I have come to the end of my December 'Try Something New for 30 days' Challenge which was to write a minimum of 100 words a day. I have written a combination of 14 stories and poems and a total of 17,177 words approx. I have far exceeded what I thought I would do and feel very blessed to have completed this challenge, its amazing to think of what you can do when you put your mind to it. I think that I will still continue to finish the rest of the stories on the list over the next few months, and I would like to also start working on some illustrations for the stories and will be sharing my efforts over time.
As this year closes I have been not only amazed at how fast the year has gone, but the lessons learnt, the doors that closed as well as the ones that opened. I have learnt this year more so that you get what you put into life, it is meant to be lived to the full - I have always known it but for some reason didn't really 'apply it'. I don't always make the most of my time, and do have my moments of inactivity, but I know that all the things I ever wanted to do can be achieved by just making an effort, however small! It is better that you make an effort than nothing at all... This afternoon I spoke to a cousin who I haven seen for over 10 years, you would think we live on different sides of the world, she lives around 18 miles from me. Our children have grown and don't know each other, I made a promise to myself to make the effort to renew relationships and friendships and especially for Sekani's sake get him to meet up with all the cousins he hasn't seen for a while or even met. So I am saying goodbye to inactivity and hello to making the most of everything and with another challenge under my belt, hello 2012!