Showing posts with label Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Change. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Quote Wednesday - Michael John Bobak

All Progress takes place outside the comfort zone!
Michael John Bobak

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created. Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life! 

Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below. Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings!

Saturday 2 May 2015

Change - Thought for the day!

Here is a thought for the day - Change will come!

Whether you like it or not things will change, why not create the change you want by taking action towards your dreams....

It only takes one step at a time and before you know it you have done more than you could ever imagine 

Take a look at this video that I created....hope you like it!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Change can come - Painting Process

Have you ever started a painting and not liked where it was going, and felt dissatisfied that you wanted to take it into a new direction?  I have been practicing by working on old paintings that have not been completed for one reason or another, persevered and then tried to take them in a different direction.

It is not always easy, but if you persevere you'll get the look that you want.  That is also true for life, and any changes that you might want to make.  As you step out and continue to do so on a regular basis you'll see the difference that is made in the circumstances, it might not always be easy, but will be worth the effort.

Hope you enjoy this video, I really enjoyed making it.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Why not?..... change if you want to....New Art

What do you do when something is just not working?  I had been working on a piece of art in the studio and for some reason it just wasn't coming together, I tried to push in a variety of directions with my head and not my heart and this is what I came up with...

Starting out in one direction

I was feeling the sentiment, but wasn't really feeling the image, not at that time anyway and I wanted to do something that was different.

Normally I have tried to stick with it and make it work, but I wondered to myself 'what if I just started again?'  Why be so afraid of starting over.  We can get so stuck at times feeling that change is somehow bad, or that we will never make what we started work out.  

We have to learn from each and every step, fall, or turnaround and not look at anything as a failure but as a learning experience.

Taking a step towards change

Hesitantly I started to gesso over what I had done and add a little bit of color, not sure of what I had actually wanted to do but knowing that I was going in the right direction, why not try something different?  When coming up with a new painting I don't plan in the outset what I want to paint, but allow the colors I put down and shapes to reveal and visit the page.

Patience and a bit of prodding

Still undecided about the direction I decide to flip the page 180 degrees, to see what would present itself, and then I know that this is the direction that the paper should be and as I lay down some marks I begin to see a figure emerging, coming to join me in my creative journey.

A new image appears

There is no reason why you can't change your mind and see things in a different light, your still telling your story, stepping out into what could be your unknown and sitting in the uncomfortable-ness of it all.  I used to think that if I changed my mind I would never be able to create another thing that was as good, but I know that sometimes changing our mind is stepping out into better, and not settling for what we feel that we want or should have in our lives, but really going for what we dream.

Anyway, I stuck with this painting and the new direction, and much prefer how it turned out, there is a sense of peace about it, and I have a sense of achievement that tells me I can change my mind, or start over and it will be alright.  When we look back at our lives we can if we dare to look see the transformations that have taken place, they were not always easy, but when we keep going, acknowledge the fear but keep move on, we can often be surprised by the finished results.

Why Not?  Mixed Media art by Amanda Trought

If you would like to buy a print of this piece I will be putting it up in my Society 6 store

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 17

Smoothie Love Day 17

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Ok, so I missed a few days, stuff happens, and you have to go with the flow, walk round, jump over and a whole load of other things while you are at it. I made the smoothies, but didn't get to post for a whole host of reasons, some of which I shared in yesterdays post about Taking time out. The main thing is to make sure you take note of whatever lessons you are to learn, then as you move on you are able to see where the possible pitfalls may show their face again.

Here is today's smoothie: Grapes, kiwi, blueberries, raisins, cashew nuts, coconut milk, and spinage.
The kiwi wasn't very sweet and so there were slightly sharp undertones, but it still tastes good. I have stocked up on supplies so looking forward to the coming recipes.

Smoothie Love - Day 17
The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Taking time out

I've taken time out, so it seems, well, its pretty evident.  Not sure what happened, felt stuck, as if I were in a fog and could only see a hands width in front of me.  I didn't know when it started, but it felt like the moment that I had resolved to make changes that there would be some resistance.

I think I had taken to much on my plate, as well as posting I am taking part in the courses - Soul Food and Life book, as well as dealing with the day to day.  I think the challenge would have been fine if I didn't try and do a vlog and edit and post. Keeping it real via the video is what I wanted but it seem to take forever and a day to load a 15 minute ramble, and then the fog came, and I stopped.

