Showing posts with label creative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creative. Show all posts

Thursday 10 November 2016

Alliouagana Festival of the Word 2016 - Invitation to Montserrat

November the 10th to the 13th marks the start of the Alliouagana Festival of the Word in Montserrat.  The program is quite a packed one with speakers coming from all over the world.

My husband and I have been asked to deliver a presentation at the festival and I am quite excited at the thought.  Alan will be speaking about the impact of the internet especially relating to children and he will also be running a workshop with a group of school children.

My talk is titled from Diaries to Blogs and I will look at how we can share our creative voices without being overwhelmed by social media and technology.  I will also be exhibiting some of my work.

It is a wonderful opportunity to not only go to another Caribbean island but also to share our experience and the work that we do.  I shall be keeping you all updated along the way via my Facebook and Instagram accounts, and some short videos via my YouTube and when we get back I should have more images and interesting points of view to share here on the blog.

So stay tuned, be prepared to come with me on the journey to Montserrat, see the scenery, hear snippets of some of the talks and maybe even one day venture out there yourself.

Lots more happening behind the scenes so will reveal when we get back

As you can see, some really great titles for the talks.  We are chatting on Radio Montserrat on Friday, giving some background to what we do.

There are a lot of presenters and creative activities intermingled.  I hear the National Dish 'Goat Water' is quite tasty!

My talk comes on Sunday, which I am looking forward to as well as being slightly nervous!

So if you would like to come to the festival, there is still time, last minute bookings welcome, if not be sure to come back and see some of the images that I will be sharing.

Blessings!  Amanda

Friday 5 August 2016

Adventure Awaits - Mini Card Transformation Series and Video

Watch the Video below

They say that time will not wait for no man.  Often in my walk as an artist I get the feeling of time running out.  I am always chasing after myself, with so many things that I would like to do, learn and experiment with.  I often find myself becoming overwhelmed with the 'stuff of stuffness'

Stuffness is a word I think I made up, but don't quote me on that.  All this stuff we surround ourselves with, what we really should do is to get rid of them, cut back and focus on the things that really matter.

This little painting is part of my daily practice and what it reminds me to do is stop focusing on the things that perhaps don't look right and focus on that which is to come.

A couple of years ago I wrote on a paper a word for that year and stuck it up in my kitchen, it said 'WHAT IF'.  I feel that the answers to this question are what is on the other end of stuckness!

What if you were able to do all those things that you wanted to do, but convinced yourself that you couldn't.  What if you wanted to change, and to stop the negative voices from rearing their ugly heads?

All you have to really do is let go, take that step, have faith, and you can truly move mountains!

So the question is, what are you stuck in, what do you need to change, to do differently that could potentially change the course of your life - why play small!

Mixed Media Art 'Minis'

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Sculpture - Work in progress - sneak peak

I thought I would share with you a sneak peak of a piece that I am working on.  I have got the structure, with the armature  and the first layer of clay.  I have pre-molded the faces so these were added on at this point.  

I wasn't really sure where I wanted to take it initially, and what story the figures were telling.  One figure I guess is being rescued, I am not sure that it is the obvious choice though, and I think that the story has a twist.

Sculpture - to rescue or be rescued?

I really enjoy working on this piece and have a few others that I want to get finished, they are all at different stages.  I enjoy working on more than one piece at a time as it fits with the way I like to work.  

I find when you have to wait for pieces to dry, it enables you to go on to another piece and do what needs to be done.

Sculpture - work in progress
If all goes well with the time I should have some sculptures complete by next week, so will be sharing here, so do check back.  Why not subscribe or join the mailing list and you will be updated with any new posts.

If you get a chance, hop on over to my Inspirational quotes blog to get this weeks encouragement and see if the art work inspires you.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Transformation Painting - Mixed Media Art - Pearl

I was slightly late in posting this, wanted to share another painting transformed from a background.  Check out the video of the process.  I had a lot of fun creating her

It is great what you can create from scrap papers.  You can see the shapes of the papers that went into creating the background.

But you can transform it any way you please.  And create a piece of Art that speaks to you, I've called her Pearl, as she loves wearing pearl necklaces.

Do check out some of my other art and videos.  Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Word for the Week - John 1:14

Welcome to today's scripture which is from John 1:14 and reads;

 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and Truth

You seek answers, explanations and reasons and signs, the proof is there but you ask the wrong questions.  Everything has been illuminated - a light shining in the darkness, do you really want to know, for the answers may not appear as we think they should....then what will you do?

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 

What will you do with what you have been given today?

Thursday 24 December 2015

New Course - One Badass Art Journal, Discounts and competition!!

Ok, I have some great news to tell you!  I am teaching in another course, and this one is being hosted by Tiare Smith and is called ONE BADASS ART JOURNAL!


