Sunday 8 June 2014

Word for the Week - Proverbs 18:10

Word for the Week

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe..Proverbs 18:10

Saturday 7 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 20

Smoothie Love Day 20

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

I think that I am beginning to find my flow with the smoothies, and have learnt some lessons along the way - we are learning all the time!, especially with regards to helping me keep consistent. I have my staples which I work with, making sure that I have sufficient supply, and this has enabled me to keep going, whilst providing a nutritious smoothie each day.

The family have been joining in and as I make one for myself, I make one for them as well, knowing that we are all benefiting is keeping me going. It does also help to have an easy to use smoothie maker, and I will have to at some point do a review on the ones that we have brought and what has worked well for us. I am starting a new review site where I will be sharing my views on things that I have tried, hopefully it will help others make informed choices.

Smoothie Love

Here is today's smoothie: Pear, Grapes, Tangerine, Mango and Oat Milk, this one was quite nice, creamy and the frozen mango chunks were quite sweet.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 17

Smoothie Love Day 17

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Ok, so I missed a few days, stuff happens, and you have to go with the flow, walk round, jump over and a whole load of other things while you are at it. I made the smoothies, but didn't get to post for a whole host of reasons, some of which I shared in yesterdays post about Taking time out. The main thing is to make sure you take note of whatever lessons you are to learn, then as you move on you are able to see where the possible pitfalls may show their face again.

Here is today's smoothie: Grapes, kiwi, blueberries, raisins, cashew nuts, coconut milk, and spinage.
The kiwi wasn't very sweet and so there were slightly sharp undertones, but it still tastes good. I have stocked up on supplies so looking forward to the coming recipes.

Smoothie Love - Day 17
The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Quote Wednesday - Thomas Edison

To have a great idea - have a lot of them - Thomas Edison

Check out my wordpress weekly quotes..

Taking time out

I've taken time out, so it seems, well, its pretty evident.  Not sure what happened, felt stuck, as if I were in a fog and could only see a hands width in front of me.  I didn't know when it started, but it felt like the moment that I had resolved to make changes that there would be some resistance.

I think I had taken to much on my plate, as well as posting I am taking part in the courses - Soul Food and Life book, as well as dealing with the day to day.  I think the challenge would have been fine if I didn't try and do a vlog and edit and post. Keeping it real via the video is what I wanted but it seem to take forever and a day to load a 15 minute ramble, and then the fog came, and I stopped.

On top of all this as a family we have mourned the loss of my brother - Robert, there is no preparation to how you will feel, or how to deal with it all, .  The year has gone quickly, it's weird, and then again feels like forever, the loss still raw in our hearts and minds.  We remember his joy, his sense of humor, his love, warmth, his strength.

I paint, I draw, I create, as a way through.  I remember my conversations with Robert and the things I said I would explore, so many things that I don't want to let anymore time pass before I get to do them, and so I change.  Change is good.  I am still going to make the healthy changes that I said I would, I just won't worry about giving you a blow by blow video update, because essentially I want to pour all of that time into creating. I want to paint, I need to paint, it has become as essential to my heart as breathing is to my lungs, and a way to allow the heart to heal from the loss of the past few years.  Perhaps this is another lesson learnt from the challenge.

I will share with you some of the pieces as I finish them, and I am quite excited by the some of them. This painting is called is about our relationships
Together - Mixed media

Together - Though time and dimensions may separate, you will always be in my heart. Came from the same source to lead different lives, you were a strength and a support from the start.

We have to invest in our relationships and make the most of every opportunity, and knowing our purpose live as if it were our last day on the earth. 

Blessings always!

We have raised £1530 for Myeloma UK, if you want to donate you can do so HERE

Sunday 1 June 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 55:22

Word for the week

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.  He will never let the righteous fall..Psalm 55:22

Thursday 29 May 2014

Smoothie Love Day 11

Smoothie Love Day 11

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Keeping the smoothie light again today, 
and it contains the following:

Oat Milk

The Vlog for today will be uploaded soon.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 10

Smoothie Love Day 10

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Keeping the smoothie quite light today, 
and it contains the following:

Mango chunks
Oat milk

Day 9 Vlog

if you haven't had a chance to see the vlog from yesterday I have attached it above.  

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.



I have been talking about change a bit over the year here on my blog, not trying to be someone else, but who you were really called to be.  More recently if you have glanced over my recent posts you would have seen the health changes that I have been pursuing.

I have been pressing in on my creativity, painting and doing something that makes another step, learning, trying to grow to be the artist that I want to become.  An artist that can through their work be a blessings, and through words inspire.  I still have a way to go, but wanted to share this piece I did recently.

 I love the colors and the vibrancy of this piece, she is full of life and excited about her tomorrow.  She has a strength and a purpose, knowing who she is and not being afraid to be all that she has been called to be.

