Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Exhibition and Art in Barbados - Queens Park Gallery

I recently had the opportunity of having my art in an exhibition at the Queens Park Gallery for the exhibition Reparations Now and had two pieces of work on display. 

Both pieces speak to the importance of identity - knowing who you are, your purpose and what is driving you.

My Sculpture is called - Disconnect, Gather Together in Thy Name

Photo - Cornerstone Creatives

The second piece is called Remembrance

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

We Came on Merchant Ships Exhibition - June 2023

I was selected to be part of an exhibition called We Came on Merchant Ships, at the Queen's Park Gallery as part of the Central Bank of Barbados Crop Over Visual Arts Exhibition. It is Open throughout the Season of Emancipation, this exhibition explores the rich history and cultural contributions of the African diaspora.

This is the first of the 3-part series, We Came on Merchant Ships – Movement and examines movement with the works of 29 artists showcased through paintings, sculptures, mixed media pieces, installations and more. It captures the reasons why people move, modalities for movement and the various cultural manifestations of migration – forced and free – with a special emphasis placed on the transatlantic slave trade.

The Exhibition was curated Oneka Small, and runs to the 22nd June 2023

Here you can see a gallery of the opening event and the art work on display.  I will share in another post the work that I have on display and let you know a bit about their story.

You can also see some of my work on my website HERE

Join me on Patreon for the 7 Day FREE Trial - CHECK IT OUT HERE

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Artists Talks - Nala, Malcontent - A Work in Progress

Recently spoke to artist Nala at his exhibition Malcontent.

Artists - Alan Springer, Heather Dawn Scott, Nala, & Oneka Small

He spoke about the way that his work can be viewed as social commentary of the things that he hears and experiences.

Artist Nala

The link between the art created and mental health and well-being, the things that inspires him as he works.

Artist Nala shares insights to his art

And where he sees his work moving to next, the combination of theater and expression is one of the ways in which he addresses topics and themes that arise out of his creativity both as the art on the canvas and in a theater setting.

Artist Nala

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Out and about - Exhibition News - Msanii

Msanii Exhibition Sept 2019

I have been spending more and more time taking videos of exhibitions that I attend and where possible speaking to the artists.  I have found it to be a great way to connect with the artist and their work and it is always fascinating to hear what inspires fellow artists. 

I attended an exhibition presented by Artist Alliance Barbados and the work of Hebron Chism and Friends and met some new friends and ones that I knew many moons ago (the world is indeed a small place)

Artist Amanda Trought with friends
Catching up with new friends and ones I hadn't seen for soooo long!

The Artists participating in Msanii are Rolrick Donovan, Marville Alleyne, Darran Newman and Hebron Chism and was a mixture of Mixed Media, Watercolours, Acrylics, and the definition of the word Msanii means Artist/craftsman   

Take a look at the video

There was a great turnout at the reception and the exhibition continues until 21st September and is open Wed-Sat 11am-4pm - Norman Center, Bridgetown, Barbados.

The Artist Alliance Barbados organises several exhibitions and popup exhibitions around the island and you can find out more about the work they do and previous exhibitions.  The Curator is Oneka Small and she works with a team who share her vision for promoting and encouraging the arts in Barbados.  You can check them out HERE

You can also find out about events by taking a look at the Barbados Visual Arts Magazine published by Corrie Scott each month.  She curates monthly all the art events going on  each month in an online magazine, which you can check out HERE

Monday, 17 June 2019

Creating in Faith - Pots of Clay

Pots made of clay don’t always look that spectacular until they have been through the glazing and firing process.  When they are first molded and shaped they are dull in colour, still quite fragile.  Each pot is made for a different purpose, some that are filled with water, others filled with wine, some go to be filled with compost to hold plants and there are still a variety of other uses, each with its own purpose and plan for its’ existence.

We too are like these pots of clay that God has formed, molded, pressed in at the sides and fashioned to be fit for a particular purpose, having then His love, grace and wisdom poured into us. We are not to be afraid of what God has called us to do as his children because the purpose he has instilled within us is to bring life, be a blessing, minister to others and show others his love and grace through our thoughts, words and actions.

