Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

30 Days of Change - Day 3

Here is the smoothie for the day, hope you enjoy it.  Tips for staying on track, today - keep it simple, and try not to do too many things at the same time.  Change will come over time and you must avoid comparing yourself to others - because you are unique and you will get to where you want to go in time.

Smoothie Love - Day 3

I had some problems uploading the vlogs, and started questioning myself about doing it altogether, after playing back what I did I started to criticize myself and compare myself to those people who have been doing videos for a lot longer.  At the end of the day what anyone else thinks is not important, what is important is making that change that will enhance my health, and enable me to do more and hopefully bless more.  I will sort it today and put something up!

A few lessons learnt yesterday:

  • The more you prepare for the journey, the greater the chance that you will get where you want to go.  I have to get back to preparing the evening meal earlier or the day before to be able to eat before 8pm.
  • Putting my trainers and workout gear together ready for the next day, so there is no excuse in not being able to get training.
  • Decide what I want to do for the week rather than play it day to day, and it can become automatic

I know there will be more learning along the way, 27 days to go!

So, if you decide to make a change today that will be really great, think of one small change you can make and commit, as I said before it doesn't have to be for 30 days, you could do 3! 

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

30 Days of Change - Day 2

Alright then, starting a challenge and making changes in your life is not always easy, and you have to remain flexible, that being said it was great to make a start towards change.
Starting as I mean to go on with the smoothie from day 1
I was able to do most of the things planned, didn't quite get to drink a litre of water for some reason, and ended up eating dinner past 10 pm, because I was trying to do too many things at once!  A bit of sabotaging going on there I think...

Here is the smoothie for today

I have managed to drink the water and will be doing some exercises shortly, which will involve spending time in the garden:).  I have yet to upload the vlog for each day, but I will be keeping it simple, and will be sharing on the vlog and just letting you have the smoothie for the day on the blog.  

Your welcome to join, you don't have to do 30 days, you could do 3, 5, or 7 what ever will kick start you to change.  You might just want to change one thing, why not start today, and share how you are getting on!
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