There is a wonderful group of yet more talented artists taking part in this 12 week workshop.  There is so much being offered, you will be able to make your own BADASS Art Journal and view 24 lessons/classes.  Check out the video below!

INTERESTED?  Why not treat yourself for and explore your own Badass Art Journal and link up with the facebook group there is so much more check out the rest of the course HERE

As a special offer you can get a 15% discount on the price of the course.  You have to enter the code IMBAD15 at the checkout BEFORE Sun 27th Dec to receive the discount.

And as a special bonus, SIGN UP HERE BEFORE DECEMBER 31 and you will be entered to win 1 of 2 spots in the other course that I am teaching in called The Journey Within: A Year of Handmade Journals.

Sign up for one for both courses and make your 2016 a year to remember!

Friday 6 November 2015

Gratitude's and Celebrations Journal - Week 86 - Grow...

Gratitude and Celebration Journal - Amanda Trought
Thank you for joining me for another Gratitude's and Celebration Journal, where I have been making my weekly journey within my journal to create, but to also look at those things that I am grateful for and also take time to celebrate the life that I have been given.  This week is about growing, there are many things that we learn through our growth...

Having spent my time in the journal each week has been a great way for me to discipline myself.  I can often be impatient at my progress and want to 'do it all now'!  The years and experience has taught me that patience and making sure that you do a good job (the best of your ability) are things that you cannot rush.

Mixed Media Art - Journal - Amanda Trought

How many times have you tried to rush something only to end up having to do it over?  My journal is a way for me to learn patience, there is no time frame where all the images have to be painted and each day I have to spend some time developing the image that you then see at the end of the week.  Some weeks other things have got in the way and so you don't see a post.  But I am extremely proud of myself for taking it this far......86 weeks worth of insights, celebrations and paintings.

Mixed Media Art Journal - Amanda Trought

I was reminded these past few weeks about connections and friendships that we can make, and how some people just go above and beyond what they have to do in order to be a blessing.  We have found our new neighbors Sarah and Haddy to be such people, not forgetting Jacob - who gives out such a delightful giggle when I threaten to tickle his belly!

Mixed Media Art - Journal - Amanda Trought
Our lives have a purpose and meaning and we are all interconnected.  What I do today will have an affect on someone else around the world, and therefore we have to treat each other with a bit more kindness (you will reap what you sew) so why not start today.

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Amanda Trought

I celebrate and I am grateful for growth, lovely neighbours and the new lessons that life will show me as time goes on.

I am on a creative journey in my journal and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

Gratitude and Celebration Journal

Sunday 3 May 2015

New Art - Finishing what you started!

I have been taking my time to see what art that I have that has not been finished and found that there was quite a bit of work.  I love trying new things and with this comes a tendency to make a start on something as I learn a new technique or find another use for something that I am familiar with.

Having made the decision that I wanted to get some of the pieces complete, and below is just a few, I started to make my way though them, along side trying new things, taking a couple of course - there is so much to learn and so little time!

I thought I would give you a sneak peek - If you would like to see the full painting, click on the image and it will take you to my art blog, let me know what you think, leave a comment!

Bird on my shoulder

I use bead embellishments for this painting

What if

Each one has mixed media elements within

My Family
And makes the most of the colours that I love to work with

My Family
I do hope you take a visit to my Art blog to see the full sized paintings.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Change can come - Painting Process

Have you ever started a painting and not liked where it was going, and felt dissatisfied that you wanted to take it into a new direction?  I have been practicing by working on old paintings that have not been completed for one reason or another, persevered and then tried to take them in a different direction.

It is not always easy, but if you persevere you'll get the look that you want.  That is also true for life, and any changes that you might want to make.  As you step out and continue to do so on a regular basis you'll see the difference that is made in the circumstances, it might not always be easy, but will be worth the effort.

Hope you enjoy this video, I really enjoyed making it.

Monday 2 February 2015

In the News - Zen Doodles - Oodles of Doodles

Great news, I have had another one of my pieces of art work published in North Lights latest book called Zen Doodles - Oodles of Doodle in which you will find doodle art from all around the world, there are some beautiful designs. 

We were asked to share a step by step design and my piece is called 'Grace', I used a combination of pen and ink and promarker pens to create it. We also gave a word of encouragement, and mine is that we must all make an effort to shine our lights on a daily basis, lives will be transformed and renewed and we will be blessed in the process.

There is more than 100 original designs and techniques that will inspire you to experiment, get out of your comfort zone, and get your pen and paper out. There are step-by-step instructions and you will also have an opportunity to get to know a series of artists in the spotlight artist section.

Whether you are new to doodling or more experienced you will find something that will wet your creative appetite.

It is now available, so get your copy!

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