Sunday, 16 February 2014

Gratitude and Celebrations - Week 32 - Your blessings are waiting for you!

Gratitudes' and Celebrations Journal

We are constantly surrounded by blessings and they come in the most unusual packaging.  If we look past what you expect a blessing to look like you will be pleasantly surprised.

Your Blessings are waiting for you

I see the blessings as the very things I would miss if they were not there.  The sound of the birds singing and tweeting as they fight for the seeds in the bird feeder, the feel and sensation of the suns rays on my skin even on a cold day.  If you have ever over come an illness you are thankful that you are able to do something that was previously difficult.  

I would obviously not over look a large windfall or selling every piece of art work I have created, but if and when they do come I will be grateful for the many other little things that present themselves and makes any day one to be grateful for.
Mixed media
What are the blessings that you have within your midst that you should be talking note of?

What have you done so far with the day that you have, How can you identify the many blessings in your life  today? I would love to hear from you and share what you will be doing. As this weekend draws to a close have a blessed week If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!

Saturday, 15 February 2014

I love you today - Day 16

I love you today because
You deserve a hug

When my son was younger and I used to ask him for a hug, his little arms would wrap themselves around me and he would squeeze, we called it a squeezy hug.  Hugs are something we could all do with every now and again.  Hugs are an essential part of our emotional development.

You deserve a hug - Mixed media

Show some love
Cross your arms in front of you and reach each hand as if you are trying to touch your fingers behind your back and hold for 30 seconds.

Share some love

Give the first person you see today a hug

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

I Love you today because......Day 15

I Love you today because....

Your not afraid to cry

We cry for a number of reasons, we are happy, sad, frustrated, unhappy, tired, relieved, unsure, lost, proud, thankful, grateful, and inspired.  There can be so many other reasons why we cry and your not afraid to share that emotion.

Your not afraid to cry - Pen and Ink and Promarker pens

Share some love
The next time you feel the to shed a tear, let it flow.  It is a strength and a natural release.

Show some love

Show some care to others today, be extra receptive to their emotional state.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Thursday, 13 February 2014

I Love you today because....You have an Individual Style

I Love you today because.....
You have an Individual Style!

I have already told you  that you are unique, there is not another like you.  Has you delve deeper into what you really like and what in your life you will understand and listen to your true voice.  Don't compare yourself to anyone else, be yourself and celebrate your own individuality.

Show some love
That thing you want to try perhaps it's been weighing on your mind for a while, go ahead and try it with confidence - you never know how it will turn out.

Share some love
Become a mentor, sharing your experience with someone else and pass on the love!

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