Once the pots have been fired at exceedingly high temperatures and come out of the kiln they are ready to go and do what they have been called to do, and so must we whatever processes, experiences that we are going through it is to equip us, strengthen us, show us our purpose and beauty and, seeing the richness that lay within us all we have to – as the clay is molded let our lives be molded to his will.
What aspects of your life do you take for granted?  How can you shine a spotlight on those areas of your life that have been overlooked, - journal, write, create some art as your response.

Here are some of the links I mentioned.  My Cousins daughter Melissa's company called Grey Remedy check out her link HERE  You can also check her out on her Instagram Page

Part of Melissa's Range of potter

I love the Raku style of pottery and I have put together a Pinterest board for you to check out, there are some beautiful designs for you to appreciate.  I covered a workshop that artist Juliana Inniss did building coil pots below.  

She is part of a collective of Ceramic artists who exhibited together recently at the Form and Function exhibition below at the Argentina Embassy in Barbados, who have also by the way promised to host a monthly exhibition of local artists.

You can check out some of the sculptures I create HERE, I would love to see how I could incorporate the Raku effect, so a lot of experimenting is needed as my pieces are not fired in a kiln.  

Island Keeper - Mixed Media Art Sculpture, Manifesto Exhibition at Parliament

Disconnect - Mixed Media Art Sculpture, Manifesto Exhibition at Parliament

Amazon have a selection of books on Raku if you are interested in trying yourself  I have compiled list on my Amazon Storefront and check out some of the other books and resources available

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Barbados Visual Arts Magazine March 2019 Issue

For those of you who love the arts, each month I will be sharing with you a monthly online Arts magazine edited and published by Artist and Photographer Corrie Scott called Barbados Visual Arts.  When I used to come down to Barbados, this was my go-to publication because it has practically everything that is happening creatively around the Island.  Also remember to check out the Barbados Arts Events Facebook Group for more events.

In this Issue you will find the following and more:

Gallery openings, arts workshops, reviews, featured artists and more. The cover painting is by Artist Joanna Whittaker.


Artist Heidi Berger ‘My Sister and I’. Hosted by Frame & Art Gallery.
Weaver artist Sylvester Clarke ‘Expressions’ Curated by Artist Alliance Barbados. Hosted by Norman Centre
Artist Walter Bailey Curated by Artist Alliance Barbados. Hosted by Norman Centre.
Group Show at The Barbados Arts Council Gallery.

Featured artists in the Open Studio Tours collaboration with CaFA and Artist Alliance Barbados on Thursday March 7th and Fri March 8th

Artist Joanna Whittaker
Artist Ann Rudder
BPS March theme of ‘Fine Art & Abstracts’

‘Creativity Is The Foundation Of A Strong Community’ by Sarah Thomson

Plus many individual pages of art and photography. With added arts events, open studios and workshops.

Also check out some of the previous issues of the Magazine, there are some great articles and information about the artists on the island.

A big Thank you goes out to Corrie Scott who pulls all this together for FREE each and every month.  
Do SHARE the information and support the arts and artists in Barbados, and make sure that you put the events in your diary, you won't want to miss them!!

For now, stay blessed and be a blessing, if you want to know more information about anything in particular you can leave a message in the comments or on the Facebook.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Resolutions Exhibition - Argentina Embassy, Barbados

It was a blessing to be one of the artists chosen to exhibit in the Argentina Embassy in Barbados, and the opening evening was a great success with an amazing group of people who were able to spend time talking to the artists.

Visitors to the Exhibition

Ambassador Carlos Marcelo Salord and Minister for Creative Economy Culture and Sport - John King addressing the gathering
 I had two pieces of work on display, hanging sculptures.  I had decided that I wanted to present the sculptures in a different way.  They can also stand up

Precious Jewel Sister, Mixed Media - Amanda Trought
 They were lovely to create and incorporate a variety of materials and embellishments which taps into my love for mixed media.

