Wednesday 23 January 2013

Camden Town - Out and a about

As we embark on a new year, I look at the many challenges that will come our way and promise myself to face them head on.  I took my mum out for a walk recently.  She is beginning to find walking distances difficult so I got her a wheel chair for when she gets tired.  We are beginning to note the changes as time passes and can see that she gets more fragile.  You imagine your mum to be around for ever and as I see her fade before my eyes, I think of my own mortality.  At some stage the difficult questions will need to be answered, for the time being as I graze over the surface of the impact of dementia I often retreat back into the practical of how can we make her quality of life better and enjoy the moment on this walk I become distracted by my environment.
We walked down to Camden town – well she walked part way and then sat in the wheelchair for the rest of the journey.  We took in the sites of the spectrum of people and the unusual shops.  Camden Lock seems to be a magnet for tourists from all over the world, each going about their day, trying to get that bargain in the shops.  

It actually has quite a nice vibe and even in the cold there are musicians that play in key areas, commanding a crowd amidst the hustle and bustle.  The canal with the boats and barges as they pass (if you ever get a chance to go on one) is actually a pleasant trip to take.
As we walked further our eyes were drawn to the many shop fronts with the large displays and imagery, which adds character to the eclectic nature of Camden Town.  
People selling their Cd's trying to convince you that it’s what you would like to hear.  It’s a place you can hang around for ages as there is so much to see - and some lovely places to eat.  

As mum got tired and started to complain of the cold, I realised just how far I had walked with her in the wheel chair and began to feel tired as well.  We slowly made our way back home and needless to say both had a good night’s sleep.

Join me every day this month for the   Ultimate blog challenge

Monday 21 January 2013

Creativity - 52 Weeks of colour

When we have some understanding of what our purpose is we often don’t see the gifts that we have waiting to be birthed They can often be disguised and it isn’t until something happens that we realise that the strength, skill, or gift we needed was right there all along. You don’t have to be an artist to be creative, it is within each of us. You have to find the right tools to enable you to use your creativity in the way that will work for you.  Do not settle for less than you know you are worth. 

If we all did the things we are capable of doing, 
we would literally astound ourselves. ...Thomas Edison

"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16........

Sunday 20 January 2013

Art and Healing Journal

Since reading Art Journal and Creative Healing I’ve been doing my own healing journal.  Many have seen the benefits of using art as a means of healing and you can allow the journal to carry all your private thoughts that can be worked though.  In Creative Interventions I share taking part in Art therapy sessions and dealing with my role as a carer.  

I always find that working in a journal allows your work to be transportable and flexible.  I used a fabric cover made from recycled clothing.  The interior pages were made with lining paper which comes in a roll for decorating and is really cost effective.. 
I have decorated the front page further with modelling paste both inside and out, and sewing a trim along the edges.  It is a work in progress and each change is part of the healing process.  I decided it would be a place where I would write down raw emotions, beliefs, and thoughts using the art as a way of addressing experiences that I might not have dealt with in any of my other journals.  Anyway, it’s another tool that we can allow ourselves the space to be expressive. 
Secrets page addresses secrets of the past and how they always find their way of coming to the surface.  We can often try and hid things from ourselves only to wonder why we respond in a particular way to something that might have been said.
Secrets have a way of coming out......
On this page I allowed myself to be totally honest about an event from the past and wrote it all down, how I felt, what I said and then once it was out, faced it and decided to move on.  I then painted over the words allowing some to show through, forgiving myself in the process and acknowledging that I am a different person now.  Sometimes we can let go of past things, yet still carry them around as baggage.  The worlds say ‘you did the best you could’ which is true for a lot of us as we try to move on and then beat ourselves up over our shortcomings that we perceive to being bigger than they are and let them rule our lives.

Value and self esteem
Self esteem/value page is about listening to the negative things that other people say which in turn lowers your self esteem, and what is most important is that you value yourself and show others that you do.
Using your time wisely...
I enjoyed creating and using this journal which has loads of pages to play in.  It is also a reminder to treat myself with compassion knowing that there aren’t any perfect people in this world,  we are all just trying to get on, live and be a blessing.  If inspired why not give it a go and check out Art journals and creative healing while you’re at it!

