Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 September 2023

Free Taster Classes on Now!


You can find out more information HERE  

Come and join in the fun for Life Book 2024 Taster Sessions, where art meets well-being! Tamara and her team have put together an impressive lineup, taking you on a journey that can positively impact your health and overall sense of well-being.

Over the next two weeks, you will immerse yourselves in the world of art as the Life Book 2024 Teaching Team introduces you to a fantastic range of soul-nurturing experiences. These sessions will ignite your creative spirits.

The Taster Sessions will be available from September 25th, 2023, to October 8th, 2023, You can have continued access to the sessions if you join Life Book 2024, commencing on January 1st, 2024.  Gaining access to over 80 enriching mixed media art sessions, each session is designed to not only awaken your artistic talents but also to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and foster mindfulness.

If you already feel the excitement, you can take the first step by pre-ordering Life Book now or delving deeper into what awaits you here. Prepare to embark on a transformative voyage that will enrich not only your artistic skills but also your life. Welcome to a world where art and well-being converge in a symphony of self-discovery and joy.


Making Zen

The other free course for you to try at the moment is the Making Zen course free to access until 29th September.  You will be shown how to:

Make a time for yourself to create
Overcome procrastination with a variety of creative projects
Learn new techniques and more!

Before you go....

Sign up to my Patreon platform where you will unlock over 400 patron only videos, digital products and more!  You can sign up for 7 day for FREE to get a flavor for what is on offer!

Saturday 1 July 2023

Transforming Tetra Pak Cartons into Art Journals: Embracing Recycling and Creativity

In today's art journal video, I am thrilled to share with you a unique and eco-friendly approach to creating art journals using recycled materials, specifically Tetra Pak cartons. These cartons, commonly used for packaging beverages, pose a recycling challenge in many areas. However, instead of letting them go to waste, we can repurpose them into beautiful and functional art journals that provide endless creative fun.

The Need for Recycling and Repurposing

Recycling has become increasingly important in our efforts to protect the environment and preserve valuable resources. By recycling and repurposing, we can reduce waste, conserve energy, and reduce the harmful effects of pollution. Tetra Pak cartons, due to their complex composition, often present a challenge for local recycling centers, and this led me to explore alternative ways to reuse these cartons and turn them into something meaningful.

Creating Art Journals

Art journals are a great way to express our creativity, capture our thoughts, and document our experiences. They serve as a personal sanctuary for self-expression and reflection. By repurposing Tetra Pak cartons into art journals, we not only divert them from landfills but also breathe new life into these everyday objects.

The Creative Process:

In future videos, I will be sharing the step-by-step process of creating these art journals with my patrons. From preparing the cartons to binding the pages, each stage offers opportunities for customization and personalization. You can choose to leave the carton's original design intact or transform it with paints, collages, or other mixed-media techniques. I have also reused the cartons as temporary plant pots in the garden and there are a range of other creative projects that you can use them for.

I would love to know how you use yours, and whether you have tried using them for a creative project, by transforming Tetra Pak cartons into art journals it provides a unique way to express your creativity while making a positive impact on the environment.

Join us on Patreon if you would like to see how I put the art journal together, and remember you can sign up for a 7 day FREE trial and view over 90 Patron only posts.

Thursday 22 June 2023

Material Mondays - Dragonfly Slow Stitching and Beading Project

I have a stitched project from my last Material Mondays to complete and in the video that I share I show you how I would continue to work on this project.

I share with you how I would continue to work on this project by adding beading to the surface. I love incorporating beads into my stitched projects and I have managed to gather quite a collection over the years. Beading enhances your project and enables you to tell your story, there is also a therapeutic experience that goes hand in hand with slow stitching and quite a satisfying feeling on completion of the project.

Check out the video below to see how I go through the process of selecting the right beads for the project.

Here are some additional ways that incorporating beading to your project will impact in a positive way to your overall health and wellbeing.

Bead Selection

Choosing beads for your slow stitching projects can be a sensory journey in itself, carefully examining their colors, textures, and shapes, allows you to indulge in the pleasure of selection - deciding what looks best for your project. Each bead holds the potential to enhance your project and become a tiny work of art in its own right. As you take your time to select the right beads, you tap into your intuition and creative vision, creating a connection between your stitched design and the chosen embellishments.

A Meditative Process:

Incorporating beads into your slow stitching projects invites you to enter a state of mindfulness. As you thread each bead onto your needle and place it within the fabric, you focus and the repetitive motion of beading becomes a form of meditation.

Visual Delight:

Whatever type of beads you choose, each bead carries its unique color and sparkle. You spend time looking over your selection of beads and additional uses for projects come to mind. 

