Tuesday 11 March 2014

Soul Food - New work and Zen Doodles

I thought I would share some of the work I have been producing from the Soul Food course I have been doing....

In the session led by Heather Santos - 'letting go of perfect', I used a piece of art that just didn't seem to be working and creating a new painting.  I drew an outline of a figure I wanted to use and then went about adding the necessary paint.

I was pleased with how she eventually turned out.

Sarah Hand showed us how to make paper mache shadow boxes

Shadow Box
It has been great so far to be able to work with such a vast array of creatives, in a supportive and encouraging environment.  I would definitely do both of these again and have collected a few boxes that I would love to alter.  I am finding my pace and looking forward to sharing more as the weeks go on.

Finally, do you doodle?

I was fortunate to have one of my Doodles featured in the book Zen Doodle: Tons of Tangles.  Well, North Light Books are producing another book called Oodles of Doodles and they want you to submit your doodles or tangles to the Zen Doodle competition by March 14th, there is no entry fee so get a move on!  Check out Create Mixed Media 

You can also enter in the following ways:

email them at info@createmixedmedia.com
Instagram — email them at info@createmixedmedia.com via your Instagram account
Pinterest — tag them in the comment @CreateMixedMedia
Twitter – tag them in the comment @CMixedMedia

Friday 7 March 2014

Gratititude and Celebrations - Week 35 - A New beginning...

Gratitude's and Celebration

A new beginning is calling you

March always signifies the beginning of spring, we hopefully have gone through most of the bad weather and look forward to brighter evenings and a spattering of sunshine.
We put the clocks forward by an hour and we adjust our body clocks.  The clouds and moods seemingly lifted with more daylight hours available to us.

There are new beginnings ahead, no matter where you are in your life, old or young, you have a new day ahead, new opportunities, new adventures.  

I celebrate and I am grateful for the opportunity to see a new day and embrace the new beginnings that are unfolding in my life.  What are you going to do with your tomorrow, take time to notice everything over the next 24 hours.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Book Reviews - Unlocking the Heart of the Artist and Live Ten...

I thought I would share a couple of books that I found really encouraging and are great reads...

Matt Tommy has written a book that all artists who are seeking to dive further into their spirituality and creativity should read.  I read this book over a weekend having seen a sample on my Kindle and knew that I would have to buy it.

It is not a weekend read, mind you, it’s a book that you have to dive into again and again.  You will come up with insights, revelation and ‘ah ha’ moments as you go on your journey.  It said things that I have been thinking about my journey over the past few months.  Read More Here

John 10:10 “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” Are you living a life that is full? Does life present itself as an opportunity for joy and success? This is one of the many questions that are asked in Terry Smiths’s book.

You are challenged as a reader to look beyond the life you are currently leading and question whether you could be getting more out of your life, and live to your full potential while also impacting on the wider community that you live in. He shares with us that there is much more available to us, that God wants us to live, but we have to take action rather than be passive and basically move out of our own way so that we can live our best lives. Read More Here

What are you reading, why not share

Let me know what you are reading at the moment, and why you would recommend it.  If you are a writer and want to be interviewed check out my Writers Share page on my Wordpress blog, you will have an opportunity to share what inspires and motivates you and let others know about your work!

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Laughter - Memories of Home

Memories of Home...

Welcome to Memories of Home, if you would like to find out more information about the series, Click here

Being in a supportive environment is important to our growth as individuals, not everyone has had that opportunity and as adults we try and create an environment that will nurture and bless our children and indeed ourselves.


Laughter is an important part of life, and being able to see the funny side and find humor in aspects of life is crucial, otherwise you would just want to curl up in a ball and cry all the time. They say that you use more muscles to frown - nearly 150, than if you where to smile - it uses under 10 facial muscles, (I heard the figure was 2), so imagine next time you walk down the street, all those who who have a smile on their faces will develop less wrinkles than those you see with frowns. Laughter has also been likened to an internal massage, so you can give yourself some a little bit of TLC on the outside and on the inside as well!

My dad had a good sense of humor and loved a good laugh - the type that would get you clutching your belly and bring tears to your eyes. Cartoons would be something that set him off, Tom and Jerry to be exact! He would find the cat and mouse antics hilarious - his laughter roaring through the house.

Charlie, our pet was a Minah bird. Dad was the only one that could handle him to get him out of the cage to clean it and then catch him as he flew around the house to put him back in. Minah birds mimic sounds, and somehow Charlie learnt to mimic my dads laughter, along with a few words. You would hear Charlie all hours of the day until it was time for bed. Dad would be watching something funny on the TV and then set Charlie off with laughter, it was definitely a sound to hear! 