Join me every day this month for the   Ultimate blog challenge

Thursday 17 January 2013

Gratitudes - Art Corner

I am so grateful for the corner that I spent a lot of time being creative in the early days.  I worked on the edge of the kitchen table and for years wished for a studio.  I am now blessed to have the small box bedroom as a space of my own - that dedicated space I can create and express my heart. 

What are you grateful for this week?

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Book Review - Art Journals and Creative Healing - Sharon Soneff & Art Cards

I came across this book purely by chance and after reading the introduction knew I had to buy a copy.  Art Journals and Creative Healing is a lovely book with a wealth of contributions and photos shared by many artists.  It follows on from Sharon Soneff's previous book entitled Faith Books and Spiritual Journaling which is on my wish list!

The book is split into two sections, Health and healing for the emotions - which looks at finding peace in the midst of turmoil and Health and healing for the body - finding comfort in the midst of physical challenges.

Each contributing artist shares a piece of their story, how they have used their journals for healing and how you can incorporate them for yourself.  There are a wealth of great ideas for approaching areas that can be quite sensitive, and you work at your own pace.

Dotted throughout the book are a series of worksheets written by Mindy Caliguire to help you recap on the previous chapters prompts and to help you overcome any blocks there are also creative tips.  How deep you choose to go is up to you as you reflect about your journey in your journal but you will find strength and support in the process.  You will also find a great list of resources and biography with contact details of all the contributing artists.  I think it is definitely a book to have on your shelf.

Art Cards

I have also continued to produced my art cards as part of the 21 day Art Challenge with Motley Soul, here are some more of the cards I have done.  It has been really great to do the smaller pieces of art, and try different ideas and styles.  The cards are 4 inch x 6inchs and you use whatever card you have, I have used card that I had used for other backgrounds and then added a new design ....more to come!

Crochet flowers

I learnt to crochet at school. Learning what seemed a skill that died out only to see it resurfacing over the past few years as something quite popular alongside other traditional crafts.

When we were younger mum used to make these intricate circular table place mats using the finest of needles. By my teenage years crocheting and knitting seemed to be what older people did... how the tables have turned. Over the past few years I started to give it a second glance, and have come across so many who not only crochet, but knit and make felt products. I had held on to the needles I had inherited for my mum and over the years I think I made a scarf once. But saw some flowers recently on you tube and decided to give them a go.

The basic flower is pretty easy and you can have as many layers as you wish or add rows to make the flower bigger. I’ve decorated mine with some buttons and beads. Armed with your flower you can use them to go on a number of things. I made a couple of wrist cuffs, and I will do a tutorial on how to make a a broach, hair accessories, decorations for journals even a mini bag. 

There are some great patterns out there if you want to be more adventurous. If your a beginner check out you tube for some easy how to steps, just type in what you want to learn and it could be a great skill addition to your creativity.  Blessings!

Join me every day this month for the   Ultimate blog challenge

Tuesday 15 January 2013


Felt is a non-woven cloth that is produced by matting, condensing and pressing woollen fibres.

I came across some beautiful felt cupcakes after taking part at the Christmas fair and carol service run by Emmanuel Evangelical Church and organised by Angie Ng.  It is always a really lovely event and many thanks goes out to Angie Ng and her team.

On my stall I had decided to offer some of my art work and cards for sale.  I will be adding these to my website, over the next few weeks.

There were many talented people that had stalls and the one that specifically caught my eye was a young lady called Veron and her Cupcakes by Design.   The cupcakes were beautiful, not your traditional cupcakes, even though they looked good enough to eat they were fat and guilt free.  Veron had lovely designs and they were also scented.  Seeing her designs made me want to try my hand at felting and it seems to be getting quite popular, with several magazines featuring designs and how to recreate yourself

Miss V's Crafts - Cupcakes by design
I encourage you to give her blog a visit and see the designs for yourself.  She is in the process of updating and adding some new deigns, so do leave a word of encouragement.

Also on my tour of pinterest I found some interesting designs - (Click on the images to find out more)

felted slippers
Felt slippers
The Margarita, Felt Chair by Vanja Bazdul
The Margarita, Felt Chair by Vanja Bazdul
felted purse
Felted purse
 If you want to give it a go yourself there are lots of tutorials available, check out Living Felts or many of the others that will come out in the search results on youtube.  Blessings!

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