Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Camden Town - Out and a about

As we embark on a new year, I look at the many challenges that will come our way and promise myself to face them head on.  I took my mum out for a walk recently.  She is beginning to find walking distances difficult so I got her a wheel chair for when she gets tired.  We are beginning to note the changes as time passes and can see that she gets more fragile.  You imagine your mum to be around for ever and as I see her fade before my eyes, I think of my own mortality.  At some stage the difficult questions will need to be answered, for the time being as I graze over the surface of the impact of dementia I often retreat back into the practical of how can we make her quality of life better and enjoy the moment on this walk I become distracted by my environment.
We walked down to Camden town – well she walked part way and then sat in the wheelchair for the rest of the journey.  We took in the sites of the spectrum of people and the unusual shops.  Camden Lock seems to be a magnet for tourists from all over the world, each going about their day, trying to get that bargain in the shops.  

It actually has quite a nice vibe and even in the cold there are musicians that play in key areas, commanding a crowd amidst the hustle and bustle.  The canal with the boats and barges as they pass (if you ever get a chance to go on one) is actually a pleasant trip to take.
As we walked further our eyes were drawn to the many shop fronts with the large displays and imagery, which adds character to the eclectic nature of Camden Town.  
People selling their Cd's trying to convince you that it’s what you would like to hear.  It’s a place you can hang around for ages as there is so much to see - and some lovely places to eat.  

As mum got tired and started to complain of the cold, I realised just how far I had walked with her in the wheel chair and began to feel tired as well.  We slowly made our way back home and needless to say both had a good night’s sleep.

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