Tuesday 10 July 2012

Creating in Faith - Prayer bookmark holders

I have been asked by Mika from Motley Soul to contribute on a weekly basis to her Creating in Faith group.  Each Sunday I will be posting a word and sharing a reflection and scriptures, it would be great to have you join us in the group and share your faith filled insights and the creative activities that you get up to.

For my creative pieces for this project I am making a series of book mark holders for each week, decorated with the word for that week in what ever style speaks to me at that moment with an image or collage or both!  The bookmark holder has a space in the side that allows you to place your prayer requests, thoughts and what ever else comes to mind.

Here is how I went about making them

 I took card, cut to 35cm x 8cm, decorated with stamps and inks and folded in half

I then took some fabric, painted and stamped on it, then cut them into strips that I then sewed in between the  longest side of the book mark holder, the two shorter sides were also sewn together to form a pocket
.  The book mark inside the holder is cut from the same card and 
is 15cm x 8 cm 

 I decorated the sides of the book mark with Washi tape that I also had a go at making - will share the process in another post.  The book mark is where I will be writing my thoughts, prayers, achievements, and wow moments for the week.

The aim is to be able to look back at all the prayers and scriptures and see how God has truely been working in my life.  The bookmark holders will eventually be joined together to create a mini book

This is the holder for last week, with the word for the week being Hope come and see the scriptures shared

Growth is this weeks word.  When I look back on my journey I see how much I have grown as an artist, and the changes that continuously take place, also thinking about the steps that I have taken and have yet to take and the amazing creatives that I am meeting  and have yet to meet along the way.

Come join the group - Creating in Faith, show us how you will be incorporating the words and scriptures in your art. Each week I will be sharing the next word, insight or reflection, scriptures and the bookmark holder for that week.  Step out and be a blessing and you will also be blessed!

Monday 9 July 2012

Tuesday Feeling - to be or not to be

We ended last week with some sunshine amidst the downpour which for July seems to be a common occurance.  Our summers have changed over the years, and we see the changes in the climate in other countries and the unusual weather they have been happening.  I have been spending more time in the garden, pottering around 'weather permitting' and decided to grow some cherries,  it would seem as if I have 3 growing strong, I'll do my best to protect them from the slugs and snails that frequent the garden.

After some lovely scented flowers, my young Honeysuckle plant seems a bit poorly, have to keep an eye on it, be grateful for any advice for the yellowing and, dropping leaves.

Every time I open a fruit or vegetable I have been saving the seeds to plant to see what will grow,  this is my latest - squash, I think this was meant to be...!

I've also tried to grow some, apples and pears - not sure that the weather is warm enough for these but worth a try, alongside some pulses that I sprouted - the black beans seem to be coming up quite well and I will transfer them in a few weeks.

I have made an effort to improve my diet and have been eating more pulses and salads.  I will be sharing some of the recipes   I did a butterbean casserole  and today I will be doing a recipe that uses aduke beans.  I have also brought some split peas, lentils, and a whole range of other beans to try.  If you make enough you can freeze them and be able to have a readymade snack as and when you want.  Let me know what your favourite recipe is.

My son went to his prom and here he is all done up in his suit and his patent leather black shoes!  He had a great time, there were all dressed up and polished as they danced the evening away.
Last but not least I forgot to share the biggest news, which actually happened on the 5th May.

I became a Grandmother!  Say hello to Malakai Dominic William Springer.  I was initially not wanting to be called grandmother and searched for examples of words used in other cultures – maw maw, numa, nana, and the rest, feeling that the term was mostly associated with old people.  I felt I didn’t qualify!.....and so couldn’t embrace the word...... but with maturity comes understanding.  Grandparents should be elevated as there is so much wisdom that they have, many of the lessons that my mother taught me now have stood me in good stead as an adult, and I pass the wisdom down to my son.

 Malikai is definitely a bundle of joy!

Friday 22 June 2012

The Week that was....

I have had a busy couple of weeks,  It is still wet and windy here in London,  but luckily every now and then the rays of sunshine continue to tease us of pastures filled with palm trees, the rushing back and forth of the waves and the soft sand between our toes....in the meantime its a toss up of deciding whether or not to dig out my winter wear and thick socks.  The garden is picking up and the Arboriculturist are trimming the trees outside the house which makes them look slightly bare at the moment.  
The neighbours cat still seems smitten with my garden and just comes over and sits on an old chair at the back of the garden sunning himself.  He still has an expression of disdain as if I have interrupted an important meeting.
I have been doing a mixed bag of things this week, alongside work. I love being in the studio, and  I have been working on some of the sessions in the 21 Secrets and will be sharing some of the art that I have been doing.  
After coming to the end of the 365 days of colour, I celebrated with having a massage.  I will be doing another challenge and be sharing some of the digital art work that I have been doing with my photography.  I will also be contributing to Motley Soul and Mika's Create in Faith Group we share our faith, our creativity and so much more!  Here is a page from my prayer journal.
Health wise, started doing some walking again, I also came across nutritionalist Daphne Cohn and I am taking part in her challenge.  She has a range of recipes that she will send you and they are delicious. I made one this week using the following:  
Handful of spinach, 5 x cabbage leaf, Half iceberg lettuce, Nob of ginger, Cup of water, 2 bananas, 1 pear, Fruit sweetener
All of this made 1.5 litres primarily because of the fruits and especially the lettuce is 70% water.  Daphne has got a 10 day challenge going where she sends you ideas and advice for a variety of green smoothies.  

Last week I gave a talk to a group of social workers about my role as a carer and was able to use some creative exercises to enable them to look at how they relate to different issues in their own life and the experiences that a carer can feel, it was interesting to be on the other side of the coin and get a different perspective of my role through their eyes and talk about the role in a positive light. I will be doing more talks and sharing some of the creative tools I have been using.
Our City of London Festival officially begins this weekend and there are over 100 events running until 27th July, I am hoping to go to a few and will share any pictures I take. The fun starts tomorrow with a tour of the Bank of England, and on Sunday running until 13th July - there will be 50 Street pianos just waiting to be played at a variety of locations around London.  

And finally, my son has finished his exams - a big WELL DONE goes out to him, routines have changed and there is now talk of learning to drive and A'Levels which he will be pursuing in September.  He has his Prom dance next week and went out and got a suit, he looks so mature in it, and has grown a bit bigger and currently towers over me at around 6ft 2.  Time has flown indeed.... 

Hope you have a blessed weekend!

Just Dance!

Every now and then .......  

Letting go of any insecurity that may be lurking in the dark and really see yourself for who you really can be, taking that leap and grab on to the opportunities that present themselves....and wave your hands in the air!
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