 I hope to develop more of this style of work, but will continue to press in and explore techniques and materials.
Change - Mixed media on watercolor paper

If you would like to purchase a print I will be adding it to my other work on Society 6.  Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Quote Wednesday - John Quincy Adams

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish - John Quincy Adams

Check out my wordpress weekly quotes..

30 Days of Change - Day 9

Smoothie love - Day 9

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

For my smoothies this week I am feeling like adding something more substantial in the smoothie.  For this you can use oats, add nuts and a variety of different seeds.  I decided to add granola to my smoothie, which means that I can reduce the amount that I will eat at lunch time, well that's supposed to be the idea.  I know that I haven't quite done a vlog yet, but it is in the pipe line!

Smoothie love - 30 days of change

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Sunday 25 May 2014

30 Days of Change - Day 8

Smoothie Love

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

For this smoothie I used Red cabbage, greens, carrots, pear, apple, raisins, cucumber, seed mix and almond milk. Whilst there is quite a bit of vegetables, the fruit and raisins adds the sweetness, a great way to start the week.

Learning from the lessons of last week I plan to put them into action and see if I can have a more structured week, as we want to start feeling the benefits from the change.

What are you going to do today to work towards your change?

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

New Art - The Other side

A new piece of art I thought I would tell the story behind it.  You can make up your own filling to the story. It will be available as a print should you wish to purchase a copy

The Other Side - Mixed media art
 She pondered, what would it be like on the other side, I've heard so much about it.... gazing across the water she breathed out, pretending to be in control of the waves

To be free like the bird to be able to soar, she saw herself, letting go of her insecurities she knew that she would be able to take the step..

A step that so many had taken before her and would continue to do so after she had gone.  So she uncurled her wings and let go.

If you want to see more of my work click HERE

Word for the Week - Psalm 16:8

Word for the Week

I have set the Lord always before me, because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken..Psalm 16:8

Saturday 24 May 2014

30 Days of change - Day 7

Smoothie Love

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

For this smoothie I used a banana, blueberries, seed mix and ginger. I also added coconut milk - delicious taste.

What are you going to do today to work towards your change?

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Friday 23 May 2014

30 Days of change - Day 6

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Mix it up a bit today!

Add some different vegetables to your recipe, carrots give the smoothie a nice taste, cucumber has a high water content and the ginger gives it a bit of a kick!

Gratitude's and Celebration - Day 46 - All your experiences ......

All your experiences make you stronger...

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - The beginning page
The majority of people at some point in their life will have an experience that will shake them to the core, but not everyone will react in the same way to the same experience.

After playing around this figure emerges
Layers are added to our lives, each day we walk on the earth there will be key things that we thought would crush us, but as we looked the experience dead in the eye, picking ourselves up, we moved past.  Holding on to life and seeing a purpose to our existence.

We didn't know that we would heal, but we did, we didn't think that we would laugh again but we did.  We never thought we could breath without the pain coursing through our bodies.  But the pain got easier, we still remembered but it didn't hurt as much with each passing day, we were able to exhale.

Our lights once dimmed began to shine again and light up those dark places.  Our minds and our hearts renewed with strength and we were able to face another day.

I am grateful for the love that carried me through many a dark day, and celebrate the grace that enabled me to find the space to breath again, and heal a heart that felt broken.

In thinking about your own experiences, what strength can you find to turn a current situation around?

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Full of Inspiration!
Have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!

30 Days of Change Day 5

Smoothie for the day - Day 5

Add some nuts and seeds to your smoothie...

Lessons learnt - OK there are always lessons to be learnt, and preparation, preparation is at the heart of them.  I've touched on this before and the only way that you can stick to something is by helping yourself successful in achieving your goal and focus not only on what you want to achieve but how you get there as well.

I will also start posting the smoothies in the morning which gives you time if you want to make the recipe and use it in your morning routine.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Thursday 22 May 2014

30 Days of Change - Day 4

Smoothie for the day

Today is mix and match day, and I am going to make my favorite smoothie from day 1-3 using up some of the ingredients that I have left.  I'll have to buy some more fruit as I have been making smoothies for my husband and son each morning as well.

I have definity felt some improvement with having the increased vitamins and minerals intake and it should get better as the weeks go on. 

Lesson learnt from yesterday -  
When there are changes to your routine you need to account for the slip ups and put steps in place to stop making bad choices.  

I found some gluten free cake at my mums that I had brought last week that screamed to be eaten with a cup of Earl grey tea!  'Get rid of them' was the faint cry that was drowned out by the kettle boiling.  Loosing my train of thought for a moment  before I knew it I was sitting at the table with a plate in my hand and a slice of cake smiled coyly back at me. 

I need to keep the cake and the chocolate biscuit that tasted a lot like the Milky ways my mum used to get us when we were children, but it had much thicker chocolate - a wide berth!

I am still committed to make the changes and know that this is one day out of many where I can turn things around.  Today I can be and do different

What will you do with your day?

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Quotes - Wednesday - Les Brown

We must begin to take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams...Les Brown

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