Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Quote Wednesday - Sara Teasdale - and news

Welcome to quote Wednesday for today, and I hope that wherever you find yourself you are blessed and able to be a blessing.  The quote today is from Sara Teasdale and reads:

Life will have given  me the truth, and taken in exchange my youth.....

For me this is a reminder to make the most of every opportunity.  We are learning all the time, and we have to value the process that gets us from one point to the next, and hopefully with reflection we grow and learn.

We all age and get old it is a universal occurrence, just make sure you use the truths that come from this journey wisely and continue to step out what ever stage of life you are!

Want to be motivated each and every week, Quote Wednesday will be moving to my inspiration quote blog from next week. 

Realityarts Quotes!

My quote blog will have a wide variety of images and quotes for you to feast your eyes on!  I hope that you will go away each week feeling inspired and encouraged.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Recycled Projects - Recycled 101 - Create a trinket bowl!

Welcome to another week of recycled projects, where I have taken a plastic drinks container and turned it into a bowl that can be used to display some of your favorite things.

I have taken newspaper rolls and wound them round the bottom of the bottle, creating a base

 I have then painted it with a water resistant paint product called powertex, and then added a gold finish around the bowl.

It is now a great place to store my stones that are waiting to be painted.  Check out the video below to see it up a bit closer.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Transformation Friday - Rest - Mixed Media Art video

Welcome to another Transformation Friday.  I have been enjoying painting portraits and the process that it involves, where we see it come to shape from start to finish.  It is a reminder to me that we are also works in progress, not having yet reached our destination but all on that journey, picking up the lessons that life teaches us.

The painting today reminds me that we need to be mindful of rest and taking that time out for ourselves to allow our bodies to renew.  Those things that nurture us and help us grow can often be found in the times where we reflect and take the time to listen.

'the before'
This is where the painting started out, the 'before' stage.  Come with me on the journey as the story unfolds, the painting makes a few stops, every now and then before coming to a place of peace.

Check out the video to see the process, hope you enjoy it

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

One BadAss Art Journal Workshop - Fear and Courage Art Journal Page

The One BadAss Art Journal workshop is coming to a close and it has been a very insightful journey.  As one of the teachers I have been blessed to be among so many talented artists who each gave so much of themselves during their lessons.  I have really enjoyed creating alongside them and all the others who took part on the course.

I did a journal page inspired by the session that Keri Sallee did during her week, and this is what I came up with in my journal.  

Fear comes, remind you of ALL your limitations

My piece started out with background colors, then figures started to appear as I worked on it.  It addresses the journey that I feel that we all make at sometime or another, of stepping out into something challenging, and allowing the doubts and negative voices to put you off course.

Fear is represented in the picture as a one-eyed monster type figure, staring, and behaving as if there is concern really at the center of it and it really wants to support.

We have all dealt with fear in one shape or another, we know what it looks like, some of us can handle different situations that for the rest of us we can only look on in admiration from a place of safety.  Fear can remind us to be careful in some situations, and reminds me that sticking my head into a crocodiles mouth should be handled with caution.

Essentially we have to find ways of tackling with fearful situations especially where the critic is involved, disguised as a voice of reason, especially as we may not always see a plan, route, or steps that we can take.

Have the courage to take the know you want to

When I come across these situations I try and see what fear is saying, and why these emotions are coming up at this particular moment.  I think about what it is that I am trying to achieve and some of the ways in which it can play out.

I look at what support I have around me, sometimes there is none and in those situations you have to brave uncharted waters.  Other times you have support around you, but they are coming from a place of fear, as they don't want you to change.

Are you brave enough to take the first step on the tightrope?

At the end of the day you have to take the step, make a decision, hold on to what you got and put one foot in front of the other.  It might feel as if you are walking the tightrope, but armed with your pole to help keep your balance, and keeping your eye on your goal, you can make it to the other side.

All that from a journal page!!!  I always find it amazing what stories want to be told on the page.  I hope if you are dealing with a situation that currently seems impossible that you take a look at it from a different perspective before you make your decision to quit.

Stay blessed always and I will be showing you some of the other art that I have created from The One BadAss Art Journal workshop.

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