Showing posts with label creating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creating. Show all posts

Thursday 24 December 2015

New Course - One Badass Art Journal, Discounts and competition!!

Ok, I have some great news to tell you!  I am teaching in another course, and this one is being hosted by Tiare Smith and is called ONE BADASS ART JOURNAL!


There is a wonderful group of yet more talented artists taking part in this 12 week workshop.  There is so much being offered, you will be able to make your own BADASS Art Journal and view 24 lessons/classes.  Check out the video below!

INTERESTED?  Why not treat yourself for and explore your own Badass Art Journal and link up with the facebook group there is so much more check out the rest of the course HERE

As a special offer you can get a 15% discount on the price of the course.  You have to enter the code IMBAD15 at the checkout BEFORE Sun 27th Dec to receive the discount.

And as a special bonus, SIGN UP HERE BEFORE DECEMBER 31 and you will be entered to win 1 of 2 spots in the other course that I am teaching in called The Journey Within: A Year of Handmade Journals.

Sign up for one for both courses and make your 2016 a year to remember!

Thursday 3 December 2015

Blog Hop - The Journey Within - A Year of handmade art journals

I am doing a happy dance at the moment as I share with you that I will be a teacher in The Journey Within: A Year of Handmade Art Journals with book maker, Kiala Givehand and 17 other artists. The class begins January 1st and continues the entire year, and is incredible value for money!

Each month, Kiala will teach you how to make your own handmade art journal, give you prompts, tips and techniques for filling the pages, and bring in guest artists to share their ideas.

To kick off this great course, Kiala has created a December book and asked each guest artist to give her a challenge to complete this month. All these challenges are set up to create an opportunity to “Blog Hop.” play along as you “hop” from blog to blog. see below for the blog hop schedule.

My challenge will appear on December 8th. so do check back to see what I’ve suggested

If you decide to play along, let me know by checking me out on Instagram (@realityarts) and tag me. Use the hashtag #journeywithin2016 so we can all see your lovely work. 

Here's the blog hop schedule. Make sure you visit each person so you can see what they have in store for you. It is going to be an exciting year during The Journey Within: A Year of Handmade Art Journals.

December 1 -- Mimi Bondi --
December 2 -- Cindy Gilstrap -- Junque Art Studios 
December 4 -- Tiare Smith -- 
December 7 -- Julie Baker -- Creatively Onward 
December 8 -- Amanda Trought -- Reality Arts 
December 9 -- Andrea Gomoll -- Cre8tive Cre8tions
December 10 -- Nicole Piar --
December 11 -- Lisa DeYoung -- Mountain Mermaid Studios 
December 15 -- Kelly Johnson -- Wings, Worms, and Wonder 
December 17 -- Sadelle Wiltshire -- Tangle Vermont 
December 18 -- Barb Owen --
December 21 -- Hali Karla --
December 22 -- Yuko Miki -- Honeyberry Studios 
December 28 -- Virginia Simpson-Magruder -- Kentucky Girl Designs 
December 30 -- iHanna -- 

​Looking forward to seeing you in the blog hop journey!

Friday 6 November 2015

Gratitude's and Celebrations Journal - Week 86 - Grow...

Gratitude and Celebration Journal - Amanda Trought
Thank you for joining me for another Gratitude's and Celebration Journal, where I have been making my weekly journey within my journal to create, but to also look at those things that I am grateful for and also take time to celebrate the life that I have been given.  This week is about growing, there are many things that we learn through our growth...

Having spent my time in the journal each week has been a great way for me to discipline myself.  I can often be impatient at my progress and want to 'do it all now'!  The years and experience has taught me that patience and making sure that you do a good job (the best of your ability) are things that you cannot rush.

Mixed Media Art - Journal - Amanda Trought

How many times have you tried to rush something only to end up having to do it over?  My journal is a way for me to learn patience, there is no time frame where all the images have to be painted and each day I have to spend some time developing the image that you then see at the end of the week.  Some weeks other things have got in the way and so you don't see a post.  But I am extremely proud of myself for taking it this far......86 weeks worth of insights, celebrations and paintings.

