Showing posts with label gratitude's journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitude's journal. Show all posts

Thursday 13 November 2014

Gratititude's and Celebration Journal - Week 64 - Stars

Gratitude and Celebration Journal - Stars

When we look up at the sky we can see the beauty of what seems like hundreds of stars twinkling, each with their own light shining for a purpose.  But in fact there are actually millions of stars each a planet in its own right and shining its’ light sometimes bright enough for the naked eye to see.

How are the lives that we lead impacting on others from afar?  Are we showing our best qualities, making the most of what we have and making sure that what is inside us can be of as equal value and not just for show?  Don’t let those negative voices stop you from being who you are truly meant to be.  In letting our lives be a true reflection of the love that God has for us we release others to shine like the stars that they too were meant to be.

I am grateful and celebrate the beauty that we have within us, and in the night sky - the great expanse before us holds many mysteries and insights.

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!
ratitude and Celebration Journal

Thursday 6 November 2014

Gratitudes and Celebration - Prayerfulness - Week 63

Gratitude’s and Celebration

I think it is important to be thankful in all things, most importantly that we have breath for another day, but also for the things that we can’t see that bring blessings, change, new opportunities and grace into our lives.

Prayer is important to me, I pray to God who I have confidence exists, and who as far as I am concerned created me in his image to be all that I can be.  Prayer is a continual thing, not just for one day a week but for every day, each and every moment, and in every circumstance.

I pray for my family, friends and I pray for people I don’t know.  When I see an ambulance I pray for whoever they have been called out for that God touches their lives and they are healed, prayer is key.

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal

Today I am grateful and celebrate that I can pray, that I have the freedom to be able to pray openly and talk about my faith without fear.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

Friday 31 October 2014

Reflections and Understandings - Tips for Carers

When I decided to be part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge I didn't think about what I had on in terms of work and responsibilities, I just jumped in and had to fit things around writing the posts.  

From Gratitude's Journal - Your life deserves your attention

It wasn't easy and every day I had to encourage myself to share a bit more than I was used to, though I am glad I took the step as there were things I needed to encourage within myself and with each post brought me to a greater understanding of my role as a carer.  I have been encouraged to step up in my creativity, to let go of those things that I can't change, and to make room for the blessings that come when you treat yourself and others with kindness.
Time to recharge those batteries!

So many thoughts have come out of sharing, and so many ideas.  I hope at some point to provide suggestion of creative activities that you can do for relaxation for yourself and with the person you care for all very easy to organize and can fit into your daily schedule.  As a mixed media artist I love making things and have been sharing my art and creativity throughout the posts.  

In writing the posts as part of the challenge, I have gained new insights, grown, shed a few tears and dusted myself off and got up again.  The main thing that stands out for me is about choice we always have a choice in the way we respond, whether we accept things the way they are, or if we take steps for a change.

We can choose to be upset about the one we are caring for and what they can’t do and how much they have changed, or we can choose to celebrate that they have a life, they can breathe or that they woke up this morning and are living life the best possible way with a circle of people that love them and only want the best.
Gratitudes and Celebration Journal - Dream
I choose to be true to myself to love myself and give myself space, to know when I need a break and time out, and to know when I need to go at full throttle, to ask for help when I need it and be open about my role as a carer.  I choose to love my mum a best I can and not feel guilty about not being perfect, and I choose to love me and show love to others by trying to be a blessing in their lives.  
You Are....

For now, take a look back over your past week, or month, what lessons, moments for reflection and insights have you come away with.  If you can put it down in a journal, create a piece of art and be encouraged!

Bless you for stopping by, do leave a comment on how the posts have informed and encouraged you.

You can also click on the 'Celebrating life' image to be taken to the rest of the posts from the Journey of a Carer.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Gratitude's and Celebrations - Prepare - Week 62

Prepare Week 62

Welcome to Gratitude’s and celebration post.  It is late and I should have posted it yesterday, but I guess as the title suggest I wasn't prepared.  I've been trying to get myself into a workable routine where I get a mountain of things done, but started watching a film last night and before that did a number of other activities, stuff kind of got in the way.

I know that I work much better when I am prepared and organised and so much gets done.  At the end of the day it depends what you want, and what you are trying to achieve that will determine just how much you do.

There are some things that you can’t prepare for and in my blog posts for the UBC challenge I have been writing about the unpredictability of dementia and the Carers Role.  I can plan for some things but not how it will affect my mum and the fallout and consequence of that.  We are thinking of making some big decisions over our lives and one of them is about going to live in Barbados, and what it will mean as family, how will we navigate through everything that will need to be done to facilitate it. 

