Saturday 25 October 2014

Gratitude's and Celebrations - Prepare - Week 62

Prepare Week 62

Welcome to Gratitude’s and celebration post.  It is late and I should have posted it yesterday, but I guess as the title suggest I wasn't prepared.  I've been trying to get myself into a workable routine where I get a mountain of things done, but started watching a film last night and before that did a number of other activities, stuff kind of got in the way.

I know that I work much better when I am prepared and organised and so much gets done.  At the end of the day it depends what you want, and what you are trying to achieve that will determine just how much you do.

There are some things that you can’t prepare for and in my blog posts for the UBC challenge I have been writing about the unpredictability of dementia and the Carers Role.  I can plan for some things but not how it will affect my mum and the fallout and consequence of that.  We are thinking of making some big decisions over our lives and one of them is about going to live in Barbados, and what it will mean as family, how will we navigate through everything that will need to be done to facilitate it. 

I think about the facilities and wheelchair access that would be available for mum to live comfortably, wonder what type of support I would have as all my family are here in the UK.  We also have to think about Sekani and him going to university, not only getting a place but settling in a new environment, this all needs preparation and a lot of planning, and so many things seemingly out of my control. 

I am grateful and celebrate the peace that can come when we prepare and allow ourselves to go in new directions and experience different ways of living.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!
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