you go

Join us in the Art Resource Hub for the new digital download papers that are available to you for FREE to use in your creative projects.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Cultivating Creativity and Reflection: A Visit to the Arts and Wellness Cafe

Welcome to the Arts and Wellness Cafe, a place for those seeking inspiration to unleash their creativity and unlock their hidden talent. Today, let's embark on a journey that delves into the importance of spending time being creative and finding moments for reflection.

Word for the Month: Stillness

Our chosen word for the month is "Stillness, while I do have additional words that I will use alongside they help me to focus on areas of my life that might need attention.  Consider the idea of carving out moments of quiet in your day. It might be a few minutes of meditation, a stroll in nature, or simply sitting with your thoughts. Stillness provides the space for creativity to blossom and ideas to take root.  

Take a moment to reflect on how you can incorporate this word into your daily activities. Whether it's through art, writing, or any other creative outlet, allow yourself to reflect and be still.

Tip and Question of the Week: Balancing Act

Our tip of the week encourages you to strike a balance between productivity and relaxation. When engrossed in a project, set aside specific breaks to recharge your mind. Ask yourself: "Am I allowing myself enough time to rest and rejuvenate?" Finding this balance is key to sustained creativity and well-being.

Art Journal Process

Dive into the art journal process as a form of self-expression. Capture your thoughts, dreams, and emotions through a mix of colors, textures, and words.  I have used magazine images for inspiration and created a collage.  I also look at how you would adapt the activity for a carer, and ways to make the most of the activity. Let your creativity flow without judgment. Your art journal can become a place to explore and discover hidden parts of yourself.

Mixed Media idea for creating a collage - looking at colors and words that connect with you and creating a collage. It can be adapted for the one you are caring for.

Stitched Projects: Weaving Stories Through Craft

In the video we look at a variety of stitched projects that I have worked on.  I feel that each of them tells a story in their own way with the stitches, and the colors of the fabric and additional embellishments. These activities provide a therapeutic escape. Take the time to create something beautiful with your hands, allowing your mind to unwind and unravel the complexities of daily life.

This piece was created in Material Musings, you can check out its progress HERE

As you embrace your word of the month, seek stillness in the midst of chaos, and find the delicate balance between work and rest. Enjoy the video and let me know what your word for the month is and how you are incorporating it into your new year so far.

Before You Go

Check out my Poetry book - Sometimes I write poetry, - Learn more HERE

Saturday 2 December 2023

The Art of Slow Stitching and Weaving: A Creative Journey

Welcome to another inspiring week of Material Mondays!

Today, we're diving into a world of creativity that has been an important part of my life for many years. I've always enjoyed simple crocheting, but I've also been a collector of various yarns. I'm thrilled to share this journey with you, one that combines the art of slow stitching and weaving to create unique, visually captivating pieces. Weaving and stitching offer a different kind of creative fulfillment when combined with my ever-growing yarn collection.

My crochet journey has allowed me to collect an assortment of crochet needles, some of which are passed down from my mother, who created delicate doilies that covered our coffee table and the backs and arms of chairs.  While I don't have the passion to create delicate doilies, I'll be showing you how I've integrated my yarn collection into my weaving and slow stitching projects, leading to increased artistic expression.

Weaving: A Creative Revelation

I started growing my own cotton and delved into the art of weaving and spinning. This marked the beginning of a journey, incorporating not only different types of yarn but also other materials like fabric, wood, and beads. I'll take you through some of the projects that I have created on this adventure.

The Woven Masterpieces

1. Combining Yarn and Fabric:

One of my favorite creations is a fusion of yarn and fabric, where I intertwined yarn from my collection with painted fabric, which gives you a lot of fantastic colors and textures.

2. Incorporating Natural Elements:

In some projects, I've integrated Moringa and other wood from my garden.  To decorate the wood I use a wood burning tool, and other mark making tools 

You can get some lovely designs working with the Moringa Wood

3. Unique Stitched Pieces:

I've also dabbled in the art of Boro shashiko, a traditional Japanese stitching technique. It's led to the creation of beautifully stitched pieces that add a unique character to my collection. It's a way to infuse new life into old fabric scraps and turn them into something quite beautiful.