On top of all this as a family we have mourned the loss of my brother - Robert, there is no preparation to how you will feel, or how to deal with it all, .  The year has gone quickly, it's weird, and then again feels like forever, the loss still raw in our hearts and minds.  We remember his joy, his sense of humor, his love, warmth, his strength.

I paint, I draw, I create, as a way through.  I remember my conversations with Robert and the things I said I would explore, so many things that I don't want to let anymore time pass before I get to do them, and so I change.  Change is good.  I am still going to make the healthy changes that I said I would, I just won't worry about giving you a blow by blow video update, because essentially I want to pour all of that time into creating. I want to paint, I need to paint, it has become as essential to my heart as breathing is to my lungs, and a way to allow the heart to heal from the loss of the past few years.  Perhaps this is another lesson learnt from the challenge.

I will share with you some of the pieces as I finish them, and I am quite excited by the some of them. This painting is called is about our relationships
Together - Mixed media

Together - Though time and dimensions may separate, you will always be in my heart. Came from the same source to lead different lives, you were a strength and a support from the start.

We have to invest in our relationships and make the most of every opportunity, and knowing our purpose live as if it were our last day on the earth. 

Blessings always!

We have raised £1530 for Myeloma UK, if you want to donate you can do so HERE

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Spring Cleaning lessons learnt

I have been busy clearing out, cleaning, de-cluttering and decorating all at the same time.  It has been years since I really had a clear out.  I did a mini challenge last year or was it the year before, called 'clearing the clutter' and I overwhelmed myself with what I wanted to do, I wasn't realistic about what I had and what I could do.  I tried to clear a major area every day and the reality is that some of the areas needed a whole month to themselves.

Having learnt the lesson (not) we decided to clear the whole house, decorate all while I was moving my mum into new accommodation and clearing her flat of items - many of which had been there for over 30 years, and I had grown attached to.  My mums move is sorted, still sorted out some of her paper work, she is in a smaller flat adapted to her needs, it is light and spacious, and was the right move for her at this time.

With the place being upside down it was difficult to keep my blog up, my phone broke, my computer crashed and it was very weird not having access to the internet, you really realize just how much you rely on technology.  Rather than get anxious about it I looked at it as a bit of a break and time to reevaluate direction, but also prioritize what was important.

I have been creating and trying to keep up with the creative courses that I signed up for.  With everything happening at once I was forced to also pace myself differently with the courses, you can't paint in dust and with drilling going on.  

I started a book binding course last week, which gets me out of the house one day a week for the next 5 weeks.  It has been a long time since I did a course I had to travel to.  But it has been really great, there is only 4 of us so the pace is good, we cover quite a bit in the 3 hours.  I will show you what I have made next week - I have made two sewn books so far.  I am finding the course very therapeutic and it is great learning the techniques and being able to get feedback straight away.  I think it was what I needed at the moment.  Eventually I want to be able to create bound books filled with memories of my mother and filled with stories that normally get forgotten so that generations to come can be inspired by her journey.

For now back to the clearing as the dust settles, tomorrow I will share some images and get back on track.  Do share what changes you have had to make as you move into a new season.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Learning - Creating in Faith

Your life is your message to the world.  Make it inspiring...Lorin L Lee


Learning comes in many shapes and forms in a formal setting or non formal and every day we are learning new things about ourselves as we reflect on our lives and experiences.  How have you done so far with all the things you said you were going to do at the beginning of the year?  Granted it is only the first week, but you need to hit the floor running, or perhaps you already have and all we can do is look at your dust as you whizz into the distance...

‘For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future – Jeremiah 29:11


I am currently surrounded by lists and schedules as I slightly run after myself in doing the things I want to do.   I had a great flurry of action towards the end of last year and now in the New Year schedules are still to be finalised, courses have started and I am wondering where the week has gone so far.  I am mindful though about keeping up with all the things that I have committed myself to do and in the midst of it still enjoy the process.

God had planned something better for us so only together with us would they be made perfect... Hebrews 11:40

Having made the decision to cut back on my posting for Tutorial Tuesdays, Material Mondays and Recycled Projects, I will be sharing what I have done in the classes and what it may have brought up creatively for me.  I am also looking forward to the growth and the insight which should come with learning new information.  I already know that I resonate towards more structured way of working.  I like knowing what is planned for the next week and what I am working towards.  It stops the wandering from one thing to the next as you get more and more distracted.  I learnt that I need to just go with wanting structure among the spontaneity of the creative practice.

