So sorry that I haven't been around here on my blog. I have lots to share over the coming weeks about things that I have been getting involved with. It is great to be able to share some of the opportunities that have come about and as they bless me I hope to be able to bless you as well.
I have been playing around with different materials in the studio, looking at ways in which you can create art especially when your on a budget. I have a range of projects on my blog that where I have used recycled materials that can be transformed into a work of art and so thought I create a series of a few more things that you can make. I will rearranging my blog to make some of the projects more accessible, and there will be step by step projects, so please do come back. Also sign up for my newsletter - the first issue will be out in July, and there will be lots of hints and tips to help you on your creative journey
Fabric Coated Vase |
I found some mini vases at my local dollar store. It can be a great place to find things that you can transform and utilize in your studio, and I have loads of cool projects coming up.
The original surface of the vase was a lightly engraved but nothing to write home about, so I decided to change them.
I created a face from a mold out of clay and attached using paper clay (another thing I will show you how to make), I then tore up strips of fabric and armed with my powertex (one of my favorite supplies at the moment), coated the fabric and then applied to the vase.
As the fabric dried I also wrapped it with string to give it additional texture. Once it all dried I highlighted areas with gold and bronze paint. I have a video of the vase coming up on my YouTube channel so check there to see it up and personal lol!
I love it, and think it looks quite cool. I have two more that I will be altering and sharing with you over the coming weeks.
Fabric Coated Vase - Amanda Trought |
Stay blessed and be a blessing!