Monday 11 April 2022

Mixed Media Art Collaborations, Textile Love and Courses Offers!


I am taking part in a monthly art collaboration and will be painting this image.  The video goes live tomorrow, and you can set a reminder - if you do join I will be in the chat answering any questions that may pop up as we see how the painting takes shape.

The monthly collaboration is a great way to get together virtually with other artists and share the love we have for creativity.  In this collaboration we do not have any prompts you just create what you are inspired to do.  One of the things that I would like to share over time is my love for creating sculptural art and working with recycled materials.  

As a mixed media artist I love creating full stop, and I always have a million and one ideas of things I want to work on, or experiment with - and I give myself the time each and every day.  I schedule the time for myself and show up even if I don't have a particular project in mind.

I also do a lot of work with fabric - painting my fabric, creating sculptural elements in the art and the stitching of these pieces are very therapeutic.

The arts (across the board) have a very positive effect on health and wellbeing and it is important that you try and do something every day.  The arts have been used in may medical environments - hospital waiting rooms, recovery rooms, corridors, my dentist has a nature scene on his ceiling which has a relaxing affect as you try and drown out the sound of the drill.

What ever you do I hope you are able to take the time to do something creative this week, and I would love to know what creative activities you find the time to do.

Stay blessed and be a blessing

If you would like to see the stamps daily you can check out my Instagram HERE


 I am taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and you can check out the previous posts HERE


Mixed Media Art Courses to Check out

SALE - Enjoy $10 OFF all courses until 30th April Click on the image to see the course.

Use the Code at the checkout - create2


  1. Amanda, I love your art!!! I used to do a lot of textile art and fabric art, and I found everything you say is so true: it feels good! For many years, I took out my artistry in food, creating main courses and desserts that were beautiful, tasty, and good for us. Thanks for a fun post!

    1. Kebba, great to know it would be lovely to see your textile work, blessings.


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