Monday, 13 May 2013

Incomplete - Creating in Faith

We are made in the image of God, yet we do not walk in the fullness of this knowledge.  We are broken, with our faults, insecurities and fears and we walk as one that is incomplete instead of nurturing our gifts and talents and stepping into our blessings.  We end up chasing down the wrong path that leads into more pain and brokenness, trying to get off the merry go round but telling ourselves that we are just not good enough.  Very often we are our own biggest critic and we have to stop listening to that voice that says 'you can’t', or 'it won’t work' and 'no one wants what you have to give', for these are the voices of Dream Destroyers.  Just stop for a moment and think about those many products today went on to fulfil a purpose when all around thought they had failed – the Post it Note comes to mind designed by Dr Spencer Silver. 

I know a God who tells me that he will never leave or forsake me, who says I can do all things, not some, a few or maybe, but ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.  I need not fear life, but I need to make sure that I live it with passion and to the best of my abilities, leaning on God for my understanding.  He is the one who always makes a way out of no way, who loved me even before I was formed and continues to show grace and shine his light over my life. 
Bookmark and holder

There is always an opportunity to learn, to refresh and make new and you have to open your mind to learning something new every day, and working towards your dream one day at a time.  You have not reached your final destination, so why should everything line up, we are all a work in progress, and if you enjoy the experience of the process you will find more satisfaction. 

I know that I may not be able to do everything but I will have strategies for those times when the chattering of the doubters get too loud and fix my eyes and heart to that which I have been called to do, for when I am weak, God makes me strong, when I fall he picks me up and when I hurt he soothes, for his grace is sufficient. 

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe ..Proverbs 18:10

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Note: The posts for Creating in Faith are usually posted on Sundays, apologies to those who showed up and didn't see the post.

Community - Thought for the Week - 52 Weeks of Colour and Inspiration

Thought for the Week...

You have the ability to step out and soar, you are among many who are supportive and who share your vision and passion.  There is room for you to stretch your wings, to take those steps do not be afraid to be out of your comfort zone. Armed with this shared vision take a step closer to your dreams.  Who can you reach out to in your community this week, Blessings, Amanda

The more one gives, the more one has to give. ...Anne Morrow Lindberg 

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28


Friday, 10 May 2013

Ultimate Road Trip - Post A to Z Road Trip

'I know what we are going to do today' said Phinius to Ferb

It has been nearly two weeks since the last A-Z April Challenge post and I have been meaning to spend the time visiting some of the other blogs that I didn't have a chance to visit during April, there are so many inspiring blogs out there and we got to sample over 1000+ of them, so I decided to join the Ultimate Road Trip, if you want to join you can sign up on the link above.  Every Wednesday and Saturday I will be sharing some of the blogs from the challenge that I have visited and leave links for you to have a look as well.

I find after the challenge I tend to do a lot of reflecting and often need to take some time out.  I have been trying to decide what I was going to start sharing on my blog, what I aimed to achieve for the coming months and things that needed to be put in place - and there has been a lot of stuff!  Essentially though,  I have found this month for me has had an emphasis on the building of relationships.  This has become increasingly important and whether you see the person all the time or whether you connect online building up the relationship takes time and effort on both parts, but can be so rewarding.  It was great to visit new blogs and share posts and comments, all which were encouraging and supportive!

I have also noticed other things that have come out of the challenge and that is confidence and peace.  I am organising my studio and have lots of work that I managed to complete as part of the challenge that probably would not have been finished, and this has spurred me on to try and do more with the things that I create.  I am also in the process of doing some technique and instructional videos that show you a painting from start to finish.  In my treasures post I am reminded that we all do have so many treasures locked away inside that we need to dust off, because someone somewhere around the world is waiting to be blessed by that very talent you took for granted, and you need to just go for it.  The words for my challenge for April are words that I think we all need to remind ourselves of from time to time, speaking them into our lives, and this month the celebrations will continue as there are more talents and abilities to uncover.  If you didn't get a chance to see all my posts for the challenge you can click on anyone of the words below.
For those of you who took part in the A-Z Challenge Woven Tale Press are offering fellow A-Z'rs an opportunity to appear in their online magazine, you can submit up to 3 posts. Click on the image to see their latest issue.
Hope you have a blessed weekend

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Gratitudes - Organisation

I am grateful for having the tools and the resources to be organised, and the many great sites that give you hints and tips!  Some spring cleaning is on the way!  

What are you grateful for today?
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