Monday 14 October 2013

Material Mondays - Crochet and Fabric

Welcome to Material Mondays - Crochet and Fabric Monday Makes a selection of posts where I share what I’ve done with fabric and crochet, things that I have been experimenting on, trying to perfect and hopefully things that will inspire you to give it a go for yourself.  The only way to get better at something is to keep practicing.  I don’t profess to be an expert, but I am willing to give it a go, and extend my creative abilities and even see how some techniques can be altered and used in my mixed media work.  

All things fabric

I've been experimenting quite a bit with using textiles and making fabric journals, with my first exposure to fabric journals being with Teesha Moore with her fabric journals and Mika Diaz with painted pages. They both have different styles and are very inspiring.  I have also been stepping up with the crocheting, graduated from the circles and squares and actually making functional items.  It is a very relaxing activity, among some of the things that I have started include jewellery, and scarf’s and a hats!  I will share what I have done when I finish the pieces.

Crochet was never something I was keen on.  Growing up I was used to seeing my mother crocheting and making table decorations, all intricate and delicate looking, (I’m sorry that I didn't keep any of them).  I’m not sure what became of them, perhaps they gave way to more modern table adornment.  I stumbled across a site called Craftsey and they introduced me to the side of crocheting that I never explored.  But more and more crochet and fabric are now becoming integrated within some of my work.  I’m not sure if I will make a crochet blanket but I do love the many things you can do with crochet.   Fabric it is also so versatile and you can do so much with it, especially if you have recycled, painting it and giving it a new lease of life.  I was inspired by some of the quilts that I saw whilst on holiday earlier this year and also many of the textile artists and quilters that I have met online Carol - Jehjireh Spirit.  I recently got a kindle copy of the story of Estella Weaver Nukes who made Franklin Roosevelt's Postage Stamp Quilt written by Kyra E Hicks and I have been inspired to write a short story about quilts that were passed to the women of the family and the magnificent colours and patterns and story that the pieces of materials and designs tell - this is a work in progress.

Reusable Crochet Journal Cover

My first showing for the ‘Monday Makes is a journal cover for one of the Capturing Moments mini journals

I have made a reusable crochet cover for a along with pockets to store items in for crafting.

Using simple straight forward pattern the inserts are the same for the ‘capturing moments mini journal and has a bead to button it that has been decorated using Bead enhancing glue.  I am looking forward to working in it!

Some of the items will be for sale and I will list it on my website.  If you like something, what you get will be made with love.  If you are interested in learning how to crochet or quilting etc there are lots of links on you tube, you can also check out Craftsy who run online classes and at the moment have a selection of free online classes for you enjoy.

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