I think about the facilities and wheelchair access that would be available for mum to live comfortably, wonder what type of support I would have as all my family are here in the UK.  We also have to think about Sekani and him going to university, not only getting a place but settling in a new environment, this all needs preparation and a lot of planning, and so many things seemingly out of my control. 

I am grateful and celebrate the peace that can come when we prepare and allow ourselves to go in new directions and experience different ways of living.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

Friday 3 October 2014

UBC Day 3 & Gratititudes and Celebrations - Week - 59 - Savor

As a carer there are so many things that need to be done in order to get through the day.  You are not only thinking of yourself but another adult who needs your support for all their needs.   You can then find yourself busy in a lot of stuff, with deadlines and to do lists, busy, each with their own pressure and sometimes feel that you are rushing through life missing out on the blessings and relationships that are actually right in front of you.

You plan, and schedule, burning the candle at both ends, trying to reach a goal and then wonder why that headache that has been bothering you is still there, and when you start to think about it those aches and pains have been around for a while and so many things hurt.  The time that you crave to spend on those things that really matter and that nurture and minister to your soul are put aside and you are all timed out. 

What you need is balance and the time to savor, to sit, to think and reflect.  Among those plans and schedules and the daily things that you have to do - including looking after those you care for you have to make real time for those you love and to be with friends and share your life.  You have to notice the little things and take stock of where you are right at this moment and savor it, even if it is just for 5 minutes. I have found it important to savor the moments that I am able to spend with my mum, each special in its own way, where we can be in each other's company and just be still. 

I am grateful and celebrate the still times that I can organise just to be.  Without watching the clock or chasing another deadline, or worrying about what needs to be done but to spend time with those people that really matter in my life.

What can you to to take some time out to savor in your life right now

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

You can also click on the 'Celebrating life' image to be taken to the rest of the posts

Check out Silver Sunday which is an annual day of fun and free activities for older people across the UK. Led by The Sir Simon Milton Foundation, it celebrates older people and their contribution to our communities while combating loneliness and isolation. Everyone can get involved, and you can organise your own event, spread the word, or simply attending an activity. Silver Sunday will take place on 5th October 2014!

Friday 26 September 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 58 - Seeds

You can count the amount of seeds in an apple, but you can't count the amount of apples in a seed...Anonymous 

I love getting out into the garden and working with the soil, clipping back plants, perhaps moving a plant to a new location.  I find spending time outdoors a really relaxing activity.  Even when I didn't have access to a garden I had a lot of houseplants and would regularly nurture them with a song or two - there are studies that show that plants respond to touch and sound.....

The thing I enjoy most with gardening is finding a new plant the seeds of which find a good location depending on where the bird has managed to drop it as it has flown past.  These little surprises brings with it a new variety of plant.  But the key is where the seed falls which will determine it's success.

We also have to be mindful about where we plant our seeds - the words we speak to others, the gifts and talents that we have within us.  We have to not only be encouraging but make the most of each and every opportunity, building up the lives of others rather than tearing down. Are we sowing on good ground, nurturing and watering to ensure growth?

I am grateful and celebrate the gifts that I have been given to share, and I am thankful for the growing confidence to step out each and every day so that I can be an encouraging light for someone else.  

What type of seeds do you have within you and what type of soil are you sowing in?

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!
Gratitude and Celebration Journal

Friday 19 September 2014

Gratitude's and Celebrations - Week 57 - Shine

Gratitude's and Celebration - Shine

Live your life and Shine!

How close to your purpose do you feel that you are?  Are there areas of your life that you feel that you haven't yet achieved that 'thing' or done all those activities on your 'to do' list.  We can chase after a number of different goals and dreams and still come up short, and I think it is because we don't commit and allow fear to creep in.  We wait for what we think we want without making a step, hoping to 'feel' great and then wonder why we reach a particular age and haven't done half of what we dreamed we would do.

Live your life...

Our life is meant to be lived, you are here for a purpose, and there are things that you want to achieve and know that deep down in your soul.  You have passion and drive for something, don't be afraid to step out.  When we hold ourselves back from achieving our purpose, and living the live we have been given to the full then we short change ourselves and others.  God didn't form and fashion you in your mothers womb to be stagnant and stay in the same place year in and year out.

He created your life to live to the full, to impact positively on other peoples lives, to be a blessing, but to also to be blessed yourself.  If you can't think of one thing to do then find someone to help until you work out where your passion lies.  Don't stand still!

