Showing posts with label encouragement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label encouragement. Show all posts

Saturday 9 August 2014

Kew, and Following your heART - some new work

I had a great day out with my sister and cousin yesterday and we spent the day at Kew Gardens. 

We had been blessed with tickets by Cooltan Arts - A mental health and arts charity, who were able to bring a number of people together to enjoy the day as well.  They do really great work and I recommend that you check out their website.

I love going to Kew Gardens, there is such a peace about the place and the displays are great, and you could definitely spend the whole day there!.  I always bring my camera and end up with some beautiful images of some of the flowers on display.  

Yesterday was no exception we strolled around and there was much sharing, laughter, reflection as it had been a while since we had spent time together in a relaxing environment, the sun was warm and there was a gentle breeze so walking around was a pleasant experience.

We all agreed that spending time in a relaxing environment was an important part of impacting on mental health and well-being.  I have also been busy in the studio, which is a necessary part of my day, experimenting with techniques which I will share over time.

From time to time I share work here and on my Mixed media art site, so you have a choice of places to go.  Going to Kew gardens and spending time in a natural environment reminds me to pay attention, not only to my surroundings but to my choices. It is important to spend time reflecting each day.

I feel that immersing myself in my work and continuing to develop and hone my style is important, I love being creative, and trying new things, seeing how different materials work together, and seeing the fruits of my effort. Find out what sparks your creative juices and do more of it.

So, I will continue to follow my heART and paint, draw, sew, craft and keep on doing work that makes my heart sing, what will you be getting up to? 

Wednesday 26 March 2014

New art - Courses Update

I have been busy in the studio working away on a variety of courses.  What I realized early this year was that I signed up for too many courses.  It is so important to keep moving forward and learning new things, but if you don't give yourself enough time to process what you are learning it can become stressful, falling behind and getting yourself in a stressful state. 

What I found happened to me was that I just stopped.  I had lost sight of why I was doing the courses as I just tried to churn out images in an attempt to keep up, and also keep up with the events happening around me in my life.  

I decided to change my mindset, I have slowed down and have been taking my time, having given myself a breather and got on with things like moving my mum into a new home, I have come out the other end excited about the new work that I will produce over the course of the next year.

I am very pleased to share with you some of the pieces that I have done over the last couple of weeks from Soul Food and Life Book courses, I will also be sharing over the coming months some larger paintings that I will be working on for the Bloom True - Flora Bowley Course  It is a 5 week course, with access after the course for 6 months, the next course starts May 12th – June 14th, 2014, so go on the waiting list to get more information. 

Here are a glimpse of 3 pieces that I recently finished....
Going to the party

Palette Love

Sweety Pie

If you would like to see the complete image you can check them out here at my mixed media art site

Saturday 1 March 2014

29 Faces - End of the Challenge

29 faces challenge

I made it through the challenge for the 29 faces, and it has been a great way to practice new faces, try new techniques and hone skills.  
Lots of sketches done that can form the basis of new paintings.

I thought I would share some of the images with you here and if you want to go and see the rest of them you can visit my other blog Mixed Media Art

Did some painting and experimenting with collage
The 29 Faces challenge coincided with my 'I love you today because' challenge and a couple of the images overlap but I tried to ensure that I did for the majority new images, and this was a great way for me to stretch my techniques and improve.

A great way to play with equipment and techniques!
I really enjoyed taking part and visiting some of the other participants, there is some amazing work for you to check out.  If you want to see the rest of the images I did for the challenge, do check out my mixed media art blog HERE. Blessings for now!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

I Love you today because - Day 27

I love you today because......

You are encouraging

You have a very positive energy and all that come in contact with you can sense that there is something different about you,  You see the small things, noticing the details, and the things that really count. You speak blessings into their lives and give them the courage to be more than they thought they could be.

Show some love
Even you need encouraging, take time to recharge your batteries and spend time with others who will encourage you.

Share some love
Every one wants to be heard, spend some time today listening.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Thursday 20 February 2014

I love you today because ....Day 21

I love you today because....

You did a good piece of work

When was the last time you congratulated yourself for doing a piece of work, or had a celebration for how far you come in completing a part of the journey.  We have to celebrate the many milestones that we get through along the way as this is an encouragement in the tough times and keeps us going.

Show some love
Make a list of all your achievements and celebrate just how much you have done!

Share some love

Make a point of appreciating those around you and acknowledge the work that they do.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Wednesday 19 February 2014

I Love you today because - Day 20

I Love you today because....