Completing a Project

Completing a slow stitching project already brings immense satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. When beads are incorporated, this feeling is magnified. The process of threading and securing each bead adds an extra layer of dedication and attention to detail. It serves as a testament to your creativity, patience, and the story that is told through your work.

Personal Style and Storytelling: 

Beaded embellishments offer a unique opportunity to infuse your slow stitching projects with personal style and narrative. With each bead, you have the power to tell a story, evoke emotions, or be reminded of a memory. The selection and placement of beads enable you to create a deeply meaningful connection between your stitched art and your own personal journey.

Incorporating beading into your slow stitching projects comes a transformational experience, intertwining creativity, mindfulness, and personal expression. The therapeutic effects of selecting the right beads, mindfully adding them to your stitches, and seeing the project completed is so satisfying.

So, embrace the magic of beading in your slow stitching journey, and witness how each tiny bead adds a touch of sparkle and soul to your stitched masterpieces.

Before you go...

Sunday 18 June 2023

1000 Dog Portraits - Work Published

In keeping with the post I shared a while back about celebrating your achievements, I thought I would share some of my artwork that got published in a book some time ago, but we can still celebrate!  In fact I have a journal dedicated for things that I have achieved, so that I can look back as a reminder and see how far I have come.  It is important that you write down all your achievements, not matter how small.

The Book that my work was published in was published in 2014 and is called 1000 Dog portraits, curated by Robynne Raye. I created 2 playful paintings which were selected.  It was a reminder to me to 'go for it' and not hold back and allow the critic to voice their untruths.

On the Run - Amanda Trought, 1000 Dog Portraits

My main focus was to have fun and bring out the colors in each of the paintings, and I like the cartoon like feel of my dogs, and they may one day feature in a children's book of their own.

Amanda Trought Art - Dog Portraits

It was great to see the diversity of work from both artists and designers from around the world, and to have my work published alongside them.

I think I might spend some more time playing about with colors and shapes, and see what other playful characters that I can come up with
Why not try it out yourself.

Cole my dog is wondering when I am going to do a painting of him, he loves posing for the camera, and makes sure we only get his best side!

Cole, Such a majestic looking dog

Hanging out with Cole

Stay blessed and be a blessing and keep your eyes out for many other creative goodies that will be coming your way.

You can check out the book  HERE on Amazon 


Free Trial on Patreon - Join Us

Saturday 17 June 2023

The 100 Day Project - Collage Art - Reflections

 100 Days of Collage

The 100-day project has come to an end, and it's an exhilarating feeling to look back and admire the collection of 100 unique collage art pieces I have created.

Each artwork, crafted on a book page or card, incorporates a selection of collage ephemera and uplifting words or phrases. Throughout this creative journey, I have not only discovered the joy of creating collages but also explored various other ways in which collage can be used in my creative practice.

It was a real joy creating the pieces, I selected all the ephemera that I had, all the handmade paper, painted paper, paint, stencils, doodling and much more and had fun putting them together.

Collage is fun and spoke to the multipotentialite in me that loves working in on different pieces of art, 100 to be exact. I was able to explore all the different combinations of materials such as paper, photographs, fabrics, and found objects. The tactile experience of gathering and arranging these elements added an extra layer of excitement and creativity to the artistic process.

Creative Expression

Collage art provides an opportunity to express one's personal narrative.  I love providing encouragement in my work and telling a story. By incorporating meaningful imagery, symbols, and words, each piece can tell a story or evoke specific emotions, allowing for a deeper connection between the artwork and the viewer.

Experimenting and Play

Collage art encourages experimenting with your supplies and spending time playing.  By staying flexible and not limiting yourself it enables you to explore different compositions, textures, and color combinations. This can lead to some powerful pieces.

Therapeutic Collage

Engaging in the process of creating collages can be meditative and therapeutic. The act of cutting, arranging, and gluing materials can be a form of mindfulness, providing a sense of relaxation and focus.

I hope seeing some of my collage art from my 100 day challenge has inspired you to maybe try a challenge yourself, it is so much fun, and great to see what you have produced when you look back.

My art pieces will be made available on my Red Bubble site should you want to buy a print or have an image on a journal.

Enjoy a 7 Day FREE Trial on Patreon 

Check out my Patreon, you will find over 90 different projects, videos, digital downloads and more for your to have fun with.  Let me know how you get on.

Monday 15 May 2023

Fabric Stitched Projects - Material Mondays


Welcome to Material Mondays! I'm Amanda, if this is your first time here, and I'm thrilled to have you join me today. Whether you're new here or a regular viewer, thank you for stopping by. In today's session, we'll explore fabric art panels and delve into the creative process behind their creation. I'll share some of the fabric pieces I've been working on lately and guide you on how to incorporate similar ideas into your own projects. So, let's dive right in!

