Mixed Media Play Date. Giveaway and
Teacher Intros. Day One!
I am so thrilled to share with you that I will be one of the guest teachers on the the Mixed Media Play Date hosted by Tiare Smith. As teachers we all want to help you put PLAY in your art and your day!
Tiare has assembled an AMAZING group of artist instructors to do just that, and we are gonna fill your creative wells with inspiring ideas, Fun, JOY and gratitude!
The Mixed Media Play Date - a new mixed media collaboration will bring you endless inspiration, fun, freedom in your creativity and a community like no other. I have taught on a number of courses hosted by Tiare Smith, and you are guaranteed to come out of your comfort zone, find your happy places and pick up so many hints and tips and fun from day one.
We all worry about finding enough time to create, and our inner critics voice can often get overwhelming, but as your guides we are here to help you tune into your inner voice, guide you as you see new things in your art and creativity, we will be your companions, supporters and cheer leaders, it will be a friendly place for you to be yourself and thrive!
Daily Giveaways!!!
Do you want to WIN A FREE Year Long Spot on this Online Course with Us?
To enter (each action gives you an additional chance to be entered):
- Sign up to my Mailing list
- Follow and Like my Facebook Page
- Subscribe to my YouTube
- Follow on Instagram
- Share this blog post and use #amandatrought so I can find it
Contest closes Monday 26th November at Midnight (AST)

I will be sharing more about the course and share some hints and tips on the 21st November and over the next 7 days. So be sure to check back HERE to have an extra chance to
enter and see who is sharing for that day.
Stay blessed and be a blessing