Thursday, 29 November 2012
Katherines Corner - Blog Hop
Gratitudes - 30 Day Challenges
I started doing these challenges back in April 2011 and since then have seen how a small action on a regular basis can achieve so much.
What are you grateful for this week?
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Creating in Faith - Mustard Seed
... “The kingdom of heaven
is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field.
Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the
largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and
perch in its branches.” Matthew 13:30-32
We all have ideas, some good, some bad and some really great. If we nurture them they grow and develop and have the potential to reach the world. Others can be inspired by the work that we have put in to our ideas, collaborations can be formed and ultimately lives can be changed, all because of one simple idea that we decided to do something about.
What have you been sitting on that if you put your mind to it could mean something great to someone else?, what efforts can you make behind closed doors, in the dark of the night that could be the next ‘big thing’ to impact on the lives of others? Take a moment to examine the mustard seed and see what form your next idea will come. Take a chance to put in the effort and surprise yourself!
you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this
mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be
impossible for you.’ Matthew 17:20
have confidence before God; and whatever we ask we receive from Him,
because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in
his sight.. 1 John 3:21-22
Come join the group - Creating in Faith,
show us how you will be incorporating the words and scriptures and
reflections in your art this week. Step out and be a blessing and you
will also be blessed!
Creating in Faith
Motley Soul
mustard seed
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Gratitudes - Jacket Potato
Jacket Potato
One of my favourite comfort foods, it’s
nutritious filling and hits the spot with cracked black pepper and a dash of
salt. I could have it for breakfast,
lunch and dinner!
What are you grateful for this week?
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Creative Interventions
I recently took part in some Art Therapy sessions for carers and found it really great to work with art materials in a space and time that was just for me. It has been a regular feature in my work as a mixed media artist and I would recommend that you give it a try. In this video I talk about the benefits of taking part in the sessions alongside what I learned about myself and how through creativity I deal with aspects of being a carer.
Art Therapy
Creative Interventions
Monday, 19 November 2012
52 Weeks of Colour - Awe
You are braver than you think you are
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in
your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like
books that are written in a very foreign tongue…. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without
noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer. ...Rainer Maria Rilke
will not need to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you,..." 2 Chronicles
52 weeks of colour and inspiration
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Creating in Faith - Grace
Grace....Elegance of movement; the unearned favour of God; a prayer of thanks said before a meal; a form of address to a duke, duchess or archbishop; bring honour to something by your presence..... is by grace you have been saved. Ephesians 2:5
We see variations of the meaning of the word Grace which we can all relate to in one form or another. Despite where your faith lies we have all felt those times where we are not sure ‘how it happened’ but out of the blue you received the very answer that you needed or you got through to the other end of a crisis without really understanding how the pieces fitted together – this too is grace.
Some might explain it away as ‘luck’ or ‘coincidence’, or indicate a formula that enables one to achieve the same, and there are many who go through a ritual of routines and practices to obtain this illusive luck. With God it’s not what you do but that He can. We also see the measure of grace that others extend as they go the extra mile. When we look at the graceful movements of the swan, it appears to glide across the water without much effort, yet if we were to look closely we would see its’ feet moving furiously under the water, as too in our lives others may look at where you have reached thinking that you have it easy, without seeing all the work that goes on in the background to complete it.
Take time to really think about how you have been touched by grace, let us be the ‘out of the blue’ for someone else and be a blessing in their lives. Have a blessed week!
For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ John 1:17
For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
Romans 5:17
Come join the group - Creating in Faith, show us how you will be incorporating the words and scriptures and reflections in your art this week. Step out and be a blessing and you will also be blessed!
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Gratitudes - Hot bath
A hot bath.....
So soothing and comforting after a hard day to
soak in your favourite bath products....
What are you grateful for this week?
Monday, 12 November 2012
21 Secrets - Dina Wakley
Intuitive Painted Layers workshop with Dina Wakley is all about finding ways to challenge and unblock your creativity, especially when you think you are stuck. The best way to do this is to play and have fun with
your materials, not focusing on a finished piece, but seeing where it leads
As we played we pulled out what we could see rather than what we felt we should see
I had previously prepared the page with some paper that had been used to punch shapes and then stuck down. I played with the paints using acrylics and charcoal.
I then applied paint and outlined some of the shapes
As I played I saw some shapes taking place and worked into them until I got a clearer idea of what was forming
I added a range of materials to the piece and finished it off by journalling on the page.
This is a really good exercise that I will continue to do, especially in those times when you feel stuck and in need of some inspiration! It would be great to know what ways you use to get you unstuck and into your creative flow........Check out Dina's site for more inspiration.
52 Weeks of Colour - Kindness
Bless yourslef with honesty, be gentle....
What’s ahead of me and what’s behind me are
nothing compared to what’s inside of me....Jean Shapiro
"Be strong and of good courage; do not be
afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.....
52 weeks of colour and inspiration
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Creating in Faith - Closeness
What does closeness mean to you?... We can think about the relationships we have with our families and friends and the closeness determined by how freely we are able to share matters of the heart, how much quality time we spend with them and nurturing the relationships. The closer we get the more we trust and let our guard down, we know we can rely on them we even know their likes and dislikes.
