Thursday 27 May 2021

Art and Wellness Cafe - Word for the Week - Exquisite

Welcome to the Arts and Wellness Café, thank you for joining me.  In the video today I share more about the word 'Exquisite' and you can check out the podcast and listen to the start of the week and this word.

I love being creative and sharing my work and encouraging you to be your creative self.   I also share an Art Journal page and some of the fabric art that I am working on.

If you want to catch the Art Journal Page separately you can do so below:

If you haven't managed to listen to the podcast you can do so below

Listen to the word for the week on Realityarts podcast.

Welcome to Series 3 of Creating in Faith, this is Episode 22 and the word for the Week is Exquisite

What is it that you feel about your creativity, or the work that you do?  Can you describe how it makes you feel.

You can listen to the podcast Here

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