Saturday, 5 July 2014

Why not?..... change if you want to....New Art

What do you do when something is just not working?  I had been working on a piece of art in the studio and for some reason it just wasn't coming together, I tried to push in a variety of directions with my head and not my heart and this is what I came up with...

Starting out in one direction

I was feeling the sentiment, but wasn't really feeling the image, not at that time anyway and I wanted to do something that was different.

Normally I have tried to stick with it and make it work, but I wondered to myself 'what if I just started again?'  Why be so afraid of starting over.  We can get so stuck at times feeling that change is somehow bad, or that we will never make what we started work out.  

We have to learn from each and every step, fall, or turnaround and not look at anything as a failure but as a learning experience.

Taking a step towards change

Hesitantly I started to gesso over what I had done and add a little bit of color, not sure of what I had actually wanted to do but knowing that I was going in the right direction, why not try something different?  When coming up with a new painting I don't plan in the outset what I want to paint, but allow the colors I put down and shapes to reveal and visit the page.

Patience and a bit of prodding

Still undecided about the direction I decide to flip the page 180 degrees, to see what would present itself, and then I know that this is the direction that the paper should be and as I lay down some marks I begin to see a figure emerging, coming to join me in my creative journey.

A new image appears

There is no reason why you can't change your mind and see things in a different light, your still telling your story, stepping out into what could be your unknown and sitting in the uncomfortable-ness of it all.  I used to think that if I changed my mind I would never be able to create another thing that was as good, but I know that sometimes changing our mind is stepping out into better, and not settling for what we feel that we want or should have in our lives, but really going for what we dream.

Anyway, I stuck with this painting and the new direction, and much prefer how it turned out, there is a sense of peace about it, and I have a sense of achievement that tells me I can change my mind, or start over and it will be alright.  When we look back at our lives we can if we dare to look see the transformations that have taken place, they were not always easy, but when we keep going, acknowledge the fear but keep move on, we can often be surprised by the finished results.

Why Not?  Mixed Media art by Amanda Trought

If you would like to buy a print of this piece I will be putting it up in my Society 6 store

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Material Mondays - Painted fabric

 Material Mondays - Painted Fabric
Material Mondays - Painted Fabric

Welcome back to Monday Makes, it has been a while since I have posted what I have made either from fabric or crochet.  I have been busy in the background and will be sharing with you over the next few weeks, getting back on track

You can do many things with fabric, it is so versatile.  I decided to experiment, and took sari fabric which was quite sheer and sandwiched a piece of paper between two pieces of the material.

This meant that I was able to stiffen it up prior to working on it.  After letting it dry I painted with gesso and was then able to add an image.

I also added some journaling and beading on the body of the image and also as earrings

 It was great to experiment by adding the beads, and being fabric made it easy to sew.  I found that because the material was so sheer you needed to take extra care to add enough glue to the surfaces, which resulted in areas where it didn't stick properly.

A remedy would be to use these areas as a part of the decoration and sew additional beads to these parts, try to flatten by ironing them out or cut and reseal, which will probably be the most effective remedy.  I haven't quite decided what I will be using the decorated fabric painting for, and this will inform to a certain extent how prominent the areas look.

Painted and decorated fabric
Why not see what you can do with the fabric that you have and do something different with it.  Do let me know how you get on.

If you are considering learning how to crochet, or any other creative activity check out Craftsy online courses, at the moment they are doing a special offer on some of their classes, and they are offering some free mini courses. Click here

Have a blessed day, see you tomorrow for Tutorial Tuesday.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Creating....the process

I love looking at the process photos of how a painting comes into being, and every now and then share with you here.  I wanted to show you this particular painting that I had done recently and how it started out and what the finished result looked like.

I have over the past few months been attempting to paint a few more male portraits, it was something I was quite used to doing with graphite, but never attempted many paintings

After using my gelli plate to create a background this young man came to visit and I was able to capture him in charcoal.
Starting out using gelli print and charcoal to sketch the image

with each application of paint, he reveals a bit more of himself..
Image continues to emerge

he shares his dreams of travelling, and I wondered if they would remain just dreams or if he would be able to have some adventures of his own.

It had taken quite a bit of thought, planning and convincing that he was able too venture forth

He had already begun, he was living his adventure, travelling around the world, meeting new people and finding himself..

He knew who he was, where his talents and opportunities lay and he set out to share them with the world.

Valiant - Mixed Media Art on Watercolour 

Recycled Projects - 'John Lewis' art Journal

How many times have you come across a catalogue that you were not really interested in the products, but the paper that it was made from?  Not to say that I don't like John Lewis products, but when I came across this catalogue I thought that I would put it to use.

You can make a journal out of anything, putting the pages together for yourself and creating to your hearts content.  The fun lays in taking something made for one use and totally changing it, and seeing what each page will eventually become.