Creative Sundays

Next week Sundays will see the beginning of my Creative Sunday’s posts – Expressing your creativity in a spiritual environment.  I look forward to sharing each week and producing a video of the process – as part of getting myself out of my comfort zone and moving forward.  My word which I shared for the year is ‘Attention to Detail’ which for me will require me to be more focused and disciplined as I am asking a lot of myself this year.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed..Proverbs 16:3


I am also learning about my attachments and my ‘you never know when you can use it’ mindset, we are spending time over the next few months to declutter the house.  My husband is more ruthless and when we talked about it last year I was all fired up caused it seems so far away.  This weekend he went and got the boxes and made a start and I have found myself justifying why it is alright for him to get rid of his things but some things (all of my things) need to stay.  I am realising the more I have been thinking about it that there are some strong emotional ties that I will need to deal with alongside the excuses that are already preparing themselves at the back of my mind. 

Last year I did a 30 day de-cluttering challenge and so I know that I can do it I guess admitting how I feel is the first step to moving on,  and there is a limit to how many books you can hold onto and read, or how many clothes you can keep, although since starting creating recycled projects I find a use for quite a lot of things, mainly boxes, packaging which I will have to limit or make sure that what I make goes to a good home (am I justifying again??).  

Making the way...

At the end of the day I know that I have done it in other areas and I will have to just work through it.  I know that God has much more for me this year - there are new adventures to experience, new environments to be in and new things to learn and sometimes you have to let go of things.  You can’t take these things with you, you have to make the most of them while you are living and share what you have with those who are in a less fortunate position.  

Let us step into 2014 knowing that we did all the things that we needed to do, we stretched ourselves, we were more than we were last year and we made a difference in the life of at least
one person.  

What are your plans for 2014, where are the changes going to be made in order for you to move forward?

Psalm 121 1-4– I lift my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.  He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber or sleep

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year and Tutorial Tuesday!


Better late than never, I wanted to start out by saying Happy New Year and wishing you a blessed year filled with peace, growth, insight, understanding and much love.  This is my last post of this year and Tuesdays are usually filled with tutorials.  I shared in yesterdays post the changes that will be happening, I am taking a few courses that I hope will bring new knowledge and change will come through in my work.  I want to step up and do more.  I don’t make new year’s resolutions but build on the plans that I made this year which will carry through to next year.

One of the changes that I will continue to work on is my health, getting fit, getting rid of clutter and making sure that nutritionally I have a balanced diet.  I am going to continue to clear the clutter and we are all going to make a big effort at home to get rid of those things that are just there ‘because’ rather than serving a purpose.

Rather than weekly to fit in the new courses I will be posting Tutorial Tuesdays on a monthly basis.  I will have lots to share from the insights and techniques gained on the courses and wanted to make some room for this.  I will be trying my hand at videoing and will try and do some video based technique videos.  There are so many things that I would love to do that there isn’t the hours in the day, but I will try and do a few of them.

If you want to take a look at the past tutorials click on the link below and it will take you to the topics.  
Tutorial Tuesday

I hope you find ways to experiment and learn new things in the coming year.  As always share what you are doing and remember to be a blessing.
Happy 2014!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Confidence - Creating in Faith


What do you know that you know, that you know to be true?

Earlier this week I had a mini revelation or understanding about my life.  It wasn't something now I think of it that I didn't already know, but it was clarity that shone its' light over an area of my work.
'You know that you know that you know to be true.....'
In my prayer life I have been praying for change, but we all know that change can only come if you do something different, taking that step each day doing something different until you get the required results.  The change could only be activated if I had the confidence to know that despite what things look like, something totally different than the current view is expected.

I am confident in knowing that if I want to learn something and everyday I do a little bit to expand my knowledge, put it into practise, review and learn some more, I can be guaranteed that in a year I’ll know more than I did when I started.

Having confidence helps me to know that in every situation there are several outcomes possible and if I am flexible in my approach and not ridged then it is possible to be able to gain insight and understanding from any outcome.

