Saturday 5 January 2013

How massage helped me tap into my creativity

How often have you taken a route then realised that you were were walking down the wrong road?

In 2001 I graduated from University, having done a Complementary Therapies Health Sciences degree.  I came out feeling that the next stage of my life should be sharing the benefits of massage and alternative medicine.  Starting my own business as a massage therapist was where I thought I wanted to be.  My focus and drive helped me write a business plan and take the steps I needed to set up.

Along the way I couldn't understand why I wasn't more driven, or excited about the prospects only to  realise that my motivation to become a massage therapist centred around the guilt I had felt with my father who at the time had been dead nearly 10 years. 
I felt hadn't spent enough time with him when he was ill, and knowing that massage was something that could have helped improve his health and well being. I launched myself into the course, wanting to help others the way I couldn't help my dad.  But deep inside I had always wanted to be an artist and saw my desires sacrificed to make way for the guilt. While doing the massage It didn't make me feel better, I still anguished over how selfish I had been in my early 20's and the lack of help that I given my mum as she looked after dad. It has taken many years to come to terms and see that I did what I could at the time. 

Making the switch and becoming an artist has taken great effort to silence the internal critics that tell you that you are not enough.  Each day that I commit to my creativity I grow stronger as an artist and begin to hear what my true voice sounds like.  Not wanting to push massage out of the way altogether, I began to approach it in a different way, knowing that I could still help. While still relating to the power of touch, the benefits of essential oils and the inner and outer benefits that not only giving but receiving a massage can bring I started to run sessions for the elderly that attended the same Day Care centre as my mother.  The weekly sessions lasted for 4 years, and we are looking at a way forward for this year.  I combined simple shoulder, neck and hand massages, small groups of 6, where we listen to music, chat and reminisce leaving the session feeling pampered and relaxed.  For many elderly attending the centre the only physical contact they have on any given day is the escort that picks them up in the morning.  And the isolation and loneliness felt by our elderly is echoed in the news papers daily.
As I reflected and worked through my original motivations, I have dealt with the guilt I felt and ultimately accept myself for who I know I can be, I am still able to use the massage without pushing aside my creativity.  Receiving massages is equally important, and as an artist you have to ensure that you take regular breaks and have some 'you time' and maybe even use an oil blend that can tap into your creativity, unwind and maybe look at your journey in a different way.

How has guilt driven you, think of those things that have impacted on your journey, and where you find yourself now. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Join me every day this month for the   Ultimate blog challenge

Thursday 3 January 2013

Gratitudes - Smile

A smile can make some one’s day, and make a connection. 

What are you grateful for this week?

Join me every day this month for the   Ultimate blog challenge


 From this moment on....Let yourself imagine all the things you could achieve if you opened your wings to fly!

Making sure that you know how to use the equipment you have is important as it gives you greater room to be able to play and incorporate new techniques.  I have always shied away from using watercolours, feeling that they were not something that suited what I wanted to do as an artist.  Since developing my work in mixed media I have totally changed my mind, but what it needed was just a bit of understanding on how to incorporate and make it work for me.

I had been given watercolours in the past as gifts, they came in the tubes and for me I didn't find these worked.  I liked to see the colours and didn't realise that unlike acrylic, when watercolours dry, they could be reactivated with water.  I used them as I would acrylics and ran out quite quickly.  Once I learnt how to use them to fit how I worked I decided to empty the tubes into these mini pots.  It means that I can add water and use them directly. I have also mixed a few of the pots in colours that I didn't want to worry about running or drying out.  You can obviously get the pan watercolours which works on the same principle.

I also found you can put the watercolour in a spray bottle it won't dry out and render the bottle unusable, but you are able to use it as and when you need time and time again.  You can get some beautiful colours and combined with other mixed media materials create lovely effects.

I'd love to hear how you are incorporating or using watercolour in your work. Blessings 

Join me every day this month for the Ultimate blog challenge

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Taking Time to Notice your surroundings

As you went about your day did you notice the colours around you, did you hear any birds sing?

Frangipani in Barbados

I started 365 days of colour in 2011 and for a whole year I took pictures of flowers that I would see as I went about my day, whether doing mundane things or sunning myself on a holiday.  It brightened up my day to see the colour and delicacy of each flower, especially in the colder months to see a dash of colour peeping out against the stark grey. In 2012 July I continued with 52 weeks of colour, in which I continued to take photographs but also started to learn how to use Photoshop elements and wanted to experiment with the images more.

In doing both of these exercises I have grown to see my environment  in a very different way.  We are surrounded by beauty, but very often miss it because we are doing ten things at once.  Sometimes the smallest flower coming from a weed can brighten up the dullest day and this beauty is often right in front of our faces.
I recently met a lady walking down my street and said hello to her, it turned out she had lived on my road for the past 7 years, and we were both amazed that we had never seen each other.  In speaking to her it transpired that she was also interested in art so we made plans to get together and have a coffee.

This week as you go about your routine, take a moment to notice your surroundings, you might be surprised at what you find in your neighbourhood. I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments are always welcome.  Blessings

Join me every day this month for the Ultimate blog challenge 

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Preparing for Alzheimers

Happy New Year!

How would you prepare for Alzheimer's, is it possible?  I recently saw a video that got me thinking about my life and as we make our way through another year I am sure new challenges and miracles will present themselves.

I have been writing about my journey as a carer to a mother who has dementia and also feelings that arise that I have been dealing with when I did the A-Z challenge.  More recently I put together a video called creative interventions which looked at taking art therapy and remaining creative, which have all contributed in enabling me to look at my role in a positive way.

