Friday 23 April 2021

Turning a Composition Notebook into an Art Journal

I recently brought myself a Composition notebook to create an art journal with.  The are fairly cheap and you can pick them up at the Dollar or local store.  In this video I share with you how I transform the first pages.

I wanted to use supplies that I had been holding on for a while and got a selection of handmade papers, words, atc cards and Gelatos that I had sitting in a draw.

We can sometimes be really precious about our supplies, leaving them for what we call 'best' and not ending up using them at all and before you know it the supply has dried up and you have wasted your money.

What I plan to do with this art journal is to share some of the process pages - sharing techniques and ideas so that you can try them as well in your journals.

The more I played with the page the more supplies came out and I stencilled on the page and made marks and brought the page together.

I realised how many cards and papers that I had painted on and left in the bag that I was able to use. They now have a home in the composition art journal and it is also a great escape for me to be able to be a lot freer with my supplies.

If you would like to see the FULL version of this video in 'real time' you can do so HERE on my Patreon account.

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Thursday 22 April 2021

Everlasting Art Journal - Art Journal for Beginners - Video included

Welcome to the post, I created this art journal from greeting cards that I had printed out and for some reason or another just didn't use them.  They are A6 cards of a variety of colors and some have shapes cut out of them for inserts.

It is a lovely size to work with as it fits quite neatly in your hands.  One of the things I like with this art journal is that it uses the scraps of paper and card that you may have especially those smaller pieces from other projects.

Check out the video below to see how I have worked on the pages, and get some hints and tips of how you could use your hand made art journal.

Let me know if you have any questions about the Art Journal and pages and if you decide to make one I would love to see your results!

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Creativity and Healing - with Larissa Russel and Amanda Trought

I recently joined Larissa Russell of Creative U and we spoke about the healing power of creativity you can listen HERE or catch the video below

Watch the Video of the session


Sunday 11 April 2021

Arts and Wellness Café - Discernment and Creative Projects


Welcome to Arts and Wellness Café.  As the week comes to a close we look at the word Discernment and how it using it impacts not only on your life but your creative pursuits as well. 

Here are some of the projects that I shared in the video up close.  The first one is a stitched project, one of my first and I really enjoyed creating.

The other project that I am working on is trying to extract the pigments from flowers and using it to dye fabric. Here I have been using a mortar and pestle 

This is the extracted pigment and the pulp from the flower

Here is the flower - the Clitoria Ternatea and the way it dyes the fabric.  You can also use it as a herbal tea - tastes delicious!

For a herbal tea you place the flowers in the cup and pour hot water onto it.  The blue color is then released.  If you add a couple of drops of lemon juice it turns the water purple instead of blue.

I will be sharing more from the results that I have gotten from other fabrics that have been dyed.  If you want to see behind the scenes of some of the work I am doing you can join me on Patreon

For supplies, if you are interested in creating using the same supplies you can check them out below:

Embroidery Thread
Hand Embroidery Stitches at a glance -
Fabric squares
Pestle and Mortar
Coffee filter
Clitoria Ternatea Seeds
Clitoria Ternatea Flowers

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