Wednesday, 10 April 2013

I is for Inspirational

I have read many books and heard many speakers talk that have been inspirational and have motivated me to want to do more with my life, to make a change and impact on others in a positive way.  Where people are inspired you see change, growth, innovation, improvements - new ways of doing things.  There are also many quotes that have inspired change that have come out of experiences and reflection.  

I think we are all born with the capacity to be more and do more, dig deeper.  I celebrate my life today for some of the things I've been inspired to do, that have encouraged others and I pray that I continue to step out.  What has inspired you?

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's..

  Mixed media on Watercolour paper - 11"x8.5"
 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge,it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter I, but a few of them for you to start with.....

In Which We Start Anew 
In Between  
Ink in the Book
Images by Bil
Is Anyone There

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

H is for Hope

...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint Isaiah 40:31

This is one of my favourite scriptures that lifts me up regardless of what is going on around me.  If you do not have hope what reason would you have for getting out of bed, there wouldn't be any point to your existence.  

I feel that the contributions that you can make to life, environment and the world are important and the positive influence you could have on the lives of those around you mean something, you are here for a reason and a purpose   Do you hope that you will wake up the next day or take it for granted?  There are some around the world that hope for food to feed their families, and many in war torn areas hope for peace, for an end to whatever situation they are facing. 

Once you have hope a way can be made, be it in the hands of others to be convinced to take action or motivating people around the world and getting together to effect change.  This hope is what we spring board from and take the actions to be a blessing to others.

I celebrate my life today knowing that I have hope for many things in my life, that I will see a positive change in the world as more people gather together to take action for a better world for the generations to come.  What are you hoping for?

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's..
  Mixed Media - Journal Page
 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge,it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter H, but a few of them for you to start with....

Monday, 8 April 2013

G is for Growth

Growth is part of a process and we assume after a period of time  there should be some changes.  On Saturday I talked about being fruitful and part of producing fruit is a result of growth taking place, the quality of the fruit is something else!

As a mixed media Artist, I never assume that I know all there is to know about art, I am still a work in progress and appreciate that there are still many things to learn - new techniques and equipment that I have yet to try.  I therefore think it is vitally important to make an investment each year in my learning and development.  Along the way I also do a lot of reading and interacting with other artists, for with each encounter I want to learn something new, gain a new insight along the way which I can apply to my life and essentially grow.  Taking part in this challenge is always a learning experience and is something that has made me more confident to blog.  I celebrate my life today and I am thankful that learning is important to me.  I will continue to invest in my growth.  Can you identify areas of your life where growth has taken place?

Painting of the Day - 
Each day I share some of my newly completed work!
Mixed media 11"x8.5"

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter G, but a few of them for you to start with...

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Listening - Thought for the Week - 52 Weeks of Colour

Thought for the Week
Your blessings are waiting for you, it is never to late to turn things around, you just have to decide what you are going to do and make the step. 

Above all, you need to listen to your heart and take time to nurture the dreams that live within you.  What have you been 'hearing' that you now need to 'listen' to? 

Listen to the Podcast

Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby. ...Unknown 

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."  Psalm 37:5

Additional Things to do...

Spend time meditating on the words and allowing them to permeate your inner consciousness.

Think about the changes you would like in your own life and the step or steps you would like to take. Take out your art journal and be creative, use colour, texture, whatever you feel inspired to use.

I love to hearing from listeners and you can connect with me on a number of platforms

Amanda Trought on Social Media (Realityarts):

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