Hello and welcome, time for a garden treat and you can join me for a stroll in my tropical garden. I will give you a quick update on what has been happening in the space.
First off, I'm thrilled to share that my passion fruit vines are flourishing. Out of a hundred plants, I'm proud to say that five have managed to survive. These resilient vines have encountered a challenge in the form of spiky, brown caterpillars. I've been diligently picking them off to protect the leaves from their ravenous appetite.
Check out the video and see some of the changes for yourself. The plants were struggling, but a good rain shower last night seems to have revived them. With a combination of sunshine and rain, I anticipate a lush and vibrant garden in the near future.
One challenge I'm currently facing is the overwhelming growth of my Clammy cherry tree. Its branches have extended beyond my reach, and it's encroaching on my neighbor's space. I need to trim back the branches and maintain its shape. I often repurpose the pruned branches for my deadwood hedge. The tree had another unexpected issue when all its leaves suddenly fell off. However, it has bounced back and is now adorned with lots of fruit.
As we continue our garden tour, we come across a tree that I believe to be an apple blossom tree. I've been investigating its identity for a while, and the flowers seem to resemble those of an apple blossom tree. If you have any insights or different information, please leave a comment and let me know.
Throughout the garden, the lush scents of various plants fill the air. The henna plant, with its tiny flowers, adds to the delightful fragrance. Even the shack shack trees, known for their unique fragrance, contribute to the amazing aromas of my garden. Their delicate yellow flowers and sweet scent create a tranquil and enchanting atmosphere.
A lot of the plants in the garden are good for attracting pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. They love the flowers of the moringa tree, scaevola plant. It is good to have a variety of plants which provide essential food sources for these important pollinators.
I hope you've enjoyed this glimpse into my ever-evolving garden. It's a place of constant discovery and joy, where nature's wonders unfold before my eyes. Gardening has become my creative outlet, allowing me to express my love for nature and cultivate a sanctuary of beauty and tranquility.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about specific plants or gardening techniques, feel free to ask. Happy gardening!