Mixed Media Art Journal - Amanda Trought

I was reminded these past few weeks about connections and friendships that we can make, and how some people just go above and beyond what they have to do in order to be a blessing.  We have found our new neighbors Sarah and Haddy to be such people, not forgetting Jacob - who gives out such a delightful giggle when I threaten to tickle his belly!

Mixed Media Art - Journal - Amanda Trought
Our lives have a purpose and meaning and we are all interconnected.  What I do today will have an affect on someone else around the world, and therefore we have to treat each other with a bit more kindness (you will reap what you sew) so why not start today.

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Amanda Trought

I celebrate and I am grateful for growth, lovely neighbours and the new lessons that life will show me as time goes on.

I am on a creative journey in my journal and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

Gratitude and Celebration Journal

Friday 29 May 2015

Gratitidute's and Celebrations - Week 79 - Travel

Arriving in Barbados
It has been over a week since we got back from Barbados, still in the throws of making plans for a potential move there, my ideal is to be able to spend 6 months in both locations getting away from the cold of the UK.  While I work towards the potential of that I spent time trying to get fitter, walking and when we could get to the beach spend some time in the sea, the sunshine like a healing tonic, helping my body to get the much needed vitamin D.

Spending time on the Beach

While I was away all the work that I said I was going to do on my blog and other areas was put on hold and I decided that having too many things to try and do just didn't work, taking a step back and re-evaluating was what was needed, and I did. 

Early morning walking

Working in my art journal
Art Journal Page - the Journey into paradise

It is hard to believe that time has flown so quickly and nearly 7 months have passed since we did the program about what it would be like to live in Barbados, and we have been working on putting things in place that would facilitate a move.

Last day in Barbados - off to a concert!

Right now I am grateful for being able to travel to see new places and experience different communities and environments.  I celebrate the changes that are to come and embrace the new adventures that await.

Gratitude's and celebrations
I am on a creative journey in my journal and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

Gratitude and Celebration Journal

Friday 9 January 2015

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Week 70 - Kindness

Welcome to this weeks journal page, we arrive at the word kindness.  Thinking back over the 70 weeks of post and the journal itself I think I have come quite a long way from its beginning in week one nearly a year and a half ago.

As the months have progressed I have just got stuck in and it has become a routine now that I make sure that I do.  There have been some weeks when I haven't got my act together and just moved it to the next week.  I have had to remind myself that the only pressure I will be under is the one that I set for myself, and so I have tried to remain flexible, preparing where possible the background pages, but trying to think about that week and where and what I need to be thinking about.


I am not always kind to myself and have at times been quite harsh, and I ask myself would I treat a friend the way that I treat myself.  We talk about treating others the way we treat ourselves, and sometimes even the dog or cat is treated better and we put ourselves down or devalue our self-worth.

You have to treat yourself the way you want others to treat you, that means to respect and value your worth.  You were brought into this world for a purpose (yes I will continue to say it if I have to in each post), you might not know that or feel that, and I can say that there are times I wonder if I have got anywhere near my purpose cause everything just hit the fan!

At the end of the day you have to be able to nurture yourself the way you would nurture a child, be gentle to your dreams and treat yourself with kindness being patient and loving to your heart.  Do something nice just for you, find some encouraging and inspiring words that you can say to yourself on waking up and going to bed.  If you are stuck check out my Word for the week and Quote Wednesday for inspiration, but do something positive.  

As I go and take my own advice, I am grateful and celebrate today, a day that I have the opportunity to do something kind to myself and extend that to someone else.

Gratitude and Celebration - Kindness

What act of kindness will you do for yourself?, share, comment and let me know how you get on.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

Friday 19 December 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 67 - Shine Your light

When we switch on the light or lamp we don't try and hide it or put it under cover, we don't put our light under the bed but we use it to illuminate the room.  When we think about all of the lights that are in our home we use them to allow us to see better, to locate those things that are hidden or out of view and to enable us to do other activities as well.  

