Showing posts with label limitless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label limitless. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Time for another Pause - Limitless possibilities


Come and join me in the studio - we remind ourselves how many things that we are able to do to push our creativity forward.  The word limitless for me has been a word that I have taken through year after year.

What has been your word for the year - have you started to think about next year yet?

Check out some courses while you are at it!

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Limitless - Your Brains potential


What would you do if you could see how much better it was going to get, how different would you act now? and what would you do with the time you have?


I have always liked the movie that came out called 'Limitless' and the idea of being able to maximize the use of your brain to 100%  to learn and do all the things you wanted to do.  Though I wouldn't want to have to continually take a drug to do so.  Some say we only use 10%, others say it is a myth and we use far more.

I think it depends how we are looking after the bodies that we have been given.  How do you look after yourself, nurture and take care of your body?  What foods are you putting in, or rather what kind of foods are you putting into that which you want to take you all over the world, perform and interact  or not if the last two years have been anything to go on - When was the last time you had a health check-up?  Are you drinking enough water, getting enough rest, finding ways to destress in a stressful environment ? and the list goes on.

Are you doing all you can do to keep your body in tip top condition in order to use all your abilities to their maximum potential?  It can be a massive challenge when you are bombarded with foods filled with E numbers and preservatives or pesticides (The food industry determines that we can safely ingest a number of harmful chemicals), these are designed to make our foods look the 'right' color, bind them or keep them at a certain consistency - and that is just one part of our lives I will not go into the environmental effects on our bodies and brain health.  

With all that and more that we are told by big business that won't harm us but have been found years later to be responsible for cancers and other illnesses you can understand why we might not be performing at 100%

What can we do?

We can have an impact on our brain and overall health by doing several things:

  • Get enough sleep, take a power nap if needed - don't feel guilty
  • Eat a balanced diet - A variety of food groups - quality food, not processed, heavily salted or laden with fat or sugar.
  • Increase your water content - most of us are drinking water but not enough - if you feel thirsty then you are already dehydrated.
  • Exercise your brain - puzzles, conversation, social interaction, learn something new, teach what you learn to others.
  • Fresh air - exercise your body, go out into the fresh air, get some sunshine on your body
  • Take part in a creative activity - great for your mental health and wellbeing
  • Plan what you want to do, set some goals - make a list, schedule and find time to pursue those things that are important to you, challenge yourself.
  • Growing your own food
  • Get rid of the clutter - mental, physical... and more

These are just a few things to get started of the ones currently on my list, let me know what you ones you do.  Stay blessed and be a blessing

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Happy New Year - What You Got Planned for 2020

Happy New Year - So we are into the New Year and we have to hit the ground running so that we can get the things that we want to do done.

This was my message last year, a call to reflect and look at what we are going to do as we take the next steps.  You have an amazing life ahead of you and you just need to start taking the steps, start small, cause you have got this!

I hope that you have already started and not waited until the 1st January to get things into gear, but that you have been thinking over the past few months what your new direction should be.

Listen to the video and see what you think, join me on the journey, your journey to making the changes you want to see in your own life.

Let me know what you have decided to make your priority for 2020, it doesn't have to be a long list, just start with this month or even this week

If you have not yet checked me out on Patreon I would love you to come and see what I am working on over there

Join me

Stay blessed and be a blessing

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