Friday, 6 May 2016

Mixed Media Art page - Transformation Friday - Shona

I love creating artwork that begins one way and then goes through a total transformation.  I don't set out to draw a particular image, but allow the image to come out of the backgrounds.

Shona - Mixed media page - Every image has it's own story!

I did a video so that you can see the changes in sequence for this one, 

Check out this video

This is basically how it all starts off, from putting down materials on a page and then making the decision that you are going to tell the story.

A loose image appear and then built on, allowing yourself to be open and not bound by what you think it should look like.

If you keep pushing you start to see the image take place and the story begins

Not being afraid of change

Knowing that you will know when it is time to let go

For anything to grow you have to put in the work, nurture and water when necessary.  Creating is as important to me as my breath, it is part of who I am.

I take the time to refine, to bringing out the colors and allowing her to begin to tell her story, through her gaze, the expression on her face, until I can let go and let her stand in her own right and tell her story without any insecurities or doubt.

Mixed Media Art Page - Shona

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Sculpture - Work in progress - sneak peak

I thought I would share with you a sneak peak of a piece that I am working on.  I have got the structure, with the armature  and the first layer of clay.  I have pre-molded the faces so these were added on at this point.  

I wasn't really sure where I wanted to take it initially, and what story the figures were telling.  One figure I guess is being rescued, I am not sure that it is the obvious choice though, and I think that the story has a twist.

Sculpture - to rescue or be rescued?

I really enjoy working on this piece and have a few others that I want to get finished, they are all at different stages.  I enjoy working on more than one piece at a time as it fits with the way I like to work.  

I find when you have to wait for pieces to dry, it enables you to go on to another piece and do what needs to be done.

Sculpture - work in progress
If all goes well with the time I should have some sculptures complete by next week, so will be sharing here, so do check back.  Why not subscribe or join the mailing list and you will be updated with any new posts.

If you get a chance, hop on over to my Inspirational quotes blog to get this weeks encouragement and see if the art work inspires you.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Word for the Week - Happy Monday!

Welcome to word for the week, where the scripture is taken from Proverb 3:24 and reads:

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet

It reminds us to not allow worry as to disturb our sleep.  What is it that you are mulling over and over in your mind that stops you from getting that rest that you need?

  Maybe we need to go to the core of that which makes us worry, strip it back to the bare bones and take a good look.  There are some things that we have control over and others that we don't.  Let us focus on the things in our control, deal with them and the other things have a way of falling into place

I hope that you are spending your Monday nurturing yourself.  It is a bank holiday for many, although I know of a few that have to work today, but whatever you are doing make sure you spend some time nurturing yourself, taking time out to bless yourself in some way.

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Transformation Painting - Mixed Media Art - Pearl

I was slightly late in posting this, wanted to share another painting transformed from a background.  Check out the video of the process.  I had a lot of fun creating her

It is great what you can create from scrap papers.  You can see the shapes of the papers that went into creating the background.

But you can transform it any way you please.  And create a piece of Art that speaks to you, I've called her Pearl, as she loves wearing pearl necklaces.

Do check out some of my other art and videos.  Stay blessed and be a blessing.
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