The Joy of Slow Stitching

Incorporating slow stitching and weaving into my creative process has brought a whole new dimension to my mixed media work. It's not just about the final product but also the journey, the process, and the therapeutic aspects of creating something with your own hands. Here are three benefits of embracing slow stitching and weaving projects:

1. Mindful Relaxation:

These activities encourage mindfulness and relaxation. The rhythmic, repetitive nature of slow stitching and weaving allows you to unwind and find solace in the simple act of creation.

2. Versatile Expressiveness:

Slow stitching and weaving provide a versatile canvas for self-expression. You can experiment with different materials, textures, and techniques, allowing your creativity to run free.

3. Sustainable Crafting:

These projects often make use of existing materials, like old fabric scraps and yarn, transforming them into something beautiful. It's a sustainable and eco-friendly way to embrace your creative side.

So, whether you're an experienced crafter or someone looking to embark on a creative journey, I encourage you to explore your own creative journey, seeing where there is overlap or where materials have dual uses.  Experiment with your supplies, blend different materials, and let your imagination run wild. Craft your own unique, artful path and savor the joy of slow stitching and weaving and what ever else you want to couple with them.

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Before You Go.....

Monday 27 November 2023

Crafting Narratives: Exploring Fabric Projects and Book Inspiration

The Art of Slow Stitching: Elevating Painted Fabric

Welcome to Material Mondays, a world where creativity meets meditative stitching - today, we dive into a series of slow stitching projects on painted fabric. This combination brings together the joy of stitching with the vibrancy of painted fabric - both while painting on the fabric and also using it.

Slow stitching allows you to interact with the painted fabrics, experimenting with color, stitch and thread, the possibilities are as endless as your imagination. The stitches weave through the painted surface, adding depth and dimension. It's a tactile experience that goes beyond the visual, inviting you to explore the different mediums.  

Stitching has a meditative quality. As you navigate the needle through the painted fabric, there's a sense of mindfulness and focus.

Benefits of Slow Stitching 

Expression - Slow stitching allows you to infuse your personality and creative spark into the painted fabric. Your choice of stitches, thread colors, and patterns becomes a personalized expression of creativity.

Relaxation - Engaging in slow stitching on painted fabric is a therapeutic practice. The repetitive nature of stitching combined with the visual feast of painted colors creates a relaxed state of being.

New Ways of Working - The fusion of slow stitching and painted fabric offers a unique way to work with the materials and add texture.

Slow stitching on painted fabric is a journey. It's about savoring each moment, exploring the colors and stitches, and allowing your creativity to flow organically. So join me each and every Monday.

Before you Go, Check out

Check out the Art Resource Hub on my Realityarts Course platform with FREE Weekly resources

Tuesday 26 September 2023

Free Taster Classes on Now!


You can find out more information HERE  

Come and join in the fun for Life Book 2024 Taster Sessions, where art meets well-being! Tamara and her team have put together an impressive lineup, taking you on a journey that can positively impact your health and overall sense of well-being.

Over the next two weeks, you will immerse yourselves in the world of art as the Life Book 2024 Teaching Team introduces you to a fantastic range of soul-nurturing experiences. These sessions will ignite your creative spirits.

The Taster Sessions will be available from September 25th, 2023, to October 8th, 2023, You can have continued access to the sessions if you join Life Book 2024, commencing on January 1st, 2024.  Gaining access to over 80 enriching mixed media art sessions, each session is designed to not only awaken your artistic talents but also to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and foster mindfulness.

If you already feel the excitement, you can take the first step by pre-ordering Life Book now or delving deeper into what awaits you here. Prepare to embark on a transformative voyage that will enrich not only your artistic skills but also your life. Welcome to a world where art and well-being converge in a symphony of self-discovery and joy.


Making Zen

The other free course for you to try at the moment is the Making Zen course free to access until 29th September.  You will be shown how to:

Make a time for yourself to create
Overcome procrastination with a variety of creative projects
Learn new techniques and more!

Before you go....

Sign up to my Patreon platform where you will unlock over 400 patron only videos, digital products and more!  You can sign up for 7 day for FREE to get a flavor for what is on offer!

Saturday 9 September 2023

Discovering the Magic of Fabric Artistry: A Journey with Beads & Paint


Welcome to the second installment of my stitched project. In case you missed the first part, you can catch up by clicking - HERE.

There is joy in sifting through a selection of beads, hunting for that perfect piece that will complement your work. Over time, I have curated an gorgeous collection of beads and jewelry, each with its own story and charm.

As I work on a project, I often rediscover hidden treasures from my collection, and it's such a delight to find just the right ones that resonate with my current creation.