While on the TED website I came across Alanna Shaikh who talked about her father who has Alzheimer's. I had always kept at the back of my mind the statistics that show dementia running in families and I began to think of ways that I too could avoid it in my later years, the possible implications of my son being put in the same position. 

Alanna mentioned the type of person that her father was before the dementia, he was very caring and loving to others and this magnified as the dementia got worse.  This resonated in me as mums personality became not only outgoing with a great sense of humour, but she was even more caring. 

As I look at my mother I definitely see the warmth in her, and she is still someone you enjoy being around. She cared for her family selflessly and that care and love shines through despite the circumstances.  So as I go through this journey with her I will ensure that I do all that is necessary to keep myself healthy, taking the necessary exercise, keeping my mind active and stimulated but more importantly will also try and be a better person, loving unconditionally, living fearlessly, valuing the relationships of family and friends while treating myself with kindness and compassion and living life to the full and being that blessing that we are all called on to be. 

I'd love to hear what insights you have realised about your lives.  Blessings

Join me every day this month for the Ultimate blog challenge 

Monday 31 December 2012

Ultimate Blog Challenge - 31 Days

I thought I would take part in this challenge as a way of kickstarting the new year.  There is nothing like a challenge to get you started.  The aim is to post on a daily basis, I will be writing about a range of topics and will include the ones I currently post.  So you can either sit back, enjoy reading and commenting, or if your up for a challenge yourself you can sign up. 

Either way, I hope you will be blessed, you will be changed some how by the end of the 31 days.  Imagine, you will never have this day again in quite the same way with the same things happening.  Looking forward to having you join me on the adventure as I explore a range of topics for the next 31 days.  By the way.....

Happy New Year!  

Sunday 30 December 2012

Beauty - 52 Weeks of Colour

A thought for the week.....

When you take the time to exercise patience in your own life you begin to see the beauty that you once took for granted.  You have so many wonderful gifts and talents when it comes to your feelings if you don't treat yourself  with care then who else will.  Right at this moment, right where you are your life deserves attention!  Blessings, Amanda

You must become aware of the richness in you and come to believe in it and know it is there… Once you become aware of it and have faith in it, you will be all right. ...Brenda Ueland

"...whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." Matthew 21:22

Saturday 29 December 2012

Reflections and New Beginnings

December for me always brings about a feeling of renewal especially towards the end of the month as we look towards a new year.  A time to bring some projects to an end and find renewed strength after a period of reflection. To face a new year with new opportunities, adventures and circumstances.  This is a time to think about the new seeds that you will sow - those ideas, goals and dreams that you want to see in 2013 take shape and grow.  I feel the drive to take stock over what I have done during the year – what was a hit, what missed - deciding what the best choices for what I want to achieve. 

I find it also important this year to look at my current state of health and make changes if necessary.  I didn’t do as much walking as I would normally do this year and definitely felt the effects of an unhealthy body.  I also found out I was deficient in quite a few vitamins which may have been the cause for the allergies that presented themselves.  I tried to convince the doctor that a prescription for a holiday in the sun would be the right course of action, but she couldn’t quite get passed the cheaper version of supplements instead!  So armed with my scarf, gloves and several layers we will see the start of a regular time for exercise as I reinvest in my physical health and well-being.
Personal development is also an area that requires focus to see how you can grow.   It is important to see growth as part of a continual process for all areas of our life, it is essential for our creativity.  I do think it is important to have a personal development plan to enable you to either perfect a skill or learn a new one.  I did a few courses and workshops this year, including Hello Soul Hello Business, 21 Secrets and Motley Soul Mixed Media  - check out some of the workshops yourself.  There is always something useful to learn - it is a continuous process.

There has been also been changes in the health of loved ones and I try and think of new ways to adapt to the changing needs of my mother who has dementia or the resurfacing of the multiple myeloma for my bother.  I ask for you all to continue to lift our family in your thoughts and prayers.

Yes December for me brings thoughts of tying up loose ends and embracing the new journeys and not running from them.  I won’t run from the new challenges ahead, some will be unexpected and some we might have some notice about, but while we have this life, let’s live it to the full and as we are blessed, remember to be a blessing!  Why wait!

Thursday 27 December 2012

Gratitudes - Flowers

I love even the smallest flower that is produced by a weed, the colours and smells that some flowers produce, way they make you feel.  For a feast of colour see my 365 days of colour posts. 

What are you grateful for this week?

Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas wishes and 21 Secrets - Jane Davenport

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and wishing you and yours every peace and good health.

I thought I'd share with you about another one of the 21 Secrets workshop that I have been doing.  Frolicaholic is Jane Davenports offerings in 21 secrets and is designed to help you overcome those blocks you may have to spending time in your art journal.   
The time you do find should be precious and while not everyone has hours on end you need to find the creative hotspots where you can, that 10 minutes or so wherever you are that you can utilise for your creativity.  You can pull out a few simple materials and sketch or doodle as this is your investment to your growth.   
We all have experienced the art gremlins as Jane calls them that try and convince us that what we are doing is not very good, or so and so is better or the worse gremlin talk is that there is not enough room for another artist.  You come away with your own reference for other creative work and a general reminder to keep at it no matter the circumstances. 
I still have some pages to finish in this journal and will share how I get on at a later date.  The more you practice anything the better you will get, how about practicing spending some quality time for yourself.  Check out Jane’s site, she is very generous with her videos and her site is a pleasure to spend time in. Blessings for now!
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