Thursday 7 July 2016

Transformation Thursdays - Mixed Media Painting - Bird Friend

Where we currently live we constantly hear the sound of the birds in the morning.  We have two large trees at the front of our house known as 'Bearded Fig Trees' and there are 3 different types of birds that seem to nest quite happily in their branches.  

Obviously while they frolic in the trees they are usually tweeting away at different pitches and tones and it is quite a beautiful way to start the day as I flow into my normal morning routine and start my day.

The other thing they seem to bring here as well as in my old house are seeds of unknown trees.  I just found out today that the thing that I thought was a weed is actually a pomegranate tree!  I couldn't be happier as I had actually just brought one after contemplating growing from seeds but the plant was cheaper than buying just one fruit.

Anyway along with bringing seeds and song they also leave their calling card on the back of chairs and the hand rail, so that part of their morning joy is not appreciated, but I guess I can live with it.

I wanted to share my latest of the series of paintings that I had done on small cards. 

They start out with the scraps of paper collage on card and a loose shape for the body is then outlined.  You can take a look at the video below to see it from start to finish as well.

Because of the background colours I try and keep the paint I use to a minimum and do a lot of blending to get the shades and colours that I like.

The ladys then take on a life of their own and come with their stories to be told.  This young one came with a friend, not sure of the breed of bird it is, but it seems to have a lot of character

Perhaps it is related to one of those birds that come and tell all first thing in the morning.

I encourage you to start a daily practice whether you paint, draw, or take photographs while out on your walk.

Bird Friend
You can also check out some of the courses that I have been teaching on, The Journey Within, One BadAss Journal and Embrace Your Art Jam, for ways in which you can tap into your creativity.

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Clay Vase - Creating on a Budget

I thought I would share another example of the vases that I altered.  I had found three ceramic vases in a local store but  didn't like the pattern that they had, so I altered them.

I give you a closer look in this video here

By taking home made paper clay and a molded had that was also made from clay I covered the vase with the paper clay.  I would have loved to show you the process, but only thought of it when they had all been covered with their first layer.

 It really does give the vase a different look. Once the clay had dried I painted it and covered with the string

 All in all I think it turned out well, and I would like to experiment with different surfaces. 

Why don't you give it a try and see how it turns out for you

Check out some of your local thrift stores for inexpensive vases and rediscover their beauty.

For now stay blessed and be a blessing.

Friday 1 July 2016

Bloom - Saying It with Flowers

Saying It With Flowers

I thought I would say it with flowers today, and remind you how precious you are!  We often go about our day to day in a whirl and don't have time to take stock of what is going on around us, the people who have been there for us and have been such a blessing.

I thought I would take the time to say it with flowers and remind you that you are a gift and that you have so many beautiful qualities.

I thought that I would say it with flowers today and remind you what a pleasure it is to know you, to call you a friend and to be able to call on you in times of trouble, but also times of celebration!

I thought I would say it with flowers, we can be so busy sometimes that we forget those things that really matter, and can be here today but gone in a twinkling of an eye.  So I hope you now know just how much your love, treasured and adored!

Mixed media collage art on card.

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

While your at it why not check out some of the
free courses at Craftsy

Saturday 18 June 2016

Creating on a Budget - Fabric Vase

So sorry that I haven't been around here on my blog.  I have lots to share over the coming weeks about things that I have been getting involved with.  It is great to be able to share some of the opportunities that have come about and as they bless me I hope to be able to bless you as well.

I have been playing around with different materials in the studio, looking at ways in which you can create art especially when your on a budget.  I have a range of projects on my blog that where I have used recycled materials that can be transformed into a work of art and so thought I create a series of a few more things that you can make.  I will rearranging my blog to make some of the projects more accessible, and there will be step by step projects, so please do come back.  Also sign up for my newsletter - the first issue will be out in July, and there will be lots of hints and tips to help you on your creative journey

Fabric Coated Vase
I found some mini vases at my local dollar store.  It can be a great place to find things that you can transform and utilize in your studio, and I have loads of cool projects coming up. 

The original surface of the vase was a lightly engraved but nothing to write home about, so I decided to change them.

I created a face from a mold out of clay and attached using paper clay (another thing I will show you how to make), I then tore up strips of fabric and armed with my powertex (one of my favorite supplies at the moment), coated the fabric and then applied to the vase.

 As the fabric dried I also wrapped it with string to give it additional texture.  Once it all dried I highlighted areas with gold and bronze paint.  I have a video of the vase coming up on my YouTube channel so check there to see it up and personal lol!

I love it, and think it looks quite cool.  I have two more that I will be altering and sharing with you over the coming weeks. 

Fabric Coated Vase - Amanda Trought

Stay blessed and be a blessing!
While your at it check out Craftsy online courses, there are some free ones


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