Sunday 13 May 2012

365 Days of Colour - Flower for the Day - 335 - 341

We think of grandure and giving reverence, less we think of whose image we are made in we forget our blessings and settle.  That fire still burning in our hearts gets put out and we live out our lives never realising our true potential, our purpose and our calling.  Was it meant to be just this? - on our death bed we will ask if we never take the leap

Day 335
There is no quitting on my watch

The art of art… is simplicity. ...Walt Whitman 

Do not be overawed when a man grows rich, when the splendour of his house increases; for he will take nothing with him when he dies, his splendour will not descend with him.  Psalm 49:16-17 

Day 336 

Every one of us gets through the tough times because somebody is there, standing in the gap to close it for us. ...Oprah Winfrey 

What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. Isaiah 46:11

Day 337
Know your purpose 

People who love art really do need it in the same way they need oxygen. ...Martin Zimet 

...God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also .. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Day 338
Move pass the past and look forward to your best year yet! 

An artist is not one who has solved life’s problems. He is one who accepts life’s problems. ...Anonymous 

...whoever heeds correction is honoured. Proverbs 13:18

Day 339 
Your dreams are important 

Everyone needs an identity of their own, not in relation to someone else… someone’s daughter, sister, wife, mother. “Artist” is mine alone. ...Janet Badger 

But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved.) Ephesians 2:4-5

Day 340 
What if your you could live a joyful life 

Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

He heals the broken hearted, and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

Day 341 
Your dreams are important, support them 

Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe. ---Claudia Black

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your earswill hear a voice behind you saying ‘This is the way’ walk in it.’ Isaiah 30:21

Wednesday 9 May 2012

365 Days of Colour - Flower for the Day - 328 - 334

The Garden
You don’t have to have a garden to enjoy plants and growth.  We start with our intentions and our purpose.  The gardens of our mind hold untold secrets and amazing flowers and wild life, hidden behind the wall waiting for a vistor to take in the scenery and breath in the scents.  How we neglect our minds for what is easy and takes little effort...if we only new what lay waiting for us would we still say maybe tomorrow? 

Day 328

Be kind to yourself you are growing

Quote One should either be a work of art or wear a work of art. ...Oscar Wilde 

You have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. Colossians 2:10

Day 329 

What if 

Art is the only way to run away, without leaving home. ...Twyla Tharp 

 ..whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40

Day 330 

It’s time to take stock of your life 

Sufficient to today are the duties of today. Don’t waste life in doubts and fears, spend yourself on the work before you; well assured that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it. ...Ralph Waldo Emerson 

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

Day 331

Free yourself, it’s time to be yourself! 

One should either be a work of art or wear a work of art. ...Oscar Wilde 

For where two of three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20

Day 332 

You are never alone 

We decide what we want to pursue, there is no right or wrong, we formulate our own paths. ...Arthur Maderson 

For you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, tat is, through the living and abiding word of God 1 Peter 1:23

Day 333 

Each day is an opportunity to start again 

Art flourishes where there is a sense of adventure. ...Alfred North Whitehead 

I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1

Day 334 

Get ready to soar like an eagle 

Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened, but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm. ...Robert Louis Stevenson 

It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure Philippians 2:13

Monday 7 May 2012

A - Z Challenge Reflection 2012

This was my 2nd year taking part in the A- Z Challenge, and it seems to have come and gone really quickly. We had over a thousand people taking part in the challenge and it was run by founder Arlee Bird and his A-Z Team, a big thanks goes out to them! 

Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh), Amlokiblogs (Damyanti Biswas), Coming Down The Mountain (Karen Jones Gowen), Life is Good (Tina Downey), Retro-Zombie (Jeremy Hawkins), Cruising Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons), The Warrior Muse (Shannon Lawrence), The QQQE (Matthew MacNish), Author Elizabeth Mueller (Elizabeth Mueller), No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow), Pearson Report (Jenny Pearson), Breakthrough Blogs (Stephen Tremp).

