Showing posts with label sculpture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sculpture. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Exhibition and Art in Barbados - Queens Park Gallery

I recently had the opportunity of having my art in an exhibition at the Queens Park Gallery for the exhibition Reparations Now and had two pieces of work on display. 

Both pieces speak to the importance of identity - knowing who you are, your purpose and what is driving you.

My Sculpture is called - Disconnect, Gather Together in Thy Name

Photo - Cornerstone Creatives

The second piece is called Remembrance

Monday, 17 June 2019

Creating in Faith - Pots of Clay

Pots made of clay don’t always look that spectacular until they have been through the glazing and firing process.  When they are first molded and shaped they are dull in colour, still quite fragile.  Each pot is made for a different purpose, some that are filled with water, others filled with wine, some go to be filled with compost to hold plants and there are still a variety of other uses, each with its own purpose and plan for its’ existence.

We too are like these pots of clay that God has formed, molded, pressed in at the sides and fashioned to be fit for a particular purpose, having then His love, grace and wisdom poured into us. We are not to be afraid of what God has called us to do as his children because the purpose he has instilled within us is to bring life, be a blessing, minister to others and show others his love and grace through our thoughts, words and actions.

Once the pots have been fired at exceedingly high temperatures and come out of the kiln they are ready to go and do what they have been called to do, and so must we whatever processes, experiences that we are going through it is to equip us, strengthen us, show us our purpose and beauty and, seeing the richness that lay within us all we have to – as the clay is molded let our lives be molded to his will.
What aspects of your life do you take for granted?  How can you shine a spotlight on those areas of your life that have been overlooked, - journal, write, create some art as your response.

Here are some of the links I mentioned.  My Cousins daughter Melissa's company called Grey Remedy check out her link HERE  You can also check her out on her Instagram Page

Part of Melissa's Range of potter

I love the Raku style of pottery and I have put together a Pinterest board for you to check out, there are some beautiful designs for you to appreciate.  I covered a workshop that artist Juliana Inniss did building coil pots below.  

She is part of a collective of Ceramic artists who exhibited together recently at the Form and Function exhibition below at the Argentina Embassy in Barbados, who have also by the way promised to host a monthly exhibition of local artists.

You can check out some of the sculptures I create HERE, I would love to see how I could incorporate the Raku effect, so a lot of experimenting is needed as my pieces are not fired in a kiln.  

Island Keeper - Mixed Media Art Sculpture, Manifesto Exhibition at Parliament

Disconnect - Mixed Media Art Sculpture, Manifesto Exhibition at Parliament

Amazon have a selection of books on Raku if you are interested in trying yourself  I have compiled list on my Amazon Storefront and check out some of the other books and resources available

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Resolutions Exhibition - Argentina Embassy, Barbados

It was a blessing to be one of the artists chosen to exhibit in the Argentina Embassy in Barbados, and the opening evening was a great success with an amazing group of people who were able to spend time talking to the artists.

Visitors to the Exhibition

Ambassador Carlos Marcelo Salord and Minister for Creative Economy Culture and Sport - John King addressing the gathering
 I had two pieces of work on display, hanging sculptures.  I had decided that I wanted to present the sculptures in a different way.  They can also stand up

Precious Jewel Sister, Mixed Media - Amanda Trought
 They were lovely to create and incorporate a variety of materials and embellishments which taps into my love for mixed media.

Earth Metal Sister - Mixed Media - Amanda Trought

I have a few exhibitions coming up over the next few months and will be sharing the work and details

Sculptures making their way home
 All work is for for sale should one speak to you and they will be posted on my website
Sculptures Details - Earth Metal Sister, Amanda Trought

Sculptures detail - Precious Jewel Sister - Amanda Trought

As usual it is great having you here, and I will be posting more regularly and have some exciting projects to share with you, and a few challenges for you to take part in as well

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Update - Survival and Triumph Online Auction - 24th Sept - 2nd October 2017

I am thrilled to have been chosen to be part of the online auction called Survival and Triumph.  The auction will occur from September 24th Noon EST to October 2nd at 3pm EST.