In our faith we have confidence that there is a living God who cares for us and wants us to live a life beyond anything we could possibly imagine, using the gifts, talents and abilities that we have all been given, working on those ones that need work, sharing, giving, blessing....

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength... Philippians 4:13

God wants you to be curious about life, to stretch beyond what society tells you is the norm and to keep asking those questions like a child who learns about his surroundings starts to ask the ‘why’ questions.  God’s word tells us to 'ask and you will receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open in Matthew 7:7'.   There is no standing still, no static, or staleness but an excitement about each and every day, knowing that the difference that it will bring depends on our perspective and whether our glass is half empty or remains half full.

The Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught... Proverbs 3:26

What have you put your confidence in?

Sunday 10 November 2013

Creating in Faith - Fruit, what do you want to be known by?

But the Fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22

Art by Amanda Trought of woman with abstract Tree

They shall be known by their fruit

What is motivating you when you get up in the morning?  When you think of the life you are living what do you feel is your contribution? Are you contributing in a positive way to the world you live in?

Listen to the Podcast

Art by Amanda Trought of woman

This wasn't a question that bothered me much up to my early 30’s, but after that I began to feel that there must be more to my life than the one I was living, I had things I wanted to achieve, new things I wanted to try and places to travel to, I knew that I had to step up and make changes and my drive to be more creative couldn't be contained.

When you look at an apple seed, you don’t know how many apples will grow on the tree that the apple will later go on to be, neither do you know how many trees the seeds that are in each apple that will eventually grow and develop.  But you can be guaranteed that with the right conditions, temperature and soil nutrients, you generally should get a fairly good harvest.  Year after year the tree will get bigger and produce more and more fruit, and the cycle will continue with each seed that is produced.  There will be more fruit in its 10th year than was in its 2nd year.  That said you know that a plum tree will never bear apples no matter how much you talk to the tree, change the fertilizer you’ll get plums.  I give you this example because I think we are all blessed to produce fruit of our own, and there are the gifts and talents we possess that can and should be expressed into the. 
Art by Amanda Trought of Tree with Fruit

No two gifts are the same.  The gifts’ you have are like no other, think about the gifts you possess, the ones that come naturally and those that with a bit of extra study, training or practice can be put to use.  Identifying the fruit – the scripture says we will be known by our fruit so there is an expectation that we will be producing something from what we have.  What have you been sitting on for such a long time that needs to be express, and what about ‘that thing’ that you always promised yourself you would do when you had time, when will that be exactly?   
Art by Amanda  Trought of Tree with Fruit and woman on stitched painted card

Our fruit ultimately should be a blessing to someone else, it’s no good keeping them to ourselves they are to edify and encourage others to grow and develop the gifts and fruit yet to be birthed.

Thursday 24 October 2013

In the news - Change, Coming Soon Club and Competition winner

Welcome to another special day, for us to be able to share our gifts, connect and make a difference in whatever way possible. Even the smallest effort can make a difference.  

Flowers still in bloom - in October!

Yesterday I spent time in a park close to where I grew up as a child.  It brought back memories of my adventures with my brother Robert who passed away in June.  In thinking of our loss I still have a hard time believing he is gone, I said to my son Sekani that this time last year I was sitting in my brother's kitchen over a cup of tea talking about our creative paths, without a clue of what was to come.  As children we sometimes use to go to the park after school and play because it was close to our home.  The area has changed a lot over the years.  

Outdoor Gym open to all!

The park is now also home to an outside gym to encourage the locals to get fit, and a skateboard park and basket ball pitch for the younger crowd.  The apartments that you can see in the picture above used to be a school.  As you look around the park you can see that they have really taken time to consider what facilities they provide which has made it more accessible for community that live there. 

Creativity and organisation

Over the past couple of weeks I made a conscious decision that I wanted to make several changes to my processes, organisation, output etc.  I was feeling as if the things that I really wanted to do and see come to pass were so far out of my reach.  I prayed that the changes in my life I had been working on to manifest, would start to be evident.  This is really where patience comes in, any change that will be lasting takes effort and time.  You can decide to do nothing and change will still take place, whether it will bring the results you seek is another matter.  I guess in some cases my impatient side was looking for the immediate, but also know that unless you plan and make adjustments then you won't get the results you require.  