You showed up today

Showing up and being present in your life is important as our lives were not meant to be static.  There is more to your life than the life you are currently living.  No one else can live for you or take responsibility for you.  You have to make a decision to take ownership, and then you can really living your life.

Show some love
What has your spirit been saying to you about your life.  See where you can make an adjustment to be more present.

Share some love
Spend some time with an elderly family member or friend of the family and ask them about their lives and really listen to what they have to say...

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

I Love you today because - Day 18 and 19

I Love you today because....

You have a thirst for wisdom and knowledge and you are following your dreams!

Our brains are more complex than any computer that has been created.  There is never a time that you will ever know enough, there is so much in this world to learn about, so much to experience and insights to gain.  There is something new every day that you can learn that will take you that step closer to your dreams - you are never too old.  It takes courage to step out and make a decision. When your feeling off course you will find ways to get yourself back.  Nurture and spend time on walking towards your dreams, you’ll get there – what are you waiting for, make a list and get to it! 

Show some love
Thing about 1 thing that you've always wanted to learn and take steps to realize that dream

Share some love
Become a mentor, pass on a skill and share your experience with others.

Friday 31 January 2014

I love you today because.....

I thought I would start February off with a challenge a way to make some small changes on a daily basis and one that you are welcome to join in with.   Valentines day is a couple of weeks away, and traditionally this is the month to show those that you love how much you love them. 

As we grow and share I thought we could also do with a reminder to care for ourselves and to treat ourselves with kindness remembering that before you can love someone else you need to be able to love yourself.  For me I will be just making simple statements that can sit and encourage me in those tough times as a reminder that I am still a work in progress. 

It is very easy to take ourselves for granted, and we have to have a back pack full of encouraging words and statements that you can draw upon every now and then.  What words of encouragement can you give yourself as a reminder?

Another thing that I will be doing during the week is a daily sketch using marker pens, I wanted to experiment a bit more with the following style, and do some self portraits - I have only ever done 2 self portraits in all my time as an artist.  
Image done in Gwenn Seemel Style - Soul Food
Doing quick self portraits allows us the time to really see ourselves, looking at the imperfections that we all have and being alright with them.  While doing Soul Food  course we had a session from Gwenn Seemel, and I really like the style of using marker pens, to make the marks and not worry about rubbing out and being committed to the marks you make.  

Each day I will be spending between 15 - 20 minutes doing a sketch and will post it later during the day, it will be an exercise in observation, each one might not be complete, but I want to be consistent and show up and spend the time. You can see the images that I did as part of the Soul Food class on my Mixed Media Art site.

So if you are up for it join me Monday through to Friday during the month of February and remind yourself why 'you love you' today and every other day, and maybe even try creating a few self portraits as well! Stay Blessed!

Saturday 14 September 2013

Feeling upbeat and Inspired?

What do you do when you’re feeling upbeat and inspired and your checking out other artists work, leaving encouraging comments on their site and then you start feeling a tinge of doubt about your own work creep in.  It feels like nothing you do is right, then the only voice you can hear is the one telling you ‘you’re not good enough’?  How have you dealt with the self doubt and the under currents of anxiety that dismisses your accomplishments or efforts and leaves you insecure and wanting to climb into bed with the covers over your head.  How have your dealt with the opinions of others that appear to come from way ‘off base’ and while feeling hurt you try and explain but your not given a chance to give your point of view and you ask yourself ‘just what have I been doing all these years?

I think that we all at sometime feel these things or hear the quiet murmurings of ‘really’ or ‘you call that art’ or the niggling ‘whatever it is you do your never going to be as good as that person down the road.....’  In fact I know we do, the difference is how we deal with it and whether we allow ourselves to be paralysed. 

I am not one of these people that go around waiting for the next tragedy to strike and I normally deal with challenges looking at all the positive things, making the necessary adjustments and seeing how it can turn it round for good.  I looked at the problem and try and see how we can make some lemonade out of the selection of lemons and limes in my midst. That being said there are sometimes where you can’t stop yourself from being paralysed in the moment and my 'take' on it is that you do have to embrace the fear/doubt/discouragement and the rest, really sit down with them and allow them to voice their opinions.  It’s not a ‘let’s throw a pity party’ that last for days but let’s sit down over coffee’ or in my case ‘spice tea’ and let’s hear what you have got to say about my life and the things I want to achieve. 

