Showing posts with label pots of clay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pots of clay. Show all posts

Monday, 17 June 2019

Creating in Faith - Pots of Clay

Pots made of clay don’t always look that spectacular until they have been through the glazing and firing process.  When they are first molded and shaped they are dull in colour, still quite fragile.  Each pot is made for a different purpose, some that are filled with water, others filled with wine, some go to be filled with compost to hold plants and there are still a variety of other uses, each with its own purpose and plan for its’ existence.

We too are like these pots of clay that God has formed, molded, pressed in at the sides and fashioned to be fit for a particular purpose, having then His love, grace and wisdom poured into us. We are not to be afraid of what God has called us to do as his children because the purpose he has instilled within us is to bring life, be a blessing, minister to others and show others his love and grace through our thoughts, words and actions.

Once the pots have been fired at exceedingly high temperatures and come out of the kiln they are ready to go and do what they have been called to do, and so must we whatever processes, experiences that we are going through it is to equip us, strengthen us, show us our purpose and beauty and, seeing the richness that lay within us all we have to – as the clay is molded let our lives be molded to his will.
What aspects of your life do you take for granted?  How can you shine a spotlight on those areas of your life that have been overlooked, - journal, write, create some art as your response.

Here are some of the links I mentioned.  My Cousins daughter Melissa's company called Grey Remedy check out her link HERE  You can also check her out on her Instagram Page

Part of Melissa's Range of potter

I love the Raku style of pottery and I have put together a Pinterest board for you to check out, there are some beautiful designs for you to appreciate.  I covered a workshop that artist Juliana Inniss did building coil pots below.  

She is part of a collective of Ceramic artists who exhibited together recently at the Form and Function exhibition below at the Argentina Embassy in Barbados, who have also by the way promised to host a monthly exhibition of local artists.

You can check out some of the sculptures I create HERE, I would love to see how I could incorporate the Raku effect, so a lot of experimenting is needed as my pieces are not fired in a kiln.  

Island Keeper - Mixed Media Art Sculpture, Manifesto Exhibition at Parliament

Disconnect - Mixed Media Art Sculpture, Manifesto Exhibition at Parliament

Amazon have a selection of books on Raku if you are interested in trying yourself  I have compiled list on my Amazon Storefront and check out some of the other books and resources available

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Creating on a Budget - Figure Vase

Well here we are for another week of working with vases.  Here is the video of this weeks vase and what it looks like physically.

 This is the third vase that I had found at a thrift store, and it had a floral pattern on, I wish I had taken a photograph of it before I had altered it.

 I find that once I get a creative idea I get so caught up in it I just have to go all out, until I have no choice but to stop.  These vases have turned out far better than I had hoped, and you can see the other vases that I altered HERE and HERE

The idea behind creating them is to show you how you can create a tight budget, and with a little bit of imagination you can still produce some beautiful pieces, if not for yourself you can give them as gifts or even sell them! 

So armed with my paper clay I covered this vase and then formed a figure around the sides.  Paper clay was great to work with, and it gives you additional texture that for me works well with this piece.

I hope to work on some larger pieces, whether it is my own vase or bowl that I make from start to finish or alter something else.

I painted this one with black paint then buffed it over with Rub 'n Buff which gives you a gold finish (they come in a variety of finishes) and a little goes a long way.  You can also use gold or silver paint, by dry brushing.

I will at some point be doing a tutorial of the process, and keep a look out for my paper clay tutorial.

So this is the finished piece.  I could have also scraped some details into the clay before it dried, and you can do this with a variety of materials that you find around the home, that you can incorporate into your studio supplies.

I really like how they turned out and will definitely be doing some more.  Here is a link to the two posts for you to see how they turned out Here and Here

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Creating on a Budget - Fabric Vase

So sorry that I haven't been around here on my blog.  I have lots to share over the coming weeks about things that I have been getting involved with.  It is great to be able to share some of the opportunities that have come about and as they bless me I hope to be able to bless you as well.

I have been playing around with different materials in the studio, looking at ways in which you can create art especially when your on a budget.  I have a range of projects on my blog that where I have used recycled materials that can be transformed into a work of art and so thought I create a series of a few more things that you can make.  I will rearranging my blog to make some of the projects more accessible, and there will be step by step projects, so please do come back.  Also sign up for my newsletter - the first issue will be out in July, and there will be lots of hints and tips to help you on your creative journey

Fabric Coated Vase
I found some mini vases at my local dollar store.  It can be a great place to find things that you can transform and utilize in your studio, and I have loads of cool projects coming up. 

The original surface of the vase was a lightly engraved but nothing to write home about, so I decided to change them.

I created a face from a mold out of clay and attached using paper clay (another thing I will show you how to make), I then tore up strips of fabric and armed with my powertex (one of my favorite supplies at the moment), coated the fabric and then applied to the vase.

 As the fabric dried I also wrapped it with string to give it additional texture.  Once it all dried I highlighted areas with gold and bronze paint.  I have a video of the vase coming up on my YouTube channel so check there to see it up and personal lol!

I love it, and think it looks quite cool.  I have two more that I will be altering and sharing with you over the coming weeks. 

Fabric Coated Vase - Amanda Trought

Stay blessed and be a blessing!
While your at it check out Craftsy online courses, there are some free ones


Sunday, 28 April 2013

Pots of Clay - Creating in Faith

 Teabag Treasures Series - Fit for purpose

Pots made of clay don’t always look that spectacular until they have been through the glazing and firing process.  When they are first moulded and shaped they are dull in colour, still quite fragile.  Each pot is made for a different purpose, some that are filled with water, others filled with wine, some go to be filled with compost to hold plants and there are still a variety of other uses, each with its own purpose and plan for its’ existence.

We too are like these pots of clay that God has formed, moulded, pressed in at the sides and fashioned to be fit for a particular purpose, having then His love, grace and wisdom poured into us. We are not to be afraid of what God has called us to do as his children because the purpose he has instilled within us is to bring life, be a blessing, minister to others and show others his love and grace through our thoughts, words and actions.

Once the pots have been fired at exceedingly high temperatures and come out of the kiln they are ready to go and do what they have been called to do, and so must we whatever processes, experiences that we are going through it is to equip us, strengthen us, show us our purpose and beauty and, seeing the richness that lay within us all we have to – as the clay is moulded let our lives be moulded to his will.
What aspects of your life do you take for granted?  How can you shine a spotlight on those areas of your life that have been overlooked, - journal, write, create some art as your response.

He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel.     Jeremiah 18:6

You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it,  “You did not make me”?  Can the pot say to the potter, “You know nothing”?   Isaiah 29:16
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