I looked at my output in my writing and art and wanted to become more focused, sharing and interacting more.  This is one of the changes that I have made on my blog, by having specific areas that I will share each day.  The frequency of my posting has increased and I have attempted to be more consistent in sharing part of my world with those that visit and also to stretch myself. For those who haven't yet noticed I have a new blog schedule:

Fabric and Crochet

Tutorial Tuesday
How to....

Memories of Home
Mixed Media houses

In the News!
What's on?

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
What are you grateful for?

Recycled Projects
Reuse, Recycle & Up-cycle

Creating in Faith - Discussions and more
I am trying to work across the board with all of my social media, but as you probably understand - there is only so much time in a day, but with perseverance and passion a way will be made, and I hope you continue to join me as my work and practices evolve.


I ran a competition last week on my Capturing Moments tutorial post, the prize is the mini journal below. 
The winner is Bloomers, and I am also giving a runners up prize of a mini journal and this will go to Ann K from Cairn Cottage.  Well done to both of you, hope you enjoy your mini journals!

Hot desk at the Coming Soon Club...

An organisation called  The Coming Soon Club has set up enterprise initiatives for local people who want to test out a business idea or arts or community project in a temporary space.  They not only provide the space but mentoring advice as well.  They also provide facilities hot desk and internet connection for those who normally work from home which is great if you want to dip your feet in every now and again into the office environment without the office politics.  I used them recently when my internet connection went down, it was great to be able to get on with some focused work without the distractions of home.  It is very relaxed space, they have some exhibitions on the way and they have a small cafe serving refreshments.

Creativity and Social Work

Tomorrow I am giving a talk to a group of social workers training for their AMPH qualification.  My talk focuses on being a carer and the impact of the role on my life, I will also be able to share some creative tools and reflections that I have used.  It is my third year of presenting this talk and it is great to be able to interact with the students and see how they begin to reflect on their own roles and the impact it may have on carers.

And finally...

Katherines Corner

Thursday Favorite ThingsToday is also Thursdays Favorite Things on Katherines Corner Take a stroll over there and visit some of the inspiring blogs listed in the links, you can leave a link to your post and show some support by visiting others who have listed theirs.  

Blessings to you and yours!

Monday 23 September 2013

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal Week 11 - Change

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal week 11


I know I should have posted this on Friday but a dark cloud decided to dwell and hinder my posting, but it is better late than never.  There were a few things that had cropped up and we have to use wisdom to get through all the little pits and hills that come our way.  One thing I came out of last week feeling is the need to have change in my life and see the evidence of things moving.  I am currently reading a book by Susan Rae Baker called Defining Moments - A gathering of women's Journeys.  It is filled with the stories of women who have been through so much and yet have turned situations in their lives and tragedies round to set themselves on the path that enables them to see their lives as whole.  I've just started the book but it has put a new perspective on so many things, it also reminds me as I care for my mother that I am not alone and there are so many people who experience caring for a parent with dementia. It has been particularly hard last week and I constantly ask myself in some of the more challenging moments how mum must feel.  I also had news of another friend with suspected Myeloma that claimed my brothers life, and it brought home that we are now in a generation where we will know more and more who loose their life, and we will probably be attending more funerals than weddings. 

This is not to dwell on all that is wrong with the world, but being grateful and celebrating life.  I decided that I will slightly change these posts and they will still have the journal page with a reflection, but I will write the things that I am grateful for within the post, and look forward to seeing what you are grateful for.  

The page reads - It is time to make a change.......

We all have those things that impact on our lives and can see us go in totally different directions.   I would like to be open to make a change from those things in my life that are currently hindering progress, stepping out and stepping up. I am grateful that I can still make changes, there is no time limit, you can be who you were called to be!   I celebrate my relationship with my mother and the one I had with my brother, through the loss and the pain it really makes me appreciate what I have and those relationships with loved ones - family and friends who are still here.  I hope you have a blessed week as you to look at areas of your life that might need to change.

Sunday 16 September 2012

52 Weeks of Colour - Change

You are unique, a miracle – don’t ever compare yourself with anyone else

Men are not free when they are doing just what they like… Men are only free when they are doing what the deepest self likes. And there is getting down to the deepest self! It takes some diving!  ...D.H. Lawrence

Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and comp[lete, not lacking anything. James 1:4

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