Earth Metal Sister - Mixed Media - Amanda Trought

I have a few exhibitions coming up over the next few months and will be sharing the work and details

Sculptures making their way home
 All work is for for sale should one speak to you and they will be posted on my website
Sculptures Details - Earth Metal Sister, Amanda Trought

Sculptures detail - Precious Jewel Sister - Amanda Trought

As usual it is great having you here, and I will be posting more regularly and have some exciting projects to share with you, and a few challenges for you to take part in as well

Sunday, 4 March 2018

March Art Exhibition in Barbados

March is always a busy month for Art Exhibitions, thought I would let you know what I have been working on for the next month.

Art at the CRANE, St Philip

Presence - Mixed Media Art Painting - Amanda Trought

Mixed Media Art Paintings for CRANE Exhibition - Amanda Trought

Caribbean Fine Art Fair (CAFA), Grand Sal, Barbados

I will also be taking part in the CAFA Fair with some Art Fabric Wall Hangings.

Mixed Media Art Wall Hanging - Amanda Trought

Retentions' Exhibition
Until 24th March 2018 

Moving Forward, Looking Back - Mixed Media Art Amanda Trought

Lots more activities going on around Barbados this month so it is a good idea to check out the monthly magazine - Barbados Visual Arts Magazine published by Corrie Scott.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

We Pledge Allegiance - Exhibition - A Feast for the Eyes!

"We Pledge Allegiance" Curated by Oneka Small

This is one of those exhibitions that if you missed, you really missed out.  It was a real treat to experience the feeling of going into an Art Gallery and feeling like a kid in a candy store, with such a feast to the eyes, at every corner you looked there was a delight to be viewed.  

This was truly a brilliant exhibition.  Curated by Oneka Small, it ran from November 15th - December 17th at #1 Manor Lodge a 8,000 square foot space donated by Adrian Elcock. 

I had many favorite pieces

It was perfect, it was transformed from an office space to an art gallery in two weeks!  It was expertly filled by Oneka a very talented artist and curator and her team of people who gave their assistance to make this happen.

It was amazing, as soon as you walked into the space you knew that you were going to have every one of your senses inspired.  The space felt like it had always been a gallery and had breathed inspiration, creativity and talent, and you wanted to spend time there and you left feeling filled.

The location was ideal and it would be great if it could be used in the long term as a gallery.....
..... a space among us ....hidden in plain sight... there all along, housing the creative talents of the many artists living in Barbados!  It definitely is something to think about and the 'Manor Lodge Gallery' or the 'Elcock Gallery' has a certain ring to it!! (smile)

There were over 90 artists and well over 350 pieces of art by talented established as well as up-and-coming artists in Barbados - here are Artists that exhibited - 
Adrian Richards, Aguinaldo Belgrave, Akyem-i Ramsay, Alison Chapman-andrews, Allie Callender, Ancel Daniel, Anya Stephen, Ann Rudder, Anisah Wood, Arlette Sthill, Ashanti Trotman, Aurelia Walcott, Bill Grace, Catherine Forter Cheeatow, Cher Antoinette, Cherise Harris, Combemere School, Corrie Scott, Cy Hutchinson, Danielle ☥ Toppin, David Skinner, Don Small, Ewan Atkinson, Frank Taylor, Franz Phillips, Fred Odle, Gail Pounder-Speede, Graham Gill, Heather-Dawn Scott, Hedy Klineman, Henry Fraser, Heidi Berger, Heshimu Akin-yemi, Ichia Tiyi, Ilix, Indra Rudder, Ireka Jelani, Ras Jamonn Roberts, Jeena Chatrani, Joyce Daniel, Julia Seymour, Juliana Inniss, Kenneth Blackman, Kraig Yearwood, Leslie Taylor, Lilian Sten-Nicholson, Lorna Wilson, Lisle Warner, Marlon Ilion Skeete, Martina Pile Zahles, Margaret Herbert, Mathew Clarke, Na La, Nakazzi Hutchinson, Natalie Atkins-Hinds, Neville Crawford, Neville Legall, Nick Whittle, Oneka Small, Petra Toyin, Rae Garnes, Ras Ishi, Risée Chaderton-Charles, Rivenis, Rodney S. Ifill, Ronald Williams, Rupert Piggott, Sade Payne, Simbah Pile, Steven Haynes, Tandem, Israel Mapp, Taneisha Shepherd, Tracy Greenidge, Troy Romelle Bourne, Victor Collector, Virgil Broodhagen, William Cummins, Willie Alleyne, Woodpecker, Eileen Hamilton, Mary Armstrong, C Skeete, Norma Talma, Karl Broodhagen, Gordon Parkinson, Robert J MacLeod, Golde White, K C Hawkins, Bertalan.

