Monday 3 June 2019

Realityarts Podcast - Episode 89 - Celebration

What is it that you have done that you can celebrate, it doesn't have to be the usual things like birthdays, Christmas and such, but you can go right back to the simple things that often get over looked, like our lives, being able to take in the beauty around us.

As you are listening to the episode think of things that you are able to celebrate and see how it can keep your momentum up as you move from strength to strength and shine your light and be an encouragement in the world.

Let me know what you are celebrating in your life at the moment, share and see how your small actions can open the way for someone else who thought they were on their own.

Please share the podcast, and sign up for the mailing list and receive some of the free downloads that are available.  Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Podcast Show - Episode 87 - Meet Artist Khuumba Ama

Welcome to Arts and Wellness Wednesdays, where I speak with artist Khuumba Ama at the Caribbean Fine Art Fair.  Khuumba 

Born in Savannah, Georgia and later moved to Harlem USA, is a full-time Multi-media artist of original and one-of-a-kind creations. She is a teaching artist and mentor to assist children in self-esteem workshops and designed a creative program to help seniors living with dementia.

Check out what she had to say about the work that she does and the inspiration behind her art.

Saturday 18 May 2019

100 Day Project - 100 Pastel Sketches 33 - 40

Here are the images 33 - 40 of the 100 Pastel Drawings that I have been doing on the #100dayproject2019

I had a couple of days where I didn't feel like creating which is weird, but kept going, you have to, and reminded myself that I am showing up for me.  The project isn't about anyone else, but wanting to go on a journey with the pastels and use the supplies that I have.

If you would like to see the daily images you can come visit me on Instagram.  Next week I will begin sharing some of the videos that I will be creating weekly for some of the images, it is always great to see how artist approach their work, and I hope that you find some inspiration while watchin.

You will be able to see the first of the weekly videos here when I share videos 41 - 48 or join me on YouTube, I am hoping that they will inspire you to get out your supplies and create.  I will be sharing the full video on my Patreon Site, which you are welcome to join.

To see a selection of pastels and accessories on Amazon click HERE

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Thursday 16 May 2019

Art and Wellness - Lisa Mona - Podcast Episode 81

Welcome to the Episode 81 of the Podcast and the Arts and Wellness, where the focus is on the Arts and how it can impact our health and well-being. I will be talking with artists, looking at activities that you can do to be more creative across the board and for those who are carers tips and strategies that you can use. I will also be sharing reviews, resources and other insights. I will be looking at the nuggets that the artists share and see how we can apply it in some way to our own lives, what ever your interests.

Lisa Mona - Artist

In this Episode I spoke to artist Lisa Mona who was exhibiting at the Caribbean Fine Art Fair. Lisa Mona was born in Barbados with a diverse cultural background which has fashioned her artwork in an eclectic way. Her body of work is influenced by the beauty of simplicity itself, natures's colors and its organic shapes. She expresses herself through photography, jewelry, design and abstract paintings.

Listen to her interview below:

Watch the Video on YouTube

So some of the takeaways from Lisa was the connection with nature and looking at the fine detail when she is putting her work together.

When we think about arts and health some of the ways in which we can incorporate some of the things Lisa does in her work is to take time out to notice things in nature.  Step outside, open your windows and get some fresh air, listen to the sounds that you can hear around you, the colours and the shapes, what do they remind you of?

If you are a carer you can think about reminiscence and looking at old photos and getting your loved one to talk about the people and actions in the pictures.  If you don't have access to photos you can get together a selection of well known celebrities that they would recognize and have a conversation about them.

Take some photographs yourself, go for a walk and see what things you can photograph, especially within their local area that they could talk about or could be a starting point to a conversation.

The appeal of nature

Being out in the sunshine, feeling the breeze on your skin is important for us all to experience and with the majority of us being Vitamin D deficient it is important to spend time daily where possible outdoors.  

I hope that this has been useful.  Sign up for my mailing list and YouTube channel for more ideas on being creative.

You an connect with Lisa Mona on: - Facebook - Lisa Mona ArtYouTubeInstagram

If you would like to know more about photo montage, check out a couple of titles from Amazon HERE

For information on arts events in Barbados check out the Barbados Visual Arts event online Magazine Published by Corrie Scott.

The Mixed Media Play Date is in full swing, You can sign up for the course HERE or click on this link - to get the bonuses (email me once you have booked)

You can also find me in other places on social media:
Blog   Twitter    Facebook
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