Saturday 7 February 2015

Word for the Week - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
There is a time for everything, and a season for 
every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

My Color is Beautiful Art Online Course - Week 1 - Courage

We have been having a great time on the first week of My Color is Beautiful Art Online Course, and despite drawing on a regular basis, it is quite easy to forget to play and enjoy the work, rather than stick to rigid routines.

You can watch me in action in the video below to see how I got from a blank piece of paper to the image below.

This week saw me starting out playing with backgrounds and using a limited palette and enjoying the process. The colors I chose to use were ones that I rarely take out and they have been sitting at the back and out of the way, and together they seem to blend well.  This is a great exercise and one that I want to keep up and creating background pages.

After I had finished the background page, I then went on to create an image from the page, seeing what I could pull out of the paint,  Little by little a character began to come forth and had a message or a reminder to me, and that was to take courage.  I guess at some point or another we all have to face things that can be a bit challenging, but once we take that step we can be surprised at how much we had in side that was better than we had originally thought.

Here is some of the detail of the piece, I created a lot of texture just by using gesso and mark making tools

And the message of courage came shining through

Week 1 of My Color is Beautiful Art has started and there is still time to sign up, you will receive:

  • 10 positive, creative energy boosts and exercises, videos and/or pdf’s provided.  
  • 1 exercise per week for 10 weeks, resulting in feelings of joy, confidence, happiness, acceptance and love!
  • Fun giveaways/prizes! and much more!
  • The Classroom access will be open until December 31, 2015.

If you would like to sign up, you can REGISTER HERE and it will take you to the page.  

Looking forward to having you create with us!

Friday 6 February 2015

Gratitudes and Celebration Journal - Week 72 - Joy

Welcome to the word for today's Gratitude's and Celebration Journal.  The word is Joy and I guess that it has different meanings for any..... the Joy of the Lord is my strength, and I have found that my faith and belief in God has been the thing that I have found to keep me going.

I have found that in the midst of the turmoil we must search for joy, and holding on to those little moments actually enables us to make our way out of what can seem on the outside as a never ending night mare.  

In my times where I have been lost, seeking an answer to a problem, trying to negotiate doors closing at what seems like every turn, I can take comfort in the simple things which reminds me that this isn't all there is, there is more.

When we stop rushing around and take stock of our lives and those of our loved ones we see more, we can breath a little more and our surroundings hold pockets of joy depending on your perspective. 

Sometimes looking in on the details is all that it takes to turn something around, noticing how precious life is, or the breath that you take.  The laughter of a child to the simple meal shared by friends.....

Whatever circumstances or situations you are in, hold on to the joy, seek it out, share it and watch the changes that can be the turnaround in a situation, just because you allowed joy some room.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Quote Wednesday - Franklin D Roosevelt

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life! Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below.

Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings

Monday 2 February 2015

In the News - Zen Doodles - Oodles of Doodles

Great news, I have had another one of my pieces of art work published in North Lights latest book called Zen Doodles - Oodles of Doodle in which you will find doodle art from all around the world, there are some beautiful designs. 

We were asked to share a step by step design and my piece is called 'Grace', I used a combination of pen and ink and promarker pens to create it. We also gave a word of encouragement, and mine is that we must all make an effort to shine our lights on a daily basis, lives will be transformed and renewed and we will be blessed in the process.

There is more than 100 original designs and techniques that will inspire you to experiment, get out of your comfort zone, and get your pen and paper out. There are step-by-step instructions and you will also have an opportunity to get to know a series of artists in the spotlight artist section.

Whether you are new to doodling or more experienced you will find something that will wet your creative appetite.

It is now available, so get your copy!

Saturday 31 January 2015

Word for the Week - Isaiah 49:13

Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song you mountains!  For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones
Isaiah 49:13

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

My Color is Beautiful Art Starts on MONDAY 2nd February!

My Color is Beautiful Art Banner with sig

I am really excited for the My Color is Beautiful Art Course that is being organised by Tiare Smith and starts on Monday!!!!

Time has surely flown, we are already at the end of January and if you are one of those people who have on their list of resolutions to get more creative this year, or find that creative spark then this course if for you!!  I am not just saying it because I am one of the teachers, but I know that you will be totally blown away.

