Sunday 11 May 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 46:1

Word for the Week - Image - Amanda Trought, Realityarts

God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear...Psalm 46:1

Saturday 10 May 2014

Recycled projects - Paper Stencils and masks

I came across a tutorial by Martice Smith II which was quite inspiring, it was her intricate paper stencils and gift wrap ideas, where she creates a stencil and uses some of the designs in making your own customized wrapping paper.

Always one for having a go I thought I would make a few of my own.  I guess it is similar to paper cutting, which I never thought I would have the patience for, you can get some really intricate and beautiful designs.

For these I took some construction paper which is quite thin that had been used on one side, you can use any type of paper you like, and it is a great way to use up those pieces of paper that you would put in the recycle bin. To cut these I just used a pair of scissors, making it easy to get instant results, you could also use paper punches in some areas.
Keep the designs simple to get really great results

After you have folded your paper into a triangle and then folded a further two times you can mark out a simple design on one side.

Cutting away areas on the paper 

Cut them out, and voila you have some lovely stencils and masks below that you can use in a number of different ways.

Paper stencils - one of my favourites

Squares cut out gives an interesting design

I couldn't resist doing a few more

Simple shapes create lovely effects

and here is how they turned out

The simple designs are the most effective
 These can be used as a stencil or a mask when using the Gelli plate but the possibilities are endless!

I am going to use these to create some more Gelli prints - see my previous Gelli prints tutorial, and I will show you how the designs look on Tuesday and I will probably use these background papers to decorate some handmade books I am toying with. I will also show you how you can take the stencil once you have used it in a mixed media background.

Do check out Martice's site, she has very generously shared some of her designs in a free ebook, you need to sign up to access.  Have fun and allow your creativity to soar!

Friday 9 May 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 44 - Listen to the stillness

Gratitude's and Celebrations - the beginning.....
Allow the blank spaces and the silence time to settle....

Sometimes you need to be quite, to stop and listen.  Listen to the silence uncomfortable at times but necessary, listen to your heartbeat, your breath, the ticking of the clock.  Listen to your mind as it tries to make sense of the world, as the wind soars past your window frame and makes a sound as it seeps into the panes of glass, to the tweeting of the birds in your garden.  
Gratitudes and Celebrations - Listen as the page begins to take shape
Listen to your thoughts, as you go about your day, what are you saying to yourself, what words of encouragement or discouragement do you utter in a moment of testing?  Listen to your cries of your heart, what is it you really want? often what is not said speaks volumes.
Listen - sometimes it takes time to make sense....
Listen to your voice, do you support yourself in your endeavors?  Are you spending time in your creativity, do you listen to the little girl inside you shouting to be heard, or do you brush her aside and miss your calling?
Listen - don't be afraid to stand out....
Listen to your heart as you give space to those friendships, the bonds of love, nurtured, supportive, and forgiving, those that are near and sometimes far.  Listen to the word....

I am grateful today for the opportunity to listen, to listen to my heart and celebrate the stillness that will bring peace.

What do you need to listen to this week?

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
Have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Work in Progress - What are you in the middle of?

Thought I would share what I am working on at the moment, in the midst of some of the online courses, clearing and redecorating at home.  I have been playing around with supplies and my journal/art book.

Just adding shapes and colours to the page.  These guys have come to visit

Not sure quite yet what message they want to share, they have brought their child with them.

I think that the child also has something to share, could be a photo that they have in their hand or a book

The more I play with the page I am sure that they will have something encouraging and supportive to say.  The most important thing is spending some time being creative.  

When it is finished I will let you see the family and what blessings they have to bring, there may be some changes made along the way, but it is important to keep going and do something even if it is one thing each and every day. 

Another couple are showing their face, they look like they will have some good news to share, and as soon as I know I will let you know!

I am reminded today that we are all a work in progress, and still on our journey, learning something new every day.  It is alright to step away from your work every now and then and look from a different perspective.  

What are you right in the middle of today? Take some time to notice what is going on around you and capture that in some creative play.  Above all, stay blessed and be a blessing!

Sunday 4 May 2014

Quote for the Week - Isaiah 41:10

Word for the Week - Images by Amanda - Realityarts

So do not fear for I am with you; Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Friday 2 May 2014

Gratitudes and Celebration - Week 43 - Sing a new song - change can happen

Whatever is not working right now can be changed!

Change is stepping into the unknown, making steps to experience something different.  We can embrace it or we can run from it, and it can be for the better or could be for the worse but what counts is how you respond and react to change.

Many of us have experienced needing something to change but we don’t have the immediate resources, experience or knowledge of what steps to take.

A good place to start is knowing why you want change, if things are not working and you are unhappy there is no point in dwelling in the situation but do something about it.  If you don’t have the resources find out how you can get them, do you need to save up, change your job, get more creative, whatever it is do something, change the way you treat yourself and begin to sing a new song.

I am grateful today for the songs within my heart that tell the story of change that has occurred and will occur within my life and celebrate the new experiences that change brings with it.

What songs of change will you be singing this week?

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
Have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Quotes Wednesday

A combination of quotes and photography...see where creativity and inspiration takes you!

Each week on my Creative Writing WordPress site I share a edited photograph that I have taken along with a quote I find inspiring.  I have grown to love taking photographs and whenever I can I make sure that I have my camera handy. The images have been either on my day to day, or when I have been able to take some time out and go on holiday. 