Check out some of the names.  Luckily for you an online album has been created for viewing.  Check out the ONLINE GALLERY  Some of the work may still be on SALE so if you see something you like let them know.  

Once again, we were treated to  a really great exhibition, and I am looking forward to the next one!

If you want to keep updated with news check out the Barbados Visual Arts Event and you can Pop over to my Destination Barbados - Wanted in Barbados Blog for more creative ins and outs that I get up to on the island - a bit more of a taster.

 Wanted in Barbados

Friday, 9 December 2016

Anonymous Charity Art Show - starts today!

The Event

I will be taking part in the Anonymous Charity Art Show again this year, which is run by the The Frame & Art Co

I have submitted 6 pieces to this charity event and it would be great to have you come out and join us, if your anywhere near Barbados! You will be able to see art and purchase art from a great list of artists.

The 'Anonymous' Charity Art Show Opens TODAY between 5.30pm and 8.30pm and continues to 14th January 2017 and you will be able to see over 150 original paintings.

The Art

Each painting is created on 12” x 12” canvases and in a variety of styles and subject matter, and will be sold for $350 Bds each.  The artists will remain a mystery until after the purchase.  This is amazing value for an original work of art, and with Christmas and birthdays and other celebratory events coming up they do make beautiful gifts.  

In fact why wait until you have a reason, you don't need a reason to purchase art, at the end of the day it is a great way to support artists and raise funds for charity as well.

The Charity

A portion of the proceeds will go towards the Nature Fun Ranch, run by Corey A Lane, which helps young people with their personal development, by cultivating positive outlooks. The ranch allows young people to speak freely with one another about important topics, including HIV/AIDS, providing them with a positive focus to guide their lives in the right direction, in a rural setting while tending to horses, working vegetable patches, or managing fish hatcheries.

Artists participating

Here is a list of the artists participating in this exhibition, some are established artists and some are up and coming - including yours truly there in the mix as well! : 

Akilah Watts, Alanis Forde, Alexandra Hanschell, Alison Chapman Andrews, Amanda Springer, Ancel Daniel, Andy Peirce, Angela Simpson, Anika Millington, Anna Gibson, Barbara Pickering Caroline Gill, Carol Dawn Hunte, Cathy Alkins, Cherise Harris, Christine Farmer, Corrie Scott, Darla Trotman, Donald Johnson Erika Haddad, Elizabeth McKenzie, Gail Oelmann, Heather Dawn Scott, Heather Meyer, Heidi Berger, Helen Tulip, Jackie Philip Jared Burton, Jean Blades, Jeanne Morgan, Julianne Gill, Julia Seymour, Justin Downey, Justin Small, Katherine Kennedy, Kate Hoenen, Keyonne Yarde, Kristine Choy, Linda Hallwood, Linda Tudor, Loralie Seymour, Lorna Rose, Lorna Wilson, Maria Stanford, Mario Holder, Markley Clarke, Michael Alkins, Michelle Bowe Moreen Beale, Morissa Singh, Natalie Atkins-Hinds, Norma Farmer, Patricia Hernandez, Penny Rollitt, Rachel Mouttet, Rosalie Chiara Roseanne Milligan, Rosemary Ellis, Rosemary Parkinson, Shanika Grimes, Shari Garnes, Sian Pampellone, Simply Saffie, Stella Hackett, Sue Williams, Susan Alleyne Forde, Tanya Foster, Wayne Hinds, Yasmin Vizcarrando and Yolande Lewis.

I am looking forward to seeing you there, it will be great!  If you cannot make it today, make sure that you take the time to visit the gallery you have until 14th January 2017!

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