My use for this journal is as a jump start to get my creative juices flowing using some of the pictures as inspiration and for when I have a limited supply.

I first set out to decorate the front using paints, stamps, modelling paste, and markers to remind myself that its purpose was to inspire, not get overwhelmed with what I wanted to create, but just play.  

On the back cover I wanted to create a painting but it also had to be durable as it would be taken around, thrown into bags and experience rough and tumble.

Using tissue paper glued randomly to the back, applying paint and then sealing it all in means that it is a journal that will stand the tests of time, or there about.

I proceeded to stick several of the pages together to create a strong surface that would take paint well, and then I see what images inspire.  Each page has a selection of beds, bedding and household furniture and I either use the room settings as the basis for the page, or draw something totally unrelated. 

Here is a page that I chose to do create a scene with, after it is chosen and I start to draw round the items I want to keep in charcoal. 

I get a sense after a while of the characters that may be present in the room, and this young man found his way in the room, and decided to jump all over the bed.

Using gesso I block out those areas that I don't want to keep and think about either adding additional characters or thinking about paint.

This little girl couldn't resist joining the little boy to jump all over his parents bed, and so that's how I have been using the journal to think about ideas and stories about the lives of the people that join me on the pages of the journal.

I have yet to finish this page, but finishing is not the main objective or motivation, it is to continue to take the time to be creative if possible every day.

Here are a few other pages that I have started, and work on bits when the mood takes, and I look forward to working on them.

On some of the pages I have been working on, stories waiting to be told.

Some stories tell of hope and looking to the future.....

thinking about the past, and being present.......

But most of all working in this journal has been a fresh way of looking at things, often those things that we see day after day and making something new.  I really do encourage you to look at some of the things that you can recycle and use for creative purposes.  Check out some of the other Recycled projects that I have made.  Over the next few weeks I am looking forward sharing other recycled art journals, and ones that you can also make and bind yourself.  Until then stay blessed!

Friday, 27 June 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - still have a choice

You have a choice, don’t let doubt creep in....

You always have a choice, whatever the situation. You can choose.  You can make a decision whether you actually want to accept the results of a situation and choose a different path, or you can choose how you respond to a situation and whether it will have an impact on your life.

Whatever you do, you make the final decision.  What is it that you have been running away from.  Not making a decision is the same as making a choice, you have just chosen to do nothing and wait and see what happens, and in the end you may not like the results.

We are uniquely formed and fashioned by God and we each have a purpose on this earth.  It is our responsibility to make sure that we live and make the most of our lives however short or long they may be.  Don't listen to the negative voices that tell you that you will never be able to..... or that you will never achieve an inspiration for someone else that is coming up behind you, to those that look to you for an example - extend your had to the next.  

I am grateful and celebrate today because I had another day to make a difference, I no longer take what I have for granted and will continue to make choices that will steer my life to it's fullest and highest purpose.

What choices do you have to make today?

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Quote Wednesday - Robert Schuller

Every person is responsible for all the good in the scope of his abilities and for no more and none can tell whose sphere is the largest - Robert Schuller

Check out my wordpress weekly quotes..

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Gratitudes and Celebrations - Face your fear

Face your fear, name it, and then move on...

What is your biggest fear that stands in the way of your creativity, that you know you should be doing, but for some reason you always talk yourself out of, saying that next time you will get round to it, but you never do and time is ticking?

We all have something that we put aside for one reason or another, and before we know it a few years have passed and we don't know were the time has gone, but gone it has.

Our fears are 'False Expectations Appearing Real' and are usually without substance, and if you actually examined where the source of the fear stemmed from you would be surprised.  I was thinking today about those experiences that we had in our childhood and which now have an impact in our adult lives.  Many things that went unresolved, unsaid, and every so often come back to haunt the adult you.  Stepping back and giving the child in you the care that it needed at the time of the event will impact greatly on how you feel, and the things you do tomorrow.

Those unsaid things and incidents form clutter in our minds, hearts and spirit and weigh down on our today, making us feel less than, unable to move forward.  So today, make one action of self care, it doesn't matter what it is, but that you have taken the time out to notice.  Show some love to yourself and start clearing the mind clutter that needs to be shown the door.

I am grateful today and celebrate facing those things that I was previously fearful of, looking forward to getting rid of those thoughts that bear no fruit in my life.

Gratitude's and celebration Journal - Facing your fears
What will your next move be?

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Quote Wednesday - Henry Ford

The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young...
Henry Ford

Check out my wordpress weekly quotes..

Smoothie Love - Day 30!

Well, it is the last day of the 30 days of change - Smoothie Love, and I have been making a smoothie each day with a host of delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

I have managed to get my routine sorted and it has become like second nature, along with drinking more water each day.  For the exercise part of the challenge I had been doing gentle exercise, but for the next 30 days will really get going and focusing on making sure that I get out and about.  I wanted to incorporate creativity it may either be photography or art journaling.