As I get older, I am learning to use a variety of tools to enable me to stop myself from sinking into the 'doubt spiral' but I accept that it will come.  It can be that thing that either carries us down with it or allows us to step up and over and make the next achievement. My spiral of down though didn’t come after a series of unfortunate events - through there have been several that were standing in line waiting for their moment in the spotlight.  It actually came as I was in the throes of planning and organising my work. I am taking part in The Challenge and one of the questions last week was to list 20 people you admire in your particular field, so I did and I will share them with you in another post. As I spent time with the list and revisiting their sites I began to feel a passing cloud, very subtle, but distinctly filled with a series of questions that started with... ‘you’ll never...’  I was admiring all these artists work and there I was feeling bad about myself and my abilities. Calling a general emergency meeting, I called on 'Current' and 'Past' achievements.  I allowed 'Doubt' to state its’ case and it seemed that as I was being encouraged connecting with different artists and making plans of my own it had been met with some resistance.  'The Critic' in its' efforts to protect me from the world was unsure how these so called positive changes would be perceived by others.  'Vulnerability' wanted things to stay the same and 'Insecurity' was by no means shy at stating what a bad idea change could be. I know change can bring up a whole range of issues that need to be addressed and it can either be supported through the process or hijacked.  

I called on Achievement to do a ‘past and present and potential futures’ presentation.  This was met with some trepidation and murmuring as they tried to allow Comparison the floor space. Needing to have the final word I had been taking notes of the proceedings and began to remind myself of all the things I had achieved, both big and small.  Like Marmite - not everyone will want to hear your story or experience that you have to offer but you know that there is at least one person somewhere around the world who wants to hear what you have to say, or would love to play your videos, take your courses and buy your art work.  I had to remind myself that I had come a long way in the last 5 years, and that Comparison does not play on a level field.  

When someone presents their work, you don’t usually see the trials they have been through to get to that point.  The technique videos they made before you saw the ones you were inspired by.  Other artists continue to share their vulnerability but they too have to fight and work hard to get to where they are despite how they feel. 

So despite how I feel in the moment I can still encourage, I can still look for the gems hidden by the dirt and the dust, I can still feel the rays of sun on my skin or feel the breeze and hear the chattering of the birds or the rain on the window and be inspired.  Despite how I feel there are still things I can do to get where I want to go -  from learn a new skill – take a course.  Despite how I feel I am still going to try my hand at those technique videos, write and illustrate those stories, complete those large paintings I started over a year ago.  Despite how I feel, I am still going to write those posts and hit publish cause I know I am not alone in the way I sometimes feel.....  

I will remind myself of my previous achievement both large and small and keep moving and share my story with the world.  I remind myself and would like to remind you if you get this far in the post that what you have within you is a gift that the world deserves to be part of.  Each thing that you create, be it art, a poem, a song, whatever it is, was not meant for you to hide.  You were meant to shine your light!  

Everything you create out of love is meant for a home and someone somewhere in the world is praying for the miracles that are coming out of the creative gifts that you are supposed to share in whatever form that it takes. Alongside the reminder of what I have done or what I can do, the gratitude’s and celebration journal has kept me grounded and whilst the spirals of doubt will come, finding the tools and using them appropriately is the key.  Yes you know you have gifts, talents and abilities, but what are you going to do when out of the blue doubt and his friends show up? Here are some examples of things to try: 

  • Acknowledge how you feel 
  • Try and identify where it is coming from, 
  • Identify what your needs are – do you need to learn a skill or get support in stepping out.  
  • Find someone you trust to share your feelings. 
  • Acknowledge where you are  
  • Look back on how far you have come, identify the triumphs amidst the trials, look at the changes that have been made, look at the challenges you have faced and that you have come out the other end with a story to share. 
  • Acknowledge what you really want;
  • Be truthful about where do you what to go, what support systems need to be put in place, and most importantly what steps can you make today? 

Recycled 'cereal bag' journal

Get yourself a journal or create something, that you can be honest in and write or draw about how you feel and look for the solutions.  When the fears and doubt come take a step back, hear what it is that they have to say, note it down, but once you have addressed them move on.  I would love to hear your comments of how you deal with your critic and the doubt spiral and what creative activities do you enlist to support the process.

Saturday 27 April 2013

X is for Xylem

The tissue in plants which carries water and nutrients upwards from the roots and also helps to form the woody part of the stem.