If you've been following my recent videos, you might have noticed that I've been focusing on various projects like stitching leaves and other ways to embellish them.

I have now moved back to working on some of the stitched projects that have been calling me. I've incorporated stitched words onto the fabric pieces. Initially, I sewed the words onto a large piece of fabric, and when I'm ready for a new word, I simply cut it out and attach it to the project. The contrast created by these stitched words adds a beautiful touch to the overall composition.  I can always go back and add details with different color threads and I can either use a sewing machine or hand stitch.

With some of the other fabric pieces that are currently in progress, each of them consists of separate fabric panels, each undergoing different techniques. Some are dyed, while others are stenciled, painted, or written on. They are now waiting to be attached to larger fabric backing. One piece that stands out is the one called "Vision." I love the combination of colors and the circular motion created by the stitching, evoking a sense of movement. Consider adding seed beads to create dimension and texture in certain areas. The possibilities are endless when it comes to infusing your fabric art with different materials and techniques.

I always have a few projects going at the same time, and I have found that this allows me to continuously engage in the creative process and stay inspired.

If you're interested in seeing some of these pieces check out the video. 

I want to emphasize the importance of gathering fabric pieces and engaging in stitching as a meditative activity. Spending just 20 minutes on a project can be incredibly therapeutic, If you're feeling inspired, consider creating a fabric word sheet like the one I've shown you. These fabric words can be stitched onto your panels, adding a personalized touch to your artwork. It's all about finding joy in the process and allowing your creativity to flourish.

Remember, don't be afraid to change your mind about a piece or experiment with different elements. Artistic expression is all about exploration and embracing the development of your ideas. 

Check out The Free Summit - The Art of The Intuitive Mind

Sign up for this FREE Event HERE

Tuesday 9 May 2023

The Art of the Intuitive Mind - Listen to Your Intuition - FREE Summit 25th - 31st May

I am excited to share that later this month I will be speaking at an event called The Art of The Intuitive Mind and I’d like to invite you to come along. 

It’s a gathering of creative souls who will share the practices and rituals that they use to connect to their intuition and to create from a place of infinite potential.  

When you follow your intuition you are listening to the whispers of your soul, the Holy Spirit rather than the noise of the world around you.  Letting go of what everyone else is doing, how they are doing it, or how you think they think you should be doing it and the limits of what seems possible, instead you follow what feels right in your heart, you sense it, you know it.

When you take action from this place of alignment you get more of what you want in your life, rather than more of what you don’t want.  There are 14 amazing speakers, including myself and we all share our point of view and guide you in an exercise to tap into that place using creativity as the expression.

Following your intuition takes practice, but you can learn to listen to that still small voice, see the spark, or that glimmer that catches your eye, and learn to discern between being led by fear and lack and being guided by peace, being enough, limitless abundance, knowing and trust.  I hope you join us.

Find out more and register for free HERE.

Crochet Decorated Leaves - Creating with Nature


Here is the latest design that I have created on my Sea Grape leaves.  

I have used crochet around the outside of a leaf.  This is the center piece for a leaf that had been cut.

I find crocheting around the larger leaves a bit easier and I really like experimenting with the designs using different techniques to bring out the beauty in the leaves.

I later used my woodburning tool to create additional markings on the surface of the leaf.

I hope you enjoy.  

Slow Stitched Leaves

Check out the video below where I show you how I would slow stitch on a dried leaf.

Additional Resources

Check out the latest resources in the Art Resource Hub

Friday 28 April 2023

Get Creative with Texture: How to Make an Inspiring Art Journal Page

Are you looking for a fun and creative way to spice up your art journal? Look no further! In my video, we'll explore a simple yet effective technique to add texture to your journal pages while also providing a source of inspiration and encouragement.

I am part of a team of artists who collaborate every forth Friday of every month and share their videos, you will see the link to their videos in my description.

To begin, gather any leftover letters or words that you may have from previous projects, I am using the stickable letters to create my words. If you don't have any letters, simply write messages to yourself on your page or use words from magazines, newspapers, or even old books.

Once you have your letters or messages, start placing them onto your page in any arrangement that feels aesthetically pleasing to you. You can overlap the letters, vary the sizes, and even add some paint or other mixed media elements to create depth and interest, take some time to think about what encouraging or inspiring phrases you might want to include. Some examples could be "I am worthy," "Today is a new day," or "I am capable of achieving my dreams."

This technique is a fantastic way to create a visual reminder of your positive affirmations. By including them into your art journal, you can revisit them whenever you need a little pick-me-up.