Dads laughter showed me that it was important to look for the joy that we all have in our lives - and I think I have developed his loud laughter, much to my sons embarrassment! We can all find out what makes us laugh - seeing the lighter side of things especially in our complicated lives.  We have to sure we take time out on a daily basis, for we don't know what tomorrow will bring.

What role does laughter play for you and what one thing can you do today to encourage yourself to look at the humor in your own life? I hope you continue to join me on my journey over the weeks, as I share my mixed media houses and look back to the memories of home. I look forward to hearing about some some of your own memories. Blessings and peace to you!

Sunday 2 March 2014

Quote for the day

Quote for the day.....something to think about!

Photograph - Amanda Trought

Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts.  Your freedom and mine cannot be separated...  Mandela

Saturday 1 March 2014

29 Faces - End of the Challenge

29 faces challenge

I made it through the challenge for the 29 faces, and it has been a great way to practice new faces, try new techniques and hone skills.  
Lots of sketches done that can form the basis of new paintings.

I thought I would share some of the images with you here and if you want to go and see the rest of them you can visit my other blog Mixed Media Art

Did some painting and experimenting with collage
The 29 Faces challenge coincided with my 'I love you today because' challenge and a couple of the images overlap but I tried to ensure that I did for the majority new images, and this was a great way for me to stretch my techniques and improve.

A great way to play with equipment and techniques!
I really enjoyed taking part and visiting some of the other participants, there is some amazing work for you to check out.  If you want to see the rest of the images I did for the challenge, do check out my mixed media art blog HERE. Blessings for now!

Friday 28 February 2014

I Love you today because - Reflections

Well I made it to the end of the series, and gain many insights, more understanding and honed my sketching skills at the same time.

The ‘I love you today’ series was a way to show 'self love' and look for ways to show love to others.  It can be hard to appreciate how far you have come as you continue to busy yourself with ‘getting on with it’, and you are not able to find the room to celebrate these qualities that lay within as they often go overlooked.  It is easier to give encouragement to others and to cheer them on, but we can think of 100 reasons why we are not up to scratch and we end up speaking about ourselves negatively, or underplay the big leap that we actually make.

The journey for me in February fulfilled three purposes, one was to appreciate and value myself more and encourage myself to recognise when I had done a good job, recognising how far I had come, to be able to look in the mirror and not see 100 faults, but to appreciate the reflection staring back.  We all need to be able to be comfortable in our own skin and be confident with who we are and our abilities.  Some are able to do it with greater ease than others, it can feel uncomfortable saying to yourself what a good job you have done, but you have to recognise that your growth is determined by how you can see, reflect and acknowledge your growth without being self conscious or fearful.

Secondly, I included a self portrait, and a few from my imagination.  We have a perception of what we think that other people see, but the exercise in self-love is about how God sees us with unconditional love, without any strings, not governed by what we look like, latest clothes, or skin colour, so either looking in the mirror or looking at a photograph forced me to see me.  I experimented with techniques, starting out with coloured markers, adding promarker pens which I really enjoyed using.

Thirdly - it is not only about me – when you can love yourself you will find it easy to love others in a more genuine way....the commandment is ‘Love your neighbours as you love yourself’....we have got to be able to demonstrate that love for ourselves to be able to express and show love to others.  

This was why I had the section ‘share some love’, calling us to do something for someone, thinking how we can help someone else and be a blessing in their lives, however small.  What we consider small could be the miracle that someone else was praying for.

So I’ve come through enlightened, with a great set of sketches and drawings that can be used for other projects and new way of looking at myself and where I fit in the world, alongside 28 ideas for blessing others.  I am excited for the changes and challenges that will take place this month.  

What challenges have you got ready for yourself this month? The focus for me will be health and I will be sharing some of the delicious smoothies I intend to make to improve my health and well-being. Blessings!

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 34 - Loving Kindness

Gratitude's and Celebration
How long have you gone without a break?  A little bit of space and time for you.  You rush around being there for everyone else and at the end of the day you slump yourself down with barely enough time and then your off again taking care of other peoples needs before you have even had time to draw breath. 

A little bit of TLC is what you need right now, give yourself some time at the end of the day to gather your thoughts, reflect and recharge.  I am grateful today that I am able to recognise these times where I need to take time out for myself, and I celebrate the ‘me’ that once recharged and refreshed can move mountains!
Loving Kindness is what you need
What simple act of kindness are you able to show yourself?