The Xylem makes me think of how I would like to be, as an artist, and woman, coming from solid ground rooted in my belief knowing that I was made for a purpose.  Using all my gifts and talents to be a blessing to others, nurturing and nourishing them with my words and my art, carrying words of wisdom and encouragement.  Not swayed by how the world can sometimes see us or those who are insecure and fear life itself.

To be able to impact positively on someones life, to see them grow and mature to know that I used every day living on purpose, stepping into the life with fearless passion, love and understanding.

Painting for the day 
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
 Teabag Treasures
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter X, but a few of them for you to start with....
I could only find one X, the rest are a selection of W's

Friday 5 April 2013

E is for Encouraging

Art Journal Page - Mixed media
Are there times when you have felt like giving up?  or ‘throwing in the towel’ because you  just couldn’t see where you were meant to be/go next and you were at the stage where you were going to leave it all and change your direction?

I know that I’ve been there and I doubt it will be the last, because this is how life can be sometimes.  We will all have those times of doubt and insecurity and we can question the stage of our journey, and in these times all that is needed to put you back on to track is an encouraging word, to remind you that you are enough right where you are, that you are on the right track and giving up is not an option.  That little piece of encouragement could be the very thing that is needed to put you back on course, and remind you how close you are to your goals.  It can be a word of insight spoken by someone else, or something you have put in place to remind yourself just how far you have come.  I celebrate the gift of being able to encourage others, and impact in a positive way into their lives.   

When you think back can you remember those who spoke encouraging words into your life and how they impacted into your life even to this day?  How can you be more encouraging to others in what they are doing? 

Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy todays
 Mixed media Art Journal page - I am Enough

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with a random selection of those who are also taking part in the 2013 A-Z Challenge,it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter E, but a few of them for you to start with....

Saturday 16 February 2013

Leaping into the Unknown?


It is always a great idea to take a stock of where you are, where you are going and where you want to be.  This is key especially if you have set some goals, and dreams that you want to see fulfilled.  We are coming to the end of February and if you take your eye of the ball you'll turn round and see that Christmas is not far off and you won't know what you have accomplished.

I am not about to give you any tips or hints about the 'Top Ten Things' that you should be doing to maximise your time, or the 'Amazing Systems' you need to have in place.  All these are useful tools that you need to put in place in order to see any change.  You do need to be expanding your mind, reading and learning from those that have gone before.  But I think that you already know all this.  My guess is that you've been holding yourself back for one reason or another, or haven't quite come to terms with the fact that you really are able to make changes to your life and you've just been waiting for permission to take that step for whatever reason!  Sometimes you find making those changes harder than you thought, you come across rocky ground and suddenly those old way of doing things really does look appealing.

Taking the leap
As I sat thinking about the things I needed to do, I realised all those plans that I had got excited about at the begining of the year, things I wanted to learn, experiences to put in place, I realised they seem to get lost in 'stuff'.  I had taken my eye of the ball and drifted down a different road, and I could walk away from my dream and continue down this road or do a U turn and get back on track committing myself to something that will bring me closer to my goals.  Generally speaking I feel that I have quite a good sense of direction and can work out where it is I need to be, but every now and then you find yourself drifting, and loosing sight of things, but you have to learn to pull yourself back into check.  

This year one of the things I wanted to learn was how to work the video camera so that I could start showing some of the processes I use in my art.  I had all the excuses ringing in my ears as to why I shouldn't and  What I decided to do was just to go for it anyway.  Once I worked out where I needed to have the camera placed, and what angle looked better the only thing to do was to press record.  I didn't have to worry about anyone else seeing it, it didn't have to be perfect in anyway, all I needed to focus on was what I was learning and the new doors that open when we acquire new skills.

What has to change is our approach,  know what you want to do, acknowledged the fear of not maybe knowing exactly how things are going to turn out, but go for it anyway.  I took the leap and didn't worry whether the videos came out the way I thought they should come out, but just wanted to have fun and knew that I could learn the necessary skills.

We often stop ourselves from doing something because it doesn't turn out the way we feel that it should, despite it being our first time, feeling that we should immediately be the experts.  We begin to compare ourselves with others and wonder why our efforts don't look like theirs,  forgetting that the more you practice the better you get, and the more skill you ultimately acquire until it's the way that you envision.

With that being said, with no one stopping you but yourself don't let another day pass by without doing something that will get you closer to your dream.  

What is it that one thing you should just take that leap and do?

Blessings for the weekend!

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