As this light shines it not only shows us the thing that we are looking for but it also shines on other things as well.  If we wanted to focus the light we might use a torch or spot light, but generally speaking the main light is the one that will brighten the whole room.  There are some things that we don't want in clear sight and we might put them away in draws and wardrobes behind doors that invite a peek or we hide them behind other things.  As a collector of things there comes a point where you have built up layers and layers of things and barriers build up stopping the light from reaching the four corners of the room.

The bible tells us that we are to shine our light and my understanding is that we have to be all that we are created to be, without hangups, doubts, insecurities, and fear, and where these things are present then we have to work at doing something about it.  We have all been given talents, abilities and gifts, some of which we haven't yet seen manifest, we are to make sure that we are using and making the most of them, we shouldn't hide them under stuff or the cares of the world, we can't lock them away and pretend we don't know we have them, carrying them around in your bag or backpack afraid of your potential.  

When we are using our gifts talents and abilities it can impact like the torch on specific areas at a time or as with the main light switch in the room it can impact on many people from different walks of life and in different ways all over the world - look at the many gifted and talented people that have impacted on the world that spring to mind and have inspired you.

I hope to shine my light through my art and my words bringing meaning, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and also to be effective in helping others to think about what they have been gifted with or to work on those things that they have been yearning to do in their hearts giving them the courage to make that step,  I think we all have that ability to inspire someone else and we can't take it for granted.

As you learn to shine your light and be more than you thought you could be others may try to stop you and those who will want to accompany you for the ride, but more often than not it is the journey that you have to make by yourself discovering your strengths, you have to be willing to do the work and take the necessary steps to get to that place where your insecurities no longer stop you but enable you to soar!

I am grateful and celebrate today the light that I carry within me, one that we all carry and it is our responsibility to use the talents that we have all been given to help others and be a blessing to others. I hope as always that my words carry encouragement and that when you have read this post that you feel encouraged to shine your light, to think about how much more you could get from your life if you turned it up a notch.  What ever has been laid on your heart in a years time you will have wished that you started right now!

Monday 10 November 2014

My Color is Beautiful Art 2015 - Registration now open!

Registration is now open!  

To sign up for the class 

You will be redirected to Tiare Smith's site - (the course organiser) where you can choose a couple of different packages, and the price starts at $49!

I would love you to join us on this exciting adventure

Here are the teachers for the course, including me:)

I look forward to meeting you on the course, we are going to have lots of fun! 

Sunday 26 October 2014

Word for the Week - 1 Corinthians 13:12

Word for the Week

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.  Now I know in part then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known...1 Corinthians 13:12

We are known in full....every thought before it leaves our mouth before we even thought we were thinking it, every flutter of the heart, to the tug at the soul, those feelings, imaginations, and longings...all are accounted for!

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 19 October 2014

Word for the Week - Romans 8:38-39

Word for the Week

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, not any powers, neither height not depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord...Romans 8:38-39

It says it all! but you need to hold on.  The ride won't be an easy one, your going to face some tough times, and even doubt yourself, and look challenges in the face, but you will get through!

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 12 October 2014

Word for the Week - Romans 8:31

What, then, shall we say in response to this?  If God is for us who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Don't listen to the naysayers, they don't walk in your shoes, neither have they walked the road you have walked to get to where you are now, fix your mind solely on what God has to says about you!

Word and image for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be.  

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands.  

What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 5 October 2014

Word for the Week - Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose...Romans 8:28

You have been called for a specific purpose, and have been called to be a blessing in the life of others, the way that will manifest is for you to seek, diving into his word and unraveling the mysteries of your purpose in him...