Are you able to do this for yourself, how much time have you really spent getting to know yourself, what you like, and don’t like, and I mean really like. There are some people who in their later years still don’t know, because it not been something they ever did. We can find ourselves swept along by the needs of others, constantly trying to please, going through the motions when the real you is crying out ‘what about me’.
When you do think about yourself you have spent so long doing for others that you don’t even know what you feel like doing anymore and you realise years have passed since the last time you thought about doing something. I thought I would remind myself that this one life I have is not a dress rehearsal and it is to be lived fully. I need to let go of doubts and worries and I’m sure I’ve said this before ‘get out of my own way’. Not fearing solitude but really listening to my heart, and hearing my own breath. Not waiting to be chosen, or rescued, but being there for me, choosing me.
One way that I have found my voice has been in my art journal and through creativity, and I do encourage you to find some creative activity that will enable you to find your hidden voice that needs your support and encouragement, just as you would a friend, and for everything you do this week. Spend time reflecting, getting to know again what really makes you tick, what excites you, upsets and encourages you, even what angers you, but most of all, make time for you.
This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us... 1 John 5:14
The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit Psalm 34:18
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:11
Come join the group - Creating in Faith, show us how you will be incorporating the words and scriptures and reflections in your art this week. Step out and be a blessing and you will also be blessed!
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Gratitudes - Mixed Media
has really opened up how I express myself through my art and I have come across some really inspiring artists...
What are you grateful for this week?
Create In Faith - Endurance
I am sure we can all think of a situation in our past when we thought we would not get through, we couldn’t see a way out or the light that we thought was at the end of the tunnel appeared to be dimming swiftly. I can think of many a time where I just wanted to curl up in a corner, close my eyes and just cry. We have all had those times, but I have always found comfort when I have turned to God. His word tells us that we must lay our burdens down - everything not just a few!... and that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength....and many more scriptures that we have to dive into on a daily basis.
With each situation there are lessons to be learnt about ourselves and those around us and indeed the circumstances themselves, perhaps the change comes when we respond to the situation in a different way. As we reflect and keep stepping out in faith we gain strength through God's word. We have to keep believing that a way will be made and we have to do our part, It might not be exactly the outcome we wanted or done in the way that we expected but we make it through. The situation becomes another thing we can look back on, forming the basis of our strength where we can say with confidence, only by the grace of God are we still standing....refined by the fire, and indeed we will stand!
We don’t always have to look at the hardships we faced, which can be many, we can also look at those things which bring blessings. As I look at my journey as a mixed media artist I know that If I hadn’t persevered, experimented, stayed up late and stretch myself I wouldn’t have found out about the many materials that I love to use, or be inspired by so many talent artists online, or that my mother who has dementia enjoys being creative, or even be sharing what I do with others. But we don’t suddenly arrive, life is constantly changing and for me the lessons learnt are to enable us to cope with the challenges that will occur in our lives.
As you come to the end of the week, remember the many experiences you have gone through and what they taught you, how you have come out the other end with a strength and purpose. Write in your journal or do art journal page on something that you have needed endurance to get through and see what nuggets of truth you learnt about yourself as you look back.
Some scriptures to meditate on...
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope... Romans 15:4
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
21 Secrets - Dale Anne Potter
I really enjoyed this workshop. It was run by Dale Anne and we set about producing a set of postcards, which are to inspire and uplift – one for every day that you can post to yourself and feel encouraged.
We also made a storage journal to place them in so that you can dip in and out when the mood takes you. The words that I chose were ones that I feel encourage me as I go on my artistic journey, I also included quotes for further encouragement. We are all on a journey and have to step out, but also need the support around us and people who can be in our corner as well as remaining focused and on form for ourselves. I encourage you to get busy and create a set which you can use or give them away as gifts - everyone loves to receive something special through the post!
The storage journal which will hold the cards has been made out of recycled card and materials apart from the wooden beads and the brads, and is a good way to use up some of your stash.
We also made a storage journal to place them in so that you can dip in and out when the mood takes you. The words that I chose were ones that I feel encourage me as I go on my artistic journey, I also included quotes for further encouragement. We are all on a journey and have to step out, but also need the support around us and people who can be in our corner as well as remaining focused and on form for ourselves. I encourage you to get busy and create a set which you can use or give them away as gifts - everyone loves to receive something special through the post!
The storage journal which will hold the cards has been made out of recycled card and materials apart from the wooden beads and the brads, and is a good way to use up some of your stash.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
52 Weeks of Colour - Openness
Take the time to sit back and really enjoy the blessings in your life
Where the spirit does not work with the
hand there is no art. ..
.Leonardo Da Vinci
your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Col 3:2..
52 weeks of colour and inspiration
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Gratitudes - Creativity
I am grateful that I can be creative in so many ways and not
tie myself to one discipline, and there are so many cool mediums still to try!
What are you grateful for this week?
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Sir Karni