Me, Myself and I - Mixed Media Art

The artists include:

Donna Davies Timm, Lauren Rudolph,, Annie Hamman, Jennifer Bonneteau, Lara Provost, Renata Loree, Jennifer Albin, Lynda Fortin King, Mystele Kirkeeng, Donna L. Martin, Katrina Koltes, Jenny Doh, Dana Primrose Bloede and ME!  I feel honored to be part of the line up.

Each day there will be two artists. Dates for each artist are a surprise. Our auctions will run from 12 noon (first day), 1pm EST each day thereafter to 11:30 am EST the following day. Then the next two artists will begin at 1pm EST noon until all 14 artists are featured. Each artist will have approximately 15-25 pieces up for auction.

The auction is being hosted by Stephanie Gagos on Facebook and she has been sharing some of the work so far that will be included in the auction.

Here is a few of my pieces so far, I will be sharing more over the next few weeks.  If you would like to attend the auction you can do so HERE
Engage - Mixed Media Art Sculpture 

Remember to check out the other artists.  Our work is being shared on a daily basis on the Facebook group, and we would love to have you attend.

Me, Myself and I - Mixed Media Art

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

And the Awards goes to.......NIFCA Visual Fine Art Exhibition

I won three awards in the NIFCA Compitition

I recently took part in the National Independence Festival of Creative Arts - Fine Art and Craft, here in Barbados and I submitted 4 sculptures.  The exhibition yielded some amazing art work by very talented artists and I was blessed to be selected to have my work on display among them.

There were different categories, non professional and profession, and a variety of additional awards in each category.

I submitted my sculptures in the professional category and was blessed to have had 3 awards - 2 bronze and 1 silver award.  It is great to have had this and I was very pleased.  It is a great encouragement, especially to think about from start to finish of the process, getting the form to complete, selecting the work (finishing the work!) - I nearly didn't enter.  Thinking about what I wanted to be included had me changing my minds a few times.  I encourage you if you are thinking to take a step out and share your work that you do so.

Here are the four sculptures that were exhibited

The Gift - Bronze Award

The Gift has been inspired by trying to understand the gifts that lay within each of us.  We all have some treasure locked away, hidden from the world, and we need to locate it, dust it off and let our lights shine. I love working in layers and for the art to express something to different people.
The Gift - Sculpture, Amanda Trought

The Gift - Sculpture, Amanda Trought

Angels walk among us - Silver Award

This sculpture is a reminder that there are angels all around us disguised.  The kindness shown by a stranger, someone going out of their way to accommodate another, to the generosity shown by others when you least expect it.  The blessings don't always come packaged as you would hope.

Angels Walk among us - Sculpture, Amanda Trought

Angel Walks among us - Sculpture, Amanda Trought

The Dancer - Bronze Award

The Dancer was inspired by a sculpture  - The Little Fourteen year old Dancer by Edgar Degas, and I was compelled to create one.  My dancer tells of hardships, over coming and breaking free.  Don't we all have something we are trying to let go of?

The Dancer - Sculpture, Amanda Trought

The Dancer - Sculpture, Amanda Trought

The Stilt Walkers Treasure

Inspired by the Carnival stilt walkers it tells of the unusual situations and circumstances we can find ourselves in and how we need to hold on to what we hold dear.  Others may see us in a different light, but it is not how others see us but the treasures that lay within.  This is one of the biggest sculpture I have done so far and is currently being exhibited at The Crane Gallery, Barbados

The Stilt walkers Treasure

Treasures and gifts seem to come out in my work quite a bit, and I guess essentially what I would hope is that when someone sees my work it creates and emotional response in one form or the other and touches their creative spirits.  All pieces are for sale - looking for a good home, and I will be uploading them to my website.

There are some other exhibitions that I visited  this month that deserve a post all to themselves so keep an eye out this week for the posts.

Stay blessed and be a blessing. 