So why not join me in the studio and give it a try? Take a moment to gather your materials and let your creativity flow. Once you're finished, share your artwork with me and let me know how the process felt. Happy journaling!

Art Bundle for Good is BACK!!

Art Bundles For Good Bundle #7 is back up for sale and we're running a giveaway!
This is the same bundle that went on sale in November of 2022, so if you’ve already purchased it, you already have it!
Three lucky winners will have a chance to win the entire Art Bundles for Good #7 including $5700 worth of art courses and other great resources. There are over 111 art resources from more than 90 of your favorite artists (including one of my courses) this year creating Mixed Media Art Bowls.  You make a series of paper art bowls which can house your encouraging words and inspiration to yourself.  You can check out the course HERE

Good luck in the giveaway, Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Sunday 23 April 2023

Art Journal Joys - Mark Making and doodling


Making Marks in your Art Journal

In my video today I share with you how to prepare your art journal page and then go on to create some interesting marks and doodles on the page.

I think that it is important to spend time playing in my art journal and working on a page that was previously prepared. It is great to have a page that you don't have to start from the beginning sometimes and you can just do some mark making.

I also show you how I would start the page from the beginning, using up any spare paint that I might have to add to a page.

The Art journal is made from recycled papers and then stitched together.

Some of the supplies used:

Craft paints -
Ink -
Posca Pens -
Gelly roll Pen -

You could also do this idea on card or paper and then use as collage paper to create backgrounds in your art journal.

I hope you have fun trying out the idea.

You can also get access to background papers on my course platform.  Sign up to the Art Resource Hub and other courses and receive a free digital download paper every month.

Saturday 15 April 2023

The Benefits of Being Creative - Art Journals

Art Journal Page - Sing Your Song 

Have you ever taken the time to engage in a creative activity? Maybe you've painted a picture, written a poem, or simply doodled in a journal. Regardless of the activity, there are numerous benefits to spending time being creative, and research has shown that regularly engaging in creative activities can have a positive impact on your overall wellbeing.

One way to incorporate creativity into your daily routine is through art journaling. Art journaling is a form of self-expression that combines words, images, and artistic techniques in a journal. It is a way to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a visual and creative way. 

In today's Art Journal video, we will be taking a journal page and transforming it using a variety of supplies. The page starts with some collage paper and then using stamps and stickable letters, a message and an image are created to accompany it. The bird is a stamped image that is stuck on to the page, then incorporated into it by using paints, and ink to decorate its body. This process can be easily adapted to your own supplies and preferences, making it a flexible and enjoyable activity.

One of the great things about working in your art journal is that you can work with the supplies you have and substitute as you go along. If you don't have stickable letters, then write your message by hand. If you don't have a stamp of a bird, you can substitute a photo or draw the bird yourself. 

With creativity, it's important to experiment on a regular basis in your art journal and play around with ideas, seeing which ones resonate with you more. It doesn't have to be perfect, and it can be whatever you choose it to be. The act of creating and expressing yourself is what's important, not the end result.

Here are some reasons being creative is 
  • It can help reduce stress and anxiety;
  • Engaging in a creative activity can help you shift your focus away from negative thoughts and feelings, allowing you to relax and unwind;
  • It can also boost your mood;
  • It can increase self-esteem;
  • It promotes feelings of accomplishment.
  • Creativity has been shown to enhance problem-solving skills and improve memory. 
Spending time being creative can have many benefits for your mental and emotional wellbeing. Whether it's through art journaling or another form of creative expression, taking the time to explore your creativity can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. and you might discover a new passion or uncover a hidden talent!

Check out the Art Resource Hub and other courses such as Mixed Media Art Tags on my platform to help you make the most of being creative.

Saturday 8 April 2023

Weekly Art Journals & Exhibition News


In this weeks video I shares how you can add crochet to your art journals and create different effects.  I really enjoyed adding this element to my art journals and you can add different color wool to your piece.  I used a different color wool at the end of the pages, and I will be coming back to add journaling and some embellishments to the page.

I have one of my paintings in the exhibition - A Seat at the Table, and today there is a 'meet the artists' organized so I will be sharing a bit about some of the work that I do, and what inspires my pieces.

I love the vibrancy of colors and the painting was a very therapeutic piece to complete.  The painting is for sale so if you are interested do get in touch.

Join us on Sunday where we share our video collaboration for Artsy Second Sunday.  A group of us meet and share a video based on a prompt for the month.  It is loads of fun and you can join us in the live chat on YouTube and see how my art journal page was created.  It starts at 12pm EST  I am scheduled for 1.48 EST You can schedule a notification HERE

If you can join us it would be great!  Check out all the videos in the hop which will be listed in the description of the video. 

Hope you are having a lovely time this Easter Weekend.


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