Showing posts with label A-Z Challenge 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A-Z Challenge 2013. Show all posts

Friday 5 April 2013

F is for Fruitful

The shall be known by their fruit....Matthew 7:16

When we think of fruit we understand that it is the end result of a period of growth for the plant, and we can grow to expect it, I know that come July the plum tree in my garden will bear fruit, but it is not ready to pick until around mid august.  Outside influences can have an effect on my fruit such as the weather, birds that get to them before they are picked, pests, or lack of nutrition.

The fruit go on to have a cycle, plum pie, jam and other tasty treats and the seeds tossed in the composting bin or replanted in pots, if they are eaten by the birds the seeds will be carried far and wide to either grow elsewhere or not if they fall on stony ground.  They can fall from the tree and try and grow on the grass, but will meet an unfortunate end when Alan mows the grass.  The best hope for the plum tree is that the seeds are taken to new environments and fall on good ground to begin their lifecycle again.

Each year I expect plums and I get plums!  The tree doesn’t surprise me one year and give oranges – though that would make a tasty change.  I celebrate today that I can work on my creativity, that I will be known by my fruit – the positive and encouraging words that I can share with others.  We can have an impact on the world in many ways; let our lives impact on generations to come in a positive way. With all that you are currently doing in your life, what does your fruit look like?

Painting of the Day - 
Each day I share some of my newly completed work!
Entangled 18"x15"

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter F, but a few of them for you to start with...

E is for Encouraging

Art Journal Page - Mixed media
Are there times when you have felt like giving up?  or ‘throwing in the towel’ because you  just couldn’t see where you were meant to be/go next and you were at the stage where you were going to leave it all and change your direction?

I know that I’ve been there and I doubt it will be the last, because this is how life can be sometimes.  We will all have those times of doubt and insecurity and we can question the stage of our journey, and in these times all that is needed to put you back on to track is an encouraging word, to remind you that you are enough right where you are, that you are on the right track and giving up is not an option.  That little piece of encouragement could be the very thing that is needed to put you back on course, and remind you how close you are to your goals.  It can be a word of insight spoken by someone else, or something you have put in place to remind yourself just how far you have come.  I celebrate the gift of being able to encourage others, and impact in a positive way into their lives.   

When you think back can you remember those who spoke encouraging words into your life and how they impacted into your life even to this day?  How can you be more encouraging to others in what they are doing? 

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy todays
 Mixed media Art Journal page - I am Enough

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge,it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter E, but a few of them for you to start with....

Thursday 4 April 2013

D is for Dream

Mini Chunky Journal 4"x4.5"

'I have a dream'
....the famous words spoken by Martin Luther King...

There are many great inventions today that started out as someone’s dream.  They woke, wrote it down, spoke about it, got excited and took action!  We enjoy many of these things today - the inventions, gadgets, buildings, and songs and more.  I think it is important to try and write down your dreams and have found often a problem that I have been dealing with or something that has bothered me is answered in a dream or an insight to the problem is given.

I once had a dream for an amazing children’s story, along with the illustrations as well and rather than write it down as soon as I woke I thought I would remember the details, unfortunately all I remembered was that it was a really great story and how excited I felt about it (learnt my lesson and write everything down!).  I currently now dream of living somewhere that is warm and in reach of the sea, having my studio overlook my gardens, and the sounds of tropical birds and tree frogs in the distance.  I celebrate today that I can dream and get excited about the dreams of others and one day see those dreams become a reality.  What dreams do you have for your life - or even for the rest of the week?

Painting of the day
Mixed Media Painting

Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter D, but a few of them for you to start with....

Wednesday 3 April 2013

C is for Creative

I love being creative, and could spend all my waking hours doing a creative activity.  I am always thinking of ways to do things, writing down ideas that I would love to try.  There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day sometimes and I have to hone in and take hold of the most important ideas and get to the rest when I can.  It is so important to have some form of creative activity that you can do on a daily basis to give you that outlet, help you to see things in a new light, and share your creativity with others and is a great way to develop relationships, start a craft group, share your photography or do some writing.

I celebrate my creativity knowing that it is not just for me but to share with others and be a blessing.  What new ways can you think of to be creative?

Picture for the day

Blog Love
While you are at it, take some time to visit some of the following and show some blog love:


Tuesday 2 April 2013

B is for Brave

Bravery often requires us to step out of our comfort zone and do something unfamiliar.  The times that we are called upon to be brave I guess we don’t really think about it but we act out of necessity.  We can also be called to be brave for others when sickness or bad news strikes for others, can you think of a time when you looked back on a situation and thought you were being brave?

I celebrate my life today for being able to get up in the face of what seems like adversity for making that leap into a career that is uncertain, but which I feel so passionate about.  I celebrate my bravery in being there for others in their time of need and not settling for how things ought to be but daring to be different.  I ask for your continued thoughts and prayers for the health of my brother Robert and my mother Mavis. 

In what ways have you been called onto be brave today.

Painting of the day
As promised I am sharing a completed painting each day, this one is an 8"x8" inches mixed media piece called 'Waiting'

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter B, but a few of them for you to start with....

Sunday 31 March 2013

A is for Admire

Well, today is my first day of the challenge, and I wanted to kick off my celebration of life by thinking about the qualities that I admire within myself.  We can usually find it easy to think about things we admire about others, we can also think about the strengths that others have that we wished we possessed.  I am not used to blowing my own trumpet, but think at some point or another we have to appreciate and applaud how far we have come.  When I look back on some of the things I found hard throughout my life I know that each experience impacted on me and deposited a quality that I would be able to be used at another stage.  That being said, I admire my strength and not giving up.  I am glad that I can find something to be grateful for in my life, especially when we can go through some of the most stressful times.  I admire my organisational abilities, I use to feel that there was too much conflict with being an artist and being organised.  But I can deal with that and see the benefits.  I admire being able to see some of the gems and the gifts, I don't catch all of them.  In my mothers journey with dementia, I have seen new strengths within me, seen myself grow in my art and in my writing. What qualities about yourself do you admire?

Painting of the day
As promised I am sharing a completed painting each day, this one has been done in one of my art journals and say 'Release your potential and walk into your blessings.!

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter A, but a few of them for you to start with....

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