Click HERE to find out more and register

 If you haven't signed up for the One BADASS course, you will be in for a treat if you use my code.  I am giving away a free guide and class to create a mixed media art canvas.  Check out my post HERE to see what they are.

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Clay Vase - Creating on a Budget

I thought I would share another example of the vases that I altered.  I had found three ceramic vases in a local store but  didn't like the pattern that they had, so I altered them.

I give you a closer look in this video here

By taking home made paper clay and a molded had that was also made from clay I covered the vase with the paper clay.  I would have loved to show you the process, but only thought of it when they had all been covered with their first layer.

 It really does give the vase a different look. Once the clay had dried I painted it and covered with the string

 All in all I think it turned out well, and I would like to experiment with different surfaces. 

Why don't you give it a try and see how it turns out for you

Check out some of your local thrift stores for inexpensive vases and rediscover their beauty.

For now stay blessed and be a blessing.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Sculpture - Work in progress - sneak peak

I thought I would share with you a sneak peak of a piece that I am working on.  I have got the structure, with the armature  and the first layer of clay.  I have pre-molded the faces so these were added on at this point.  

I wasn't really sure where I wanted to take it initially, and what story the figures were telling.  One figure I guess is being rescued, I am not sure that it is the obvious choice though, and I think that the story has a twist.

Sculpture - to rescue or be rescued?

I really enjoy working on this piece and have a few others that I want to get finished, they are all at different stages.  I enjoy working on more than one piece at a time as it fits with the way I like to work.  

I find when you have to wait for pieces to dry, it enables you to go on to another piece and do what needs to be done.

Sculpture - work in progress
If all goes well with the time I should have some sculptures complete by next week, so will be sharing here, so do check back.  Why not subscribe or join the mailing list and you will be updated with any new posts.

If you get a chance, hop on over to my Inspirational quotes blog to get this weeks encouragement and see if the art work inspires you.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Bearing gifts - Danielle New sculpture

Danielle, is my latest sculpture, made from clay and fabric and in her hands are a tray of what look like pebbles or stones but among them is a diamond.

As I was making this piece I wanted to express how we can be totally oblivious to the treasures that we have within.  We look at others comparing ourselves without realizing that we are comparing our beginning to someones middle or end.

We are all on a journey and along the way we have the opportunity to uncover more treasures that will take us to the next level, it could be that we learn a new skill, uncover a talent or ability and that takes us in a different direction.

These treasures won't often be glaringly obvious, we have to dig around, take our time and many a time 'step out' feeling vulnerable, scared and often out of our comfort zone.

What treasures are locked up within you that are waiting to present themselves and take you on a different journey, perhaps an adventure or two!

 Danielle is part of a series of sculptures/figurines that I have been making, she is currently making her way to the sunny shores of Barbados.  If you would like to commission a piece or buy one that you have seen on either one of my blogs you can email me at amanda(at)realityarts(dot)co(dot)uk

Friday, 10 July 2015

Gratitude's and Celebration - New Sculpture - Elouise

For a long time as an artist I have been searching for that medium that would help me feel as if I fitted in.  I went on a journey exploring different mediums and styles, and it took a lot of pushing, and prodding, getting out of my comfort zone and sometimes just trying again.

After a while I became happier with what I was producing, understanding that we all have those moments of feeling as if we are not good enough and that critical voice can stop you in your tracks if you let it.

You can hide that gift, or talent and never embark on that thing that would change how you looked at yourself and your art.

Today I celebrate and I am grateful to all those supportive voices that cheer me on, who encourage and who are leading the way themselves on their own beautiful journey.

This sculpture I have called Elouise, as I was making her I was reminded about the ties that bind us - the ones that are external and the ones which we bind ourselves with.  She is in the process of breaking free and finding her joy and passion which is to dance.

I hope as you step out of your comfort zone you are surrounded by those who are your cheerleaders and supporters and you take that brave step to silence your critics despite the shape or form they make take.

Stay blessed and be a blessing!
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