Here is the ingredients for the smoothie for today: Carrot, Pear, Banana, Mango, Cashews, Almond Milk, Kiwi for the garnish.

Whatever you decided to do for the next 30 days here are a few tips to keep you going: 

  1. Take one day at a time;
  2. Follow through;
  3. If you have an off day don't just scrap the whole thing, but start again tomorrow; 
  4. Don't be too hard on yourself, change takes time;
  5. Enjoy yourself!

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

30 Days of Change

Monday, 16 June 2014

New Art - Honoring your story

 I have been working on some new pieces of art, and while I am still finishing off the online courses, being inspired every day.  When I sit down in my studio I have been feeling a strong desire to create, and have some meaning in my finished piece.  I want you to be able to look at my work and wonder what the character is thinking, feeling, where they have been and ultimately what their story is.

This painting is about telling your story, and not being ashamed or fearful about what others might think about you.  We all have a story to tell of the good times and our successes.  Even the painful ones have hidden gems that help us to grow and makes us stronger.  Don't hide but honor your story and share it with the world, some one somewhere out there will draw strength and be inspired.  

Honoring your story

Smoothie Love Day 29

Smoothie Love Day 29

The smoothies posts technically should have finished today, but I must have miscalculated the 30 days somehow, which is not a problem as the smoothies have been delicious.  

If you have been joining me I am sure that you would have noticed a number of benefits to your health and well-being.  Along the way I decided to cut down all the changes that I would be making and focus on getting the nutrition from the smoothies and drinking more water.  The exercises started today, and I spent quite a bit of time in the garden making changes to plant location and cutting back.  Its coming on and I will share some images - might even do a garden video walk round.   

The smoothie for today consisted of Banana, Mango, Tangerine, Melon, Almond milk, Carrots, and melon.

I am looking forward to combining making the smoothies and getting more exercise. Come back tomorrow for Day 30 Smoothie.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

30 Days of Change

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Smoothie Love Day - 27 and 28

For some reason I thought that I had posted yesterdays smoothie, but here it is, another delicious blend of flavors.  

This smoothie has the following ingredients: Pear, Apple, Mango, Banana, Goji berries, Cashew nuts, Almond milk, it was delicious and I made some for all the family.  Today we have all had this smoothie, to start us off.

Only two more postings to go for the Smoothie Love!
The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

30 Days of Change

Friday, 13 June 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Week 47 - Don't let the energy drainers in your life

Don't let the energy drainers into your life - focus on what matters most.....

I have missed a couple of weeks of the gratitude's journal, which coincided with my making a healthier change. It has or seems to be full on, as I am also decluttering and clearing our home, waiting in for builders who come when they please even after making arrangements. The toothache has gone, the hay fever has come and the earth is still rotating. Did anyone see the full moon last night

As I was clearing the bedroom, well, I am still clearing, and just having a break, I thought I was making headway and it looks messier than when I started. The plan was to go through all the draws, remove what wasn't needed, wanted or broken and make room. But along the way something triggers a memory and as you follow it you leave behind a trail. The 30 days of change - Smoothie Love posts are coming to an end and will be replaced by a fitness change of sorts.

The image I did for today's post really speaks to the chaos, but there is method in the chaos and you can find beauty, you just have to see it through and be patient. Deciding what things to focus on in your life is so important and the way you prioritize will make the difference between something that will make a positive difference in your life or will add more stress.

I am grateful today and celebrate choice, and pray for discernment to make the right choices for the coming week.

What can you do for you that will really make a difference to those you allow in your person space? What do you need to focus on at the moment?

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Full of Inspiration!

Have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!

Smoothie Love Day 26

Smoothie Love - Day 26 of 30 days of change

Starting out early this morning.  Have a lot on and I sometimes underestimate how long something will take.  This challenge is a good example.  Our good health cannot be gained by a quick fix miracle drug, nor overnight sensations.  We have to be determined in our minds that the benefits that we will achieve through taking time to invest in our health far out weighs where we currently are at the moment, and that you are willing to do all that is necessary to take the daily steps - each and every day, when you feel like it and more importantly when you don't.

I haven't really spoken about the exercise routine over the past few weeks, other than at the beginning that a minimum of 30 minutes will be spent exercising.  I have not been as consistent as I would have hoped, and done a little here and there, but not enough to make a dent.  I will be picking up the pace when I complete the smoothie posting on Monday, and I want to incorporate a creative aspect to my exercising, whether it is take a picture or create something in my journal.

Anyway, here is the smoothie for the day - it is a mixed one, and it contains:  Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Banana, Mango, Melon and Almond milk.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

30 Days of Change
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