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 28 September 2014

Word for the Week - John 15:13

Greater Love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends...John 15:13

What is the biggest sacrifice that you have made, people make decisions concerning others every day and some do it out of selfish motivations.  Sometimes you have to make certain sacrifices to achieve your dreams and while you can't always see the end result, you have to have faith in the process...

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday 21 September 2014

Word for the week - Isaiah 40:31

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint... Isaiah 40:31

   Through reading the word we should be renewed on a daily basis.  What is it that you need to let go of that is sapping your strength and preventing you from soaring as the eagle?

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Friday 12 September 2014

Gratitude and Celebrations - Week 56 - Trust, and more!

Sometimes you need to let go of your expectations and go with the flow, trust and embrace the change.....

I have been away on holiday for 2 weeks, which took me out of my normal environment into one that was sun filled with sand, sea and beautiful environment.  The preparation to go seem to come really quickly and then we were waving goodbye to the UK and saying hello to BARBADOS!

There was so many things that I had wanted to complete when I was away, and somethings that I managed to complete and put into place before I left, but with anything as always there will be something that gets left.  For me it was my blogging schedule, I didn't get to do the posts I had wanted to include during my time away and our internet connection and my internal clock was in a different zone which meant that by the time I was able to get myself into gear it was time to come back and here I am with the lesson of being in the moment and sitting where you are and enjoying the experience. 

I think that we all can relate to those things that seem to drive us from one point to the next, that we feel we should be doing which is all well and good, but we can also miss out on the very things that we should be focusing on.  I decided to go with the flow, enjoy the time at the beach, with family, making new friends, travelling around the island, knowing that when I came back I could more appreciate all that I had left behind.  We can so easily miss all the important moments with worrying about what should have been done, and when we let go of expectations the magic can really happen.

I am so grateful for the time spent away, for the new friends that I have made, for the surprise upgrade on our return journey which gave us extra leg room and 'real cutlery' on the plane!  I am even grateful for the jet lag, and the tiredness which beacons me to sleep even though I can think of a million and one things to do. I celebrate the changes that are yet to come and trust that as I embrace the change new opportunities and doors that will present themselves.

As you ponder on your week and look forward to your weekend, think about what you need to let go of and those things you should start to trust and embrace.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!
Gratitude and Celebration Journal

Sunday 17 August 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 118:14

The LORD is my strength and my song; 
he has become my salvation... 
 Psalm 118:14

The Lord is my strength, when all seems lost, he is my fortress, the one thing in my life that is constant.  He is my song each and every day.  What strengths lay within you that you hadn't even considered, take some time to think about them.

Have a blessed week and be a blessing.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Kew, and Following your heART - some new work

I had a great day out with my sister and cousin yesterday and we spent the day at Kew Gardens. 

We had been blessed with tickets by Cooltan Arts - A mental health and arts charity, who were able to bring a number of people together to enjoy the day as well.  They do really great work and I recommend that you check out their website.

I love going to Kew Gardens, there is such a peace about the place and the displays are great, and you could definitely spend the whole day there!.  I always bring my camera and end up with some beautiful images of some of the flowers on display.  

Yesterday was no exception we strolled around and there was much sharing, laughter, reflection as it had been a while since we had spent time together in a relaxing environment, the sun was warm and there was a gentle breeze so walking around was a pleasant experience.

We all agreed that spending time in a relaxing environment was an important part of impacting on mental health and well-being.  I have also been busy in the studio, which is a necessary part of my day, experimenting with techniques which I will share over time.

From time to time I share work here and on my Mixed media art site, so you have a choice of places to go.  Going to Kew gardens and spending time in a natural environment reminds me to pay attention, not only to my surroundings but to my choices. It is important to spend time reflecting each day.

I feel that immersing myself in my work and continuing to develop and hone my style is important, I love being creative, and trying new things, seeing how different materials work together, and seeing the fruits of my effort. Find out what sparks your creative juices and do more of it.

So, I will continue to follow my heART and paint, draw, sew, craft and keep on doing work that makes my heart sing, what will you be getting up to? 

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