Wednesday 7 July 2010

How did these get here?

They arrived, the books that I promised that I wouldn't be ordering from Amazon,

I haven't cleared any space for them and as you can see from the last post haven't yet read all the books on my shelf.  When I was looking at all the treats on the site these two books spoke to me.

Having just completed Kelly Rae Roberts e course I thought I would hone my selling and marketing skills.  I am aware that I am spending rather a lot of time on the business side and as yet not actually put paint or anything else to paper for quite a while, but have just been jotting ideas down. I have already given myself a 'good talking to' about hiding behind the books and not producing anything, but the 'Creative and Inspirational Amanda' assures me that there will be some creative delights to share very soon :)


  1. I think that you are putting all your ducks in a row and SUDDENLY you will begin...I can't wait to see where you go!

  2. i'm glad u bought yourself the books!
    let us know how you like them and if you recommend them-

  3. I have this problem too i went to the Kindle and LOVE it!


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