Along with 7 other teachers I will be sharing an art lesson and over the 10 weeks we will be encouraging you to get immersed in color, creativity and empowering techniques! 

If you haven't yet signed up, all you need to do is SIGN UP HERE and you will be taken to the relevant page the course costs just $49 which is a bargain when you think about all the great creative inspiration you will be getting.

My Color is Beautiful Teachers and Samples with sig

Here is some of what you can expect:-
  • 8 wonderful, creative instructors
  • 10 amazing video mixed media main lessons, 1 lesson per week for 10 weeks.  PDF Download of each lesson, provided as well.
  • 10 eye opening color challenges and background techniques, videos and/or pdf’s provided.   1 challenge per week for 10 weeks, resulting in 40 AMAZING backgrounds, ideas and techniques.
  • 10 positive, creative energy boosts and exercises, videos and/or pdf’s provided.  1 exercise per week for 10 weeks, resulting in feelings of joy, confidence, happiness, acceptance and love!
  • Fun giveaways/prizes.
  • And much more!
If you do decide to join us, Sign Up Here, I will be looking forward to creating with you!

Friday 30 January 2015

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Week 71 - Justice

Welcome to today's Gratitude's and Celebration journal. 

Today's word is Justice.

Gratitude and Celebration Journal
I dislike seeing people treated unfairly and know that injustices are going on all around the world as you read this post.  

We can all make an effort all to change the way people are treated especially the children - our next generation.  We can effect change for those who do not have a voice, and who are going through hardship and intolerable conditions on a daily basis. 

Justice - Gratitude and Celebration Journal
 As we look closer to home depending upon where you live in the world there are varying degrees of injustice that you may be able to personally make a difference with, the question is where and when will you start?  As adults we can think about our life experiences and be grateful that we got through those tough times, the places we found ourselves and the near scrapes we came out of, not wanting our children to go through the same we work hard to make their lives better. 

Yes there are injustices going on all around the world and what we read or hear in the news are just a small fraction of whats going on daily.  As adults we are in a position to do something about bringing justice for those children who do not have a voice or someone to stand up for them.

I am grateful and celebrate all those who in what ever way they can reach out to those in need, whether you are giving to a charity or on the front line working with charities, to even those who are developing their own charities to meet the needs and create a level playing field for the next generation.

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
Whose cause will you fight for today?  Be the light in someones eyes..

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own Gratitude's and Celebration journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Quote Wednesday - Mary Pickford

If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down. Mary Pickford

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life! Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below.

Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings

Monday 26 January 2015

Material Mondays - Wall Hanging - Fabric Art - Expression

It has been a while since I did a post for Material Mondays and I have been busy trying to complete the stitching and also source embellishments and beads, which have been great fun, in between doing other creative projects.

Here is the one I have finished and I have called it Expression - measuring 8.5 x 8.5 inches.  I really enjoyed completing this one with the beads and other embellishments.  I had found some really pretty jewelry pieces that I was able to add to the painting.  

The pink and white beads are slightly iridescent and have a shimmer to them when the light hits them.  All the colours complement each other and the piece is finished off with a bamboo rod with a silver chain so that it can be hung.

Let me know what you think.  Have you experimented with fabrics,  and embellishments, what is your favorite?  If you would like to purchase this I will be putting it for sale on my Etsy store

Saturday 24 January 2015

Word for the Week - Josuah 1:9

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go....Joshua 1:9

He is not just with you in some places, or at certain times of the day.  He is with you 24/7, when you are away and when you sleep....Now what is it that you need to do that you were afraid to do?

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Art Journal ....Loved

The background for this page started out very simply with writing out encouraging words on the page, which was then covered with gesso and a selection of paints.

I used an old credit card to spread the paint and began to add some shapes using the edge of the card.  The good thing about working in an art journal is that you can work to any size that suits, and you can be so expressive either with lots of images and words or keep it simple.

I had made silhouettes from painted card and applied to the surface of the journal page.

Take a look at the video of the process, I hope it inspires you to work in your own journal, I would love to see your results.

Video process - Art Journal

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Quote Wednesday - Priest

The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning......Ivy Baker Priest

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life! Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below.

Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings

Monday 19 January 2015

Digital Art - Growing

Been messing around with a drawing app on the Surface Pro over the past few weeks.  My husband Alan got himself one recently.  It is quite a handy little machine and I have really been taken with the drawing package.  It reminded me that I have a drawing pad that had been gathering dust, and digital art was something my late brother Robert had always been on at me to try, I resisted as I just couldn't see how it could ever come close to working with real paints.

I guess I didn't give my drawing pad a good enough chance and will have to dust it off to see what I can do with it, cause I really enjoyed creating these images, and hope to develop over time...

I really like the way you can use the different paints, watercolor crayons and brushes on the drawing Surface Pro, and these drawings were created using my finger and changing the brush sizes.  It does come with a pen but I couldn't quite get the hang of it and found my index finger quite flexible and freeing without the mess of painting with your hands.

All in all it gets a thumbs up from me, though I'm not sure how close Alan is going to let me get to it his Surface Pro, so I will try using the drawing pad I got a couple of Christmases ago...

I might give myself a 30 day challenge to start creating some digital images as it was great fun!

I would love to see what you have been up to digitally, leave a comment and a link to your site and I will come and visit.  Stay blessed and be a blessings!

Saturday 17 January 2015

Word for the Week - Isaiah 12:2

Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, The Lord himself, is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2

He is your salvation and as you continue to trust in him the fear and the doubt will cease....

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Saturday's Pen and Ink

I thought I would share an image today.  Hope you are having a blessed Saturday!

I have been working on this 20in x 20in Canvas board creating this piece using a variety of shapes and patterns to create the image, which is then varnished.  I enjoy creating them and will be doing some more as part of a series.  

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Quote Wednesday - Unknown

A bend in the road is not the end of the road...unless you fail to make the turn.....Unknown

It can sometimes feel as if we are at last chance saloon, and that we are out of options, but often what is called for is a change in perspective, some new light on the matter, and for us to see that with thought, insight and dash of grace, what we actually thought was the end of the line, was in fact a new beginning!

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life! Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below.

Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Video - Art Journal Process - Walking into your blessings

I have been busy creating and recording some of the processes from my Art Journal.  This page is about walking into your blessings.  Many people started challenges and new years resolutions at the beginning of January and as they complete their challenges and step out each and every day they will be changed by the process, and see many things unfold.

As you 'change your mind' about your situation and take steps towards making a difference I am in your corner cheering you on!

Take a look at the video and see how the journal page came together

Saturday 10 January 2015

Word for the week - Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.....Romans 15:13

I trust in the Lord and He gives me hope, there is always an opportunity for a turnaround in our situations, a complete change.  What area of your life do you need to trust that the Lord has it in hand.

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Friday 9 January 2015

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Week 70 - Kindness

Welcome to this weeks journal page, we arrive at the word kindness.  Thinking back over the 70 weeks of post and the journal itself I think I have come quite a long way from its beginning in week one nearly a year and a half ago.

As the months have progressed I have just got stuck in and it has become a routine now that I make sure that I do.  There have been some weeks when I haven't got my act together and just moved it to the next week.  I have had to remind myself that the only pressure I will be under is the one that I set for myself, and so I have tried to remain flexible, preparing where possible the background pages, but trying to think about that week and where and what I need to be thinking about.


I am not always kind to myself and have at times been quite harsh, and I ask myself would I treat a friend the way that I treat myself.  We talk about treating others the way we treat ourselves, and sometimes even the dog or cat is treated better and we put ourselves down or devalue our self-worth.

You have to treat yourself the way you want others to treat you, that means to respect and value your worth.  You were brought into this world for a purpose (yes I will continue to say it if I have to in each post), you might not know that or feel that, and I can say that there are times I wonder if I have got anywhere near my purpose cause everything just hit the fan!

At the end of the day you have to be able to nurture yourself the way you would nurture a child, be gentle to your dreams and treat yourself with kindness being patient and loving to your heart.  Do something nice just for you, find some encouraging and inspiring words that you can say to yourself on waking up and going to bed.  If you are stuck check out my Word for the week and Quote Wednesday for inspiration, but do something positive.  

As I go and take my own advice, I am grateful and celebrate today, a day that I have the opportunity to do something kind to myself and extend that to someone else.

Gratitude and Celebration - Kindness

What act of kindness will you do for yourself?, share, comment and let me know how you get on.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

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