I won three awards in the NIFCA Compitition |
I recently took part in the National Independence Festival of Creative Arts - Fine Art and Craft, here in Barbados and I submitted 4 sculptures. The exhibition yielded some amazing art work by very talented artists and I was blessed to be selected to have my work on display among them.
There were different categories, non professional and profession, and a variety of additional awards in each category.
I submitted my sculptures in the professional category and was blessed to have had 3 awards - 2 bronze and 1 silver award. It is great to have had this and I was very pleased. It is a great encouragement, especially to think about from start to finish of the process, getting the form to complete, selecting the work (finishing the work!) - I nearly didn't enter. Thinking about what I wanted to be included had me changing my minds a few times. I encourage you if you are thinking to take a step out and share your work that you do so.
Here are the four sculptures that were exhibited
The Gift - Bronze Award
The Gift has been inspired by trying to understand the gifts that lay within each of us. We all have some treasure locked away, hidden from the world, and we need to locate it, dust it off and let our lights shine. I love working in layers and for the art to express something to different people.
The Gift - Sculpture, Amanda Trought |
The Gift - Sculpture, Amanda Trought |
Angels walk among us - Silver Award
This sculpture is a reminder that there are angels all around us disguised. The kindness shown by a stranger, someone going out of their way to accommodate another, to the generosity shown by others when you least expect it. The blessings don't always come packaged as you would hope.
Angels Walk among us - Sculpture, Amanda Trought |
Angel Walks among us - Sculpture, Amanda Trought |
The Dancer - Bronze Award
The Dancer was inspired by a sculpture - The Little Fourteen year old Dancer by Edgar Degas, and I was compelled to create one. My dancer tells of hardships, over coming and breaking free. Don't we all have something we are trying to let go of?
The Dancer - Sculpture, Amanda Trought |
The Dancer - Sculpture, Amanda Trought |
The Stilt Walkers Treasure
Inspired by the Carnival stilt walkers it tells of the unusual situations and circumstances we can find ourselves in and how we need to hold on to what we hold dear. Others may see us in a different light, but it is not how others see us but the treasures that lay within. This is one of the biggest sculpture I have done so far and is currently being exhibited at The Crane Gallery, Barbados
The Stilt walkers Treasure |
Treasures and gifts seem to come out in my work quite a bit, and I guess essentially what I would hope is that when someone sees my work it creates and emotional response in one form or the other and touches their creative spirits. All pieces are for sale - looking for a good home, and I will be uploading them to my website.
There are some other exhibitions that I visited this month that deserve a post all to themselves so keep an eye out this week for the posts.
Stay blessed and be a blessing.
If you haven't signed up for the One BADASS course, you will be in for a treat if you use my code. I am giving away a free guide and class to create a mixed media art canvas. Check out my post HERE to see what they are.