I am grateful and celebrate life, we have the opportunity and ability to be amazing and do amazing it's your turn:)

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

Gratitude and Celebration Journal

Friday 12 September 2014

Gratitude and Celebrations - Week 56 - Trust, and more!

Sometimes you need to let go of your expectations and go with the flow, trust and embrace the change.....

I have been away on holiday for 2 weeks, which took me out of my normal environment into one that was sun filled with sand, sea and beautiful environment.  The preparation to go seem to come really quickly and then we were waving goodbye to the UK and saying hello to BARBADOS!

There was so many things that I had wanted to complete when I was away, and somethings that I managed to complete and put into place before I left, but with anything as always there will be something that gets left.  For me it was my blogging schedule, I didn't get to do the posts I had wanted to include during my time away and our internet connection and my internal clock was in a different zone which meant that by the time I was able to get myself into gear it was time to come back and here I am with the lesson of being in the moment and sitting where you are and enjoying the experience. 

I think that we all can relate to those things that seem to drive us from one point to the next, that we feel we should be doing which is all well and good, but we can also miss out on the very things that we should be focusing on.  I decided to go with the flow, enjoy the time at the beach, with family, making new friends, travelling around the island, knowing that when I came back I could more appreciate all that I had left behind.  We can so easily miss all the important moments with worrying about what should have been done, and when we let go of expectations the magic can really happen.

I am so grateful for the time spent away, for the new friends that I have made, for the surprise upgrade on our return journey which gave us extra leg room and 'real cutlery' on the plane!  I am even grateful for the jet lag, and the tiredness which beacons me to sleep even though I can think of a million and one things to do. I celebrate the changes that are yet to come and trust that as I embrace the change new opportunities and doors that will present themselves.

As you ponder on your week and look forward to your weekend, think about what you need to let go of and those things you should start to trust and embrace.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!
Gratitude and Celebration Journal

Friday 29 August 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 55 - Appreciation

Gratitude and Celebration Journal
This year saw me celebrate my birthday, it was a big one, and I felt a bit off.  I wasn't sure if it was the prospect of belonging to a different club, or thinking back over my life - warts and all and either being satisfied or totally dis-satisfied.  To be frank, I didn't know how I was supposed to feel.

At the end of the day, the age is just a number. What is more important is how you live your life, your contributions to the society that you live and the type of relationships that you nurture and that nurture you.

I embrace and appreciate that another year is apon us and as I reflect over the years past I want to be able to draw out the positive encounters, the moments that made me smile, looking at opportunities to see the gifts in the sad times, making the most of the years to come.

I am grateful and celebrate another year in love, peace and grace.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!
Gratitude and Celebration Journal

Saturday 16 August 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 54 - Become your own Cheerleader

Gratitude and Celebration Journal

As I embark on the 2nd year of keeping a Gratitude and celebration journal I asked myself where the self love was.  I have shared so many things that I am grateful about from the large to the very small, for the friends that I have to the opportunities that present themselves, whether positive or negative, everything has its' place at some point if only to shine the light on the gifts that lay within us that needed the trial to make it what it can truly become - think of the pearl and how that is created in the Oysters shell.

So thinking about self love, I asked myself how many times I had acknowledged when I did something good, did I take the time to celebrate the accomplishment. As well as having really encouraging people around who support and encourage you, how many times a day do you say something supportive about yourself, or say 'well done me'? 

We are not always going to have people around us that say those great things about our accomplishments and that is where you have to be your own best friend.  When you got up and did that exercise even though you wanted to slouch around what did you say to yourself? what do you see yourself becoming?, who is unfolding in front of your own eyes?  I say this because I realise that I don't always see myself, I see the person who fulfills many roles, I see the daughter who is looking after her mum with dementia, the daughter who deals with mums care and support from others, I see the wife and mother, the friend that is supportive, but for a long time I didn't see me.

As I approach my birthday next week, I have been thinking about who it is that I want to be for me, as an artist, a woman, a friend.  I have been listening to what I say about myself, how I treat myself, if I am putting myself and my needs on the back burner while taking care of others needs and beginning to shift the balance.  I realise that if there is no more of me then I cannot help others, I cannot be the blessing that I want to be. We need to take care of ourselves to be able to care for someone else, rather than taking it all including our well-being for granted.  I want to treat me as I would a best friend.

I celebrate and I am grateful for the woman that God created me to be, and will say and think encouraging things about myself everyday as I encourage others in their walk.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!
Gratitude and Celebration Journal
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