The joy doesn't stop at beading and slow stitching. Painting on fabric opens up a world of vibrant possibilities, bringing each piece to life with color and texture. Every brushstroke and dyed elements add a unique touch, making the fabric tell its own tale.

I've learned to give myself time when making decisions about which beads to incorporate. Sometimes, I step away from my work temporarily, and return with fresh eyes that reveal what's truly working harmoniously within the project's overall aesthetic.

My wish for you is that you, discover materials that resonate with your creative spirit and rediscover forgotten gems in your supply stash. There's a thrill in unearthing hidden treasures that can add a touch of magic to your artistic projects.

Happy crafting!

Monday 7 August 2023

Slow Stitching: Completing Textile and Fabric Artwork

Welcome to Material Mondays! Today, we are delving into the world of slow stitching and completing textile and fabric artwork. You can check out the accompanying video below, I'm excited to share with you the process of working with different materials and adding intricate stitches to create textile art pieces.

Last week, we looked at an incomplete piece that I've been working on, in this video and I'm happy to say that it's now complete! I added additional stitching along the figure's body and clothes, defining the edges and creating shadows with darker threads. The completed piece measures nine inches by nine and is titled "Rest A While."

I'm considering framing it, but it will also be available for purchase unframed on my Etsy shop or website.

Here is last weeks video if you missed it

New Textile Art

Working on small stitches, is something I find incredibly enjoyable. It allows me to add intricate details and textures to my artwork, giving it a unique look and also enables me to experiment with various stitches, threads, and materials.

I enjoy working on multiple projects and I find that when I come back to these unfinished pieces, that I am able to look from a new perspective. Stepping away from a piece can be a refreshing way to gain new insights and inspiration.

Slow stitching and completing textile and fabric artwork is a journey and It's about finding joy in small details, experimenting with materials, and letting inspiration guide your hand. I hope this glimpse into my artistic process has inspired you to pick up your needle and thread and embark on your own creative adventure.

Join me next time on Material Mondays as I continue working on this piece and explore more stitching techniques. Until then, stay inspired and keep crafting!

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Wednesday 12 July 2023

Challenge yourself - Stitched projects and their positive Impact on Your Creative Journey

Welcome to Material Mondays, where we get to explore the world of mixed media art and the joys of slow stitching, painting fabric, and mixed media projects. In this blog post, you will get to see the next stage of this mixed media art piece and consider ways in which we can look at the benefits of engaging in challenging creative stitched projects and pushing our creative boundaries.

Finding Relaxation in the Challenge

I have a variety of challenging creative stitched projects and they offer a unique opportunity to find relaxation and mindfulness especially at those times where you may have a limited time.  Slow stitching allows us to make marks and doodle with thread, immersing ourselves in the motion and finding peace in the process.

Unleashing Creativity through Exploration

The challenge of a stitched project pushes us to explore new techniques and materials. I love practicing on smaller pieces as this takes the stress out of doing something new, or playing about with materials. I am now confident with adding beading to pieces because I spent time practicing on smaller pieces and looked at different combinations.  Equally with painting on some of my fabric pieces, I just look at it as another canvas and go with the flow of the piece.

The Thrill of Accomplishment

I find that when I have completed a challenging stitched project, it brings a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. I am hoping to have this piece completed by next week, and then select another piece that is waiting. It is important that we take the time to step back and admire our creation, and experience that sense of pride, seeing the growth that went into overcoming the challenges along the way.

Are you working on a Stitched Project?

Join me on this creative journey exploring the possibilities of slow stitching and painting fabrics and pushing our creative boundaries and start completing projects that you have laying around waiting for your attention.


Join me on Patreon for the FREE 7 Day Trial  More information HERE

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Material Mondays - Discover the Positive Impact of Regular Stitched Activities

Embrace the Joy of Material Mondays

Welcome to Material Mondays, a delightful journey into the world of mixed media art and slow stitching! In this blog post, we'll explore the incredible benefits of engaging in regular stitched activities. Whether you're an experienced artist or a beginner looking to explore new creative outlets, the positive impact of these projects on your well-being cannot be overstated.

In the video I share with you a project that I am working on which combines painted fabric and slow stitching. I built up the images on the fabric using stencils, and fabric paint and then found the images on the surface.

There are so many great ways in which slow stitching can impact on your health and wellbeing, here are a few ways for you to consider. 

