I am excited to share that later this month I will be speaking at an event called The Art of The Intuitive Mind and I’d like to invite you to come along.
It’s a gathering of creative souls who will share the practices and rituals that they use to connect to their intuition and to create from a place of infinite potential.
When you follow your intuition you are listening to the whispers of your soul, the Holy Spirit rather than the noise of the world around you. Letting go of what everyone else is doing, how they are doing it, or how you think they think you should be doing it and the limits of what seems possible, instead you follow what feels right in your heart, you sense it, you know it.
When you take action from this place of alignment you get more of what you want in your life, rather than more of what you don’t want. There are 14 amazing speakers, including myself and we all share our point of view and guide you in an exercise to tap into that place using creativity as the expression.
Following your intuition takes practice, but you can learn to listen to that still small voice, see the spark, or that glimmer that catches your eye, and learn to discern between being led by fear and lack and being guided by peace, being enough, limitless abundance, knowing and trust. I hope you join us.
Find out more and register for free HERE.