I Love you today because - Day 28

I love you today because.....
You inspire

You have come a long way, been through the fire, learnt many lessons, you are learning each and every day.  You are truly an inspiration and through your journey and your openness you encourage others, be proud of how far you have come!

I love you today series of images - Fine liner and Promarker sketch

Show some love
Take a moment to think about all the areas you have been inspired in and make room for continued inspiration.

Share some love
Think about those who have inspired you and thank them in some way.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below.  Come back tomorrow to see my reflections of the posts..

Wednesday 26 February 2014

I Love you today because - Day 27

I love you today because......

You are encouraging

You have a very positive energy and all that come in contact with you can sense that there is something different about you,  You see the small things, noticing the details, and the things that really count. You speak blessings into their lives and give them the courage to be more than they thought they could be.

Show some love
Even you need encouraging, take time to recharge your batteries and spend time with others who will encourage you.

Share some love
Every one wants to be heard, spend some time today listening.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Studio - Memories of Home

Welcome to Memories of Home, if you would like to find out more information about the series, Click here

Being in a supportive environment is important to our growth as individuals, not everyone has had that opportunity and as adults we try and create an environment that will nurture and bless our children and indeed ourselves.


I shared in my memories of home post on PEACE how working in my studio is a space that I can unwind, reflect and get lost in my creativity. It is important to have a space that you can collect your thoughts, and make some sense of the world, your life, and all that comes with it. You might not have access to a studio, you might just have the end of a kitchen table which is what I had to work with for many years.

When I was younger I was able to have my own room when my sister left home, having previously shared with my brother. Our room was never tidy enough for me and I would complain to my mum that he would always be in my 'stuff'.  It wasn't that I minded him looking at my things but he never asked if he could touch. I moaned, he flashed a cheeky smile, and mum told us to sort it out, which we did.

Since having my studio space and being able to spread my wings, it has taken a while but I am beginning to growing out of my space. There are many different mediums and materials that I enjoy working with, so many things still to try and experiment with, and in the same way that I out grew working at the end of the kitchen table, it is time to spread my wings even further. But it is deeper than having more space to put another shelf up, it is about continued mental and emotional growth.

I feel that it is important that we continue to grow and embrace what comes with change, whilst not getting too comfortable with things the way they are. It is very easy to take things for granted, and when they are gone you don't know what to do with yourself. I know I can be resistant to change as I like to have some sort of plan and with change can come some uncertainty, but I have learnt to see the changes as a new opportunity to learn something new. 

What are you doing with the space that you have, have you begun to take it for granted or are you seeing the potential that is right in front of you?

Think about an area of your home that you could utilize for a different purpose, and make some changes. I hope you continue to join me on my journey over the weeks, as I share my mixed media houses and look back to the memories of home. I look forward to hearing about some some of your own memories. Blessings and peace to you!

I love you today because - Day 26

I Love you today because.....

You Care

We can spend a lot of time worrying about what other people think about us and stop doing the very things which sets our hearts on fire.  It is important to seek wise council, but be careful who you reveal your heart to, it is not everyone who decides to voice their opinion that you should care about.

Show some love
How would you feel if you let go of those negative words that was spoken over your life that still weigh heavy.

Share some love

Be sensitive with the effects of the words you use today.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Monday 24 February 2014

I love you today - Day 25

I Love you today because.....
You bring a new perspective

There is always a new way to look at things and when you are faced with a problem rather than see the limitations you see the possibilities.  You are like a breath of fresh air, bringing much light and clarity to the situation.  There is always more than one solution to the problem, a new way of looking at it, a new perspective.

Show some love
When you go out today go a different direction and take a look your environment

Share some love
Offer some help to someone that challenges you both

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

I love you today because - Day 24

I Love you today because......

You have a kind heart

You have always been caring and often forget to show that care and attention to yourself.  You have a big heart, and the care that you show to others is beautiful, keep on doing it, for today you are going to spend some time focusing on caring for you!

Show some love
Sit in a quiet and comfortable place that is pleasing to the eye and has gentle sounds and listen to what your heart is saying.

Share some love
Think about a way that you can start and initiative to help those who are unable to help themselves and get together with some like-minded people.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Friday 21 February 2014

I love you today because - Day 22

I love you today because......
You Love adventure

You have a spirit that loves adventure, finding out new things and you are not afraid of being in unfamiliar environments.

Your life was meant to be lived and explored, there is still so much of this world that you haven’t yet seen, so many cultures that are still waiting to meet you, go for it!

Show some love
Make a plan at least once a week to try a new experience.

Share some love
Reach out to someone in your neighborhood and offer them some help.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

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