This year I decided to write about my experience with Dementia and caring for my mother. It was something I really wanted to do as I often find it difficult to express how I feel without a lump coming to my throat, even more so trying to imagine how my mother feels.  I often swiftly put my thoughts to the back of my mind while I get on with the practical tasks of her care.

What really helped in writing for the challenge was to be able to put things in perspective and face up to how I felt about my situation, show the person behind the label and give you a glimpse into our world. 

There was much love and support from those who commented which helped you to feel that you were not on your own. I would like to thank all those who visited, commented and decided to follow my blog. Its always great to make new connections and form friendships.

It was especially great to visit new blogs and get to read so many interesting posts. I didn't get to visit everyone, but will attempt to this month - looks like another challenge....!  If you didn't get to participate I encourage you to dive in next year, it's great fun and once you start you will be hooked.

Next steps for me....I find these monthly challenges really do encourage you to step out of the box,  stretch yourself and grow while interacting with people from all over the world. In June I will be resuming my Try something new for 30 days - and possibly try some new art techniques. Do let me know what your next steps are and I will come and be your cheer leader....Blessings!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

What a Challenge!

If you missed any of the posts for the A-Z Challenge you can see them below.  I will be sharing about the journey with the topic being so close to me about my mother with dementia on the 7th May.   I will let the dust settle and reflect on all the things that came up.  I hope you have been blessed with the posts as much as it has blessed me to write, and your comments have really been encouraging.  Over the next few weeks I will also be sharing some news, I am quite excited about and its been a long time coming....for now blessings and hope you are having a blessed week.

A is for Alzheimer’s, B is for Behaviour, C is for Carer, D is for Dependant, E is for Enough, F is for Fear, G is for Guilt, H is for Health Professionals, I is forIdentity, J is for Judgement K is for Knowledge, L is for Love,  M is for Motherhood, N is for Neighbourhood, O is for Opportunities P is for Purpose, Q is for Quietness, R is for Regret, S is for Strategies, T is for Tradition, U is for Understanding, V is for Value, W is for Websites, X is for Xerox, Y is for Yearn Z is for Zephyr

These posts were part of the A-Z Challenge which took part during the month of April.  I have been sharing about my experience as a carer to a mother with Dementia.  If you would like to know more join the Arts in Health Network and also check out my website for information on some of the work I have done with Creativity and Dementia. Do check back for a reflection post taking place on the 7th May 2012.

Sunday 29 April 2012

365 Days of Colour - Flower of the Day 321 - 327

A straight path
Sometimes it isn’t the winding road which leads to mystery and surprise.  At times the straight path unfolds and brings us treasures beyond our comprehension.

Day 321
The hard times in your life will develop the pearls of wisdom... 

If art is not to be life-enhancing, what is it to be? ...May Sarton 

Scripture But now, thus say the Lord ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!’ Isaiah 43:1

Day 322
Time to start over 

Art and works of art do not make an artist; sense and enthusiasm and instinct do. ...Friedrich Von Schlegel  

The Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save; neither is His ear so dull that it cannot hear.  Isaiah 59:1

Day 323
Be brave, all things are possible 

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. ...Jim Morrison 

The one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:8

Day 324
Don’t worry, it will be alright 

Art thaws even the frozen, darkened soul, opening it to lofty spiritual experience. ...Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 

I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.  Ephesians 3:17-18

Day 325
As a work in progress, go easier on yourself 

Fear is the reason for making art. It is a means to freedom. ...Ilya Kabakov 

The needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever. Psalm 9:18

Day 326
There is always tomorrow, you have a chance to start over! 

Art is the only way to run away, without leaving home. ...Twyla Tharp 

For whatever was written in earlier time was written for our instruction, that through perseverance and the  encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4

Day 327
You are able to do all that you set your mind to! 