Nurturing Mindfulness and Relaxation

One of the most great aspects of stitched activities is their ability to induce a state of mindfulness and relaxation. Working the needle through the fabric,  creates a meditative experience.

Fostering Creativity and Self-Expression

Stitched projects are a perfect avenue for nurturing your creativity and exploring your artistic voice. With the projects you can infuse your personality, emotions, and unique perspective and create something truly one-of-a-kind.

Cultivating Patience and Resilience

Stitched activities can teach us the valuable lessons of patience and resilience. As you embark on a project, you'll encounter challenges along the way - threading a needle, tangled threads, intricate designs, or the need to redo a section. Through perseverance and determination, you learn to embrace these obstacles as opportunities for growth. The slow, nature of stitching encourages you to savor the journey, appreciate the process, and celebrate the small victories achieved with each completed stitch.

Connecting with Tradition and History

Embarking on stitched projects allows you to tap into a rich tradition that spans centuries. Stitching has been practiced across cultures and generations, creating a deep sense of connection with those who came before us. My mother use to create these intricately crocheted table decorations and many other things. I was always amazed at the designs that she came up with just two simple supplies – the crochet needle and the thread.

Promoting Self-Care and Well-Being 

Regular engagement in creative activities can significantly contribute to your overall well-being. The act of setting a dedicated time for creative pursuits is an act of self-care, allowing you to prioritize your own happiness and fulfillment. Through stitching, you can alleviate stress, and boost your mood. Additionally, the sense of accomplishment and pride that accompanies completing a stitched project gives you a much-needed sense of satisfaction.

As you join us in Material Mondays each week why not bring your supplies and embark on your own stitched adventures, don’t feel rushed to finish a piece of work, depending on the detail that you include determines the length of time it can take.

Remember the positive impact these activities can have on your well-being. From fostering mindfulness and creativity to cultivating patience and resilience, stitched projects offer a variety of benefits that extend far beyond the final masterpiece. So, grab your materials, and ignite your imagination!


Before you go - Check out the Free Course: Mixed Media Art Tags


FREE 7 Day Trial on Patreon

Thursday 22 June 2023

Material Mondays - Dragonfly Slow Stitching and Beading Project

I have a stitched project from my last Material Mondays to complete and in the video that I share I show you how I would continue to work on this project.

I share with you how I would continue to work on this project by adding beading to the surface. I love incorporating beads into my stitched projects and I have managed to gather quite a collection over the years. Beading enhances your project and enables you to tell your story, there is also a therapeutic experience that goes hand in hand with slow stitching and quite a satisfying feeling on completion of the project.

Check out the video below to see how I go through the process of selecting the right beads for the project.

Here are some additional ways that incorporating beading to your project will impact in a positive way to your overall health and wellbeing.

Bead Selection

Choosing beads for your slow stitching projects can be a sensory journey in itself, carefully examining their colors, textures, and shapes, allows you to indulge in the pleasure of selection - deciding what looks best for your project. Each bead holds the potential to enhance your project and become a tiny work of art in its own right. As you take your time to select the right beads, you tap into your intuition and creative vision, creating a connection between your stitched design and the chosen embellishments.

A Meditative Process:

Incorporating beads into your slow stitching projects invites you to enter a state of mindfulness. As you thread each bead onto your needle and place it within the fabric, you focus and the repetitive motion of beading becomes a form of meditation.

Visual Delight:

Whatever type of beads you choose, each bead carries its unique color and sparkle. You spend time looking over your selection of beads and additional uses for projects come to mind. 

Completing a Project

Completing a slow stitching project already brings immense satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. When beads are incorporated, this feeling is magnified. The process of threading and securing each bead adds an extra layer of dedication and attention to detail. It serves as a testament to your creativity, patience, and the story that is told through your work.

Personal Style and Storytelling: 

Beaded embellishments offer a unique opportunity to infuse your slow stitching projects with personal style and narrative. With each bead, you have the power to tell a story, evoke emotions, or be reminded of a memory. The selection and placement of beads enable you to create a deeply meaningful connection between your stitched art and your own personal journey.

Incorporating beading into your slow stitching projects comes a transformational experience, intertwining creativity, mindfulness, and personal expression. The therapeutic effects of selecting the right beads, mindfully adding them to your stitches, and seeing the project completed is so satisfying.

So, embrace the magic of beading in your slow stitching journey, and witness how each tiny bead adds a touch of sparkle and soul to your stitched masterpieces.

Before you go...

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