I thought that I would do something similarly here too, as a way to inspire and encourage, we come across so many interesting quotes.  Why not stop by my WordPress blog when you get a chance. Here are a few of the images and quotes I shared

Photograph - Amanda Trought, Quote - Jim Rohn
 The major value in life is not what you get.  The major value in life is what you become - Jim Rohn

Photograph - Amanda Trought, Quote - John Maxwell
 A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them - John Maxwell

Photograph - Amanda Trought, Quote - Gandhi
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary - Gandhi

I will be posting different set of quotes and images to here and at some point you will be able to purchase a print on my Society 6 site.

Monday 28 April 2014

Tutorial Tuesdays - Faith in the process

Every now and then you have to unleash yourself on to your supplies.  You have to throw out what you think you know and just spend some time playing.  Forget technique and rules, and what should be placed where, or what goes with what and let your hair down.

I took a break from the courses and decided to play with my supplies, which included decorated paper, paints, modelling paste and whatever else I could lay my hands on and started to lay down colour and texture on the surface.

The more I let go the more that started to be revealed. I wasn't focused on the finish product but making my way on a journey of discovery that needed a bit of faith.

With each stroke it can help you relax and take your mind off all the stuff and clutter of the day, it is a necessary process to tap into your creativity, 

Giving yourself the time, space and the freedom to play allows you to find some special surprises as they emerge from the page.  I dare you to try something, take a leap of faith and have fun with your tools, and remember to play!
Faith - Mixed media Art

Sunday 27 April 2014

Material Mondays - Altering Beenie Hat

Altering a Beanie Hat with flowers
My mum has a hat that she loves wearing, primarily because it keeps her head warm, there isn't anything spectacular in the way that the hat looks, but I guess it is one of those things that we all have that we wear for comfort - much to my sons dismay I too have something that he says I shouldn't be wearing for one reason or another, but having lived so many more years than he I think I will park his fashion point of view for another post.
The hat before
Here is the hat, nothing to write home about, but she liked it.  I decided to give it a make over..  so a while back armed with my crochet needles and wool I decided to make some embellishments for the hat, without changing its comfort factor for mum.

With a crochet needle and wool you can do wonders!
I ended up making a couple of flowers and a strip that would go round the hat for decoration.

Flowers and crocheted strip
  I sewed the flowers and the strip to the hat once they were complete.  Here is the finished hat, modeled by mum....
 You can pretty much attach flowers to most things and they will give some added oomph when needed.
 It gives her the comfort that she wants, yet gives it an updated look

I will have a look at some of her other hats and see what updates can be made.  If you want to update an something you don't have to add crochet, you can embroider, or add some beading - find some jewelry that you no longer wear and attach it to an item of clothing for that extra sparkle.

If you are considering learning how to crochet, or any other creative activity check out Craftsy online courses, at the moment they are doing a special offer on some of their classes, and they are offering some free mini courses.Click here.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Word for the Week - Proverbs 3:5-6

Word for the Week - image by Amanda - Realityarts
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight ...Proverbs 3:5-6

Journal Celebration Art

I grew up writing in a diary.  My first was one of this girly ones with a clasp and a lock to keep prying little brothers eyes out.  I didn't really understand how to use it but would write things like my favorite pop stars names in, favorite colours and such.

As I grew up I would use note books to write my thoughts, the angst of a teenager filling the page, no one seem to understand - little did I understand myself.  My older and wiser self could have offered much wisdom to the 18 year old who felt that she knew everything about the world.

Off and on I would share my thoughts on the pages of numerous journals, the years passing, experiences, joy, and pain found their places. When I was introduced to art journaling I was thrilled, being able to capture images, or thoughts, It could be as short or as long as I wanted.  As I have matured I realized that my journals could be what ever I wanted them to be.  I like keeping many journals, I enjoy creating in the art journals as they capture a mood for me and can be as complicated as I require, and with each morning I am drawn to work in my 'morning pages' journal doing my 3 pages free flow writing - check out The Artist's Way Starter Kit by Julia Cameron.  Many an idea has sprung from these pages, or a solution to a problem been found.

I have also grown to love altering books and since taking the book binding course have become a fan and love the different types of binding methods that can be achieved, especially with the spine of the book.  I am coming to the end of my book binding course at Shepherds, the five weeks have just flown by.  Tuesdays is the last session and we will have made a total of 5 books. we have been using some beautiful Japanese hand made paper and cloth, I have been in my element, and I will share the books made at the end of next week.

Mother and Child with their Journals

I celebrate my joy in learning more about making my own books and created this painting which shows a mother sharing her handmade books with her daughter, who is getting her first book to start filling with her own adventures.

I am looking forward to making many more journals and sharing them with you here.  What creative activity are you looking forward to getting started?  let me know and share what you are doing, blessings!

Friday 25 April 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 42 - Gifts

Nothing can compare to the gifts you have to bless the world
Gratitude's Journal - this is how the page started out
But you already know, and you have had a chance to see some of them.  Your gifts that you can sometimes take for granted have been given to you for a purpose.  

The page is starting to take shape!
Whether you teach, encourage, lead, or minister to others you are supposed to use your gifts to bless the lives of others and help others to locate and use their gifts to bless lives and so on until we are all blessing each other around the world, making that difference, being that miracle that someone prayed for, stepping in when there was no one else. 

When you start to use your gifts you will see the life that you are living in a different light and begin to uncover additional gifts which complement the ones you currently using and give you a totally new perspective.  

Whatever life you currently feel you have your gifts are unique to you, there is no one that can bring it in quite the way you can, and you have to be prepared to do more, be more and really be ready to see breakthroughs and successes unfold as you step out! 

I am grateful today for those gifts which reside within me and celebrate the lives of others that I will be able to bless through stepping out and using my gifts.

How will you use your gifts to impact on the lives of others today? 

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
Have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!
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