Sufficient to today are the duties of today. Don’t waste life in doubts and fears, spend yourself on the work before you; well assured that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it. ...Ralph Waldo Emerson 

The Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Z is for Zephyr

Zephyr - a soft gentle breeze of change 

It came on without warning, there were no loud noises a fanfare just a few tell tale signs.  It blew in as if on a gentle breeze, we all felt it as it brushed past us, noticing slight things but not really seeing as it settled at mums door.  Mum embraced all that she is and met it head on, and defines the world to mean something for her despite the situation.

She dances as it breezes through her memory, some became distant and others drifted in and out like the fallen leaves of autumn, yet, holding no regret she faces each day as new.  She has been a comfort and support as she still holds on to her humour and grace - she is all that she needs to be.

The dementia almost forces us to learn to use our senses in a very different way, learn a new language, see our lives differently.  We have each been called for a purpose, to touch each others lives, dig deeper make more effort, and go that extra mile as the lives of generations are changed.

Words so far....

A is for Alzheimer’s, B is for Behaviour, C is for Carer, D is for Dependant, E is for Enough, F is for Fear, G is for Guilt, H is for Health Professionals, I is forIdentity, J is for Judgement K is for Knowledge, L is for Love,  M is for Motherhood, N is for Neighbourhood, O is for Opportunities P is for Purpose, Q is for Quietness, R is for Regret, S is for Strategies, T is forTradition, U is for Understanding, V is for Value, W is for Websites, X is for Xerox, Y is for Yearn

These posts are part of the A-Z Challenge taking place during the month of April.  I have been sharing about my experience as a carer to a mother with Dementia.  If you would like to know more join the Arts in Health Network and also check out my website for information on some of the work I have done with Creativity and Dementia.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Y is for Yearn

I do sometimes long for things to go back to how they used to when mum didn’t have dementia, to have a bit of what I think is normality.  But if it did, perhaps I wouldn’t have seen so much of her, wouldn’t have got to know her like I have, to listen to her stories as she tells them over and over again of how she met my dad. 

Those stories some how brings his memory to life even though he has been gone for over 20 years but also brings me comfort.  There came a point where it didn’t matter how many times mum told the story as she became animated -  she remembered him calling out to her as she walked by and she turned coyly and asked ‘who me’ – she had actually noticed him before and wanted to catch his attention. We never heard the stories before the dementia and she never danced, but now she loves to sing and dance and calls herself ‘the dancing queen’ after the Abba song.

Yes I do sometimes yearn for a good night undisturbed sleep when I am there, but also I appreciate my life more and it is most certainly richer despite all the ups and downs.

Words so far....

A is for Alzheimer’s, B is for Behaviour, C is for Carer, D is for Dependant, E is for Enough, F is for Fear, G is for Guilt, H is for Health Professionals, I is forIdentity, J is for Judgement K is for Knowledge, L is for Love,  M is for Motherhood, N is for Neighbourhood, O is for Opportunities P is for Purpose, Q is for Quietness, R is for Regret, S is for Strategies, T is forTradition, U is for Understanding, V is for Value, W is for Websites, X is for Xerox

These posts are part of the A-Z Challenge taking place during the month of April.  I have been sharing about my experience as a carer to a mother with Dementia.  If you would like to know more join the Arts in Health Network and also check out my website for information on some of the work I have done with Creativity and Dementia.

Friday 27 April 2012

X is for Xerox (copy)

Living with dementia some times reminds me of a Xerox.  It can feel as if you don’t have the original person you grew up with but the copy of the person who is unable to do all those things you took for granted.  I always thought mum would still be giving me advice and our relationship would move on to the next stage of mother/adult daughter relationship. When I was ready to listen she was slowly retreating....

I often imagine how she would express what it is like to have this unknown dancing partner I try and put myself in her well worn shoes, which is not often as looking after the practicalities can be a welcome release from the emotional side.  Thinking about what she is thinking can bring up a whole different set of dialogues that sometimes go like this:
"People suddenly don't seem to understand they repeat themselves, ignore you or get annoyed at the things that you do.  You don’t quite do it quickly enough or the right way they sigh and breath heavily.  Their words jumbling up and they expect you to understand or they speak slowly as if you can't catch their words.  A world where sound is different, sometimes things are loud, magnified and distorted.  They can’t see those things that crawl on the floor, so you pretend they don’t exist, nor can they see the others that often meet us in what they keep saying is my house.  It looks different and smells different and there are new people there who wander from room to room sitting and staring as if lost.
Amanda sometimes speaks in a tone like I’m her child, I never thought the tables would turn I never used to rely on anyone to help me, I tell her not to use that tone with me and I play along for a quiet life, but I do miss my mum.  These bones not quite what they used to be.  I ache as I get out of bed and then the alarm goes off, and they rush in your room - you sometimes don’t get a chance to breath, there is always someone there telling me what I should do, it is very different to how it use to be...."
It is different, I struggle to remember what it was like before, I've adapted as she changes and when I think about how she must feel I give her a bit of much has changed.  I cannot pretend I've got it all together or know all the ins and outs, but what I will try and do is face them head on and grab them with both hands and deal with each day as it comes.

Words so far....

A is for Alzheimer’s, B is for Behaviour, C is for Carer, D is for Dependant, E is for Enough, F is for Fear, G is for Guilt, H is for Health Professionals, I is forIdentity, J is for Judgement K is for Knowledge, L is for Love,  M is for Motherhood, N is for Neighbourhood, O is for Opportunities P is for Purpose, Q is for Quietness, R is for Regret, S is for Strategies, T is forTradition, U is for Understanding, V is for Value, W is for Websites

These posts are part of the A-Z Challenge taking place during the month of April.  I have been sharing about my experience as a carer to a mother with Dementia.  If you would like to know more join the Arts in Health Network and also check out my website for information on some of the work I have done with Creativity and Dementia.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

W is for Websites

I thought I would list some of the great resources that I have come across over the years that have really helped not only for people who have dementia, but for those who are carers.  There are a range of websites that have provided information and encouragement. 

Arts in Health - NHS Network
Arts in Healthcare aims to promote, share and encourage the use of art and creativity in the healthcare environment. - This is a network that I started to encourage those involved with the arts to collaborate and share information. 

Arts 4 Dementia
To work in partnership with existing agencies to inspire and r;e-energise people living with dementia in the community, to bring fulfilment to their lives - and provide opportunities for quality time with their carers and loved ones - through engagement with their chosen art form. 

Arts and Dementia Network 
is a forum for the North East of England which aims to bring together and support professionals working in the arts, health and social care, who are interested in providing opportunities for people with dementia to engage in arts activity.

Culture and Wellbeing
Resources for creativity and health

London Arts in Health Forum
London Arts in Health Forum is a membership organisation which aims to develop the role of culture in wellbeing and to promote and support arts in health activity across London and nationally. 

There are so many more organisations out there, if you have come across any or you are an artist interested in sharing information join the Arts in Health Network and leave your details, from time to time we would like to feature any work of artists that involves creativity and health.

I also write and create resources that link the arts and health - through art journals, art work, images, and a patreon network you can also check them out:

Art and Creativity website

I am a mixed media artist and create art sculptures and wall hangings

Art Patreon
Creative videos art journal video tutorials, rewards and more

Gardening Patreon
Horticultural therapy, gardening in the caribbean

Realityarts on Amazon
Hints and tools, books and more as you journey into creativity

Words so far....

A is for Alzheimer’s, B is for Behaviour, C is for Carer, D is for Dependant, E is for Enough, F is for Fear, G is for Guilt, H is for Health Professionals, I is forIdentity, J is for Judgement K is for Knowledge, L is for Love,  M is for Motherhood, N is for Neighbourhood, O is for Opportunities P is for Purpose, Q is for Quietness, R is for Regret, S is for Strategies, T is for Tradition, U is for Understanding, V is for Value

These posts are part of the A-Z Challenge taking place during the month of April.  I have been sharing about my experience as a carer to a mother with Dementia.  If you would like to know more join the Arts in Health Network and also check out my website for information on some of the work I have done with Creativity and Dementia.
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