Monday 8 October 2012

21 Secrets - The Art of Texture - Christy Tomlinson

I've always loved using texture in my work and Christy's workshop encourages you to play and experiment with different textures including modelling paste.

Poly filler used with glitter and water soluable pencils

I experimented slightly and found that poly filler - the fine one works really well, and I got to use some of the stencils that I hadn't worked with for quite some time.  Here are two different examples from journals that I used the poly filler in.  The one above uses water soluable pencils and glitter and the one below also combines acrylics, stencils as well.  I do like how it raises the surface and will be using it more in my work.

 This is how it started out

I'm not sure if I am finished yet


  1. Gosh Amanda these truly are beautiful. I really must visit more often. Val x

  2. Thank you for sharing your experiments. I have been doing something similar a lot. My niche is collage-making and so I am often thinking of innovative ways to layer, create texture, simulate dimension or